Braga, L. C., Shupp, J. W., Jett, M., Takahashi, J. A. , Carmo, L. S. , Chartone-Souza, E. & Nascimento, A. M. A. 2005: Pomegranate extract inhibits Staphylococcus aureus growth and subsequent enterotoxin production. – J. Ethno-Pharmacol. 86: 335-339

TitlePomegranate extract inhibits Staphylococcus aureus growth and subsequent enterotoxin production
AuthorshipBraga, L. C., Shupp, J. W., Jett, M., Takahashi, J. A. , Carmo, L. S. , Chartone-Souza, E. & Nascimento, A. M. A.
Date published2005
In journalJ. Ethno-Pharmacol.