Welcome to AlgaTerra Information System

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An information system for micro algal biodiversity:
a synthesis of taxonomic, molecular and ecological information

This data portal makes full use of the Common Data Model (CDM), Besides names of algae the AlgaTerra Information System is offering evaluated information on their synonyms and their concepts. In addition, it is providing taxonomic, molecular and ecological data of mainly non-marine micro algae. The focus is on diatom type collections - mainly Ehrenberg, Hustedt und Lange-Bertalot - and living reference collections, therefore linking historical information to modern research. Since morphology and identity of micro algae depend on their visualization many pictures are included.

News: DNA Barcoding of algae needs data transparency [more]

Please cite AlgaTerra as: Jahn, R. & Kusber, W.-H. (eds): AlgaTerra Information System [online]. Botanic Garden and Botanical Museum Berlin-Dahlem, Freie Universität Berlin. [cited date]. Available from http://www.algaterra.org.