Media (fm-2-2-121.gif)

Tectaria christovalensis (C. Chr.) Alston, a. Outline of a fertile frond, × 0.22; b. detail of a, showing pattern of sori mostly on free veins in areoles, × 2.2. — T. inopinata Holttum. c. Outline of a frond, × 0.4; d. detail of c, showing few simple included veinlets in costal areoles, × 1.7. — T. kehding- iana (Kuhn) M. G. Price, e. Portion of a fertile frond, with indusia removed on right side, × 2.6. — T. beccariana (Cesati) C. Chr. f. Outline of frond, × 0.16; g. detail of soral pattern in rachis- ring, × 1.7 (a, b:von Mueller.; c, d:29.11.1912, Matthew s.n..; e:Boden Kloss 14766.; f, g:Millar & Holttum NGF 15863.).