Nishii, K., Hughes, J., Briggs, M., Haston, Christie, F., DeVilliers, M. J., Hanekom, T., Roos, W., Bellstedt, D. & Möller, M. 2015: Streptocarpus redefined to include all Afro-Malagasy Gesneriaceae: Molecular phylogenies prove congruent with geographical distribution and basic chromosome numbers and uncover remarkable morphological homoplasies. – Taxon 64: 1243-1274

TitleStreptocarpus redefined to include all Afro-Malagasy Gesneriaceae: Molecular phylogenies prove congruent with geographical distribution and basic chromosome numbers and uncover remarkable morphological homoplasies
AuthorshipNishii, K., Hughes, J., Briggs, M., Haston, Christie, F., DeVilliers, M. J., Hanekom, T., Roos, W., Bellstedt, D. & Möller, M.
Date published2015
In journalTaxon