Media (fm-1-19-3682.gif)

Momordica, fruits and seeds. — a-d. Momordica denticulata Miq. a. Fruit; b. ditto, opened; c. seed; d. seedling with cotyledons remaining in the seed. — e-g. Momordica. cochinchinensis (Lour.) Spreng. e. Fruit; f. portion of pericarp (ornamentation differing from that in e); g. seed. — h-j. Momordica trifolia L. h. Node with male inflorescence and male flower; i. fruit; j. seed (a, b:De Wilde 21951.; c:Lorence Lugas 2449.; d:De Wilde 22055.; e:Van Balgooy 4958.; f, g:Van Balgooy 3017.; h-j:Eyma 2794.).