1Aquatic plants.
1'Land plants or epiphytes.
2Plants floating. Leaves small, simple or bilobed
2'Plants rooted in earth or on rocks. Leaves larger, more divided.
3Leaves 4-partite. Sporocarps attached to stipes
3'Leaves not 4-partite. Sporangia singly or in sori on lower surface of lamina.
4Sporangia borne singly, protected by reflexed edges of narrow lamina.
4'Sporangia grouped in sori, on lower surface of lamina, not protected by reflexed edges.
5Fern of stream-beds in deep shade. Fronds pinnatifid, sori without indusia
5'Fern of open swamps. Fronds bipinnatifid, sori indusiate
6'Terrestrial plants, or climbers starting from the ground, or rock-plants.
7Fronds simple, not over 2 mm wide, with a single vein, or with a few simple lateral soriferous veins close to the main vein
7'Fronds branched, or if simple with a more complex venation.
8Lamina one cell thick apart from midribs of segments
8'Lamina throughout more than one cell thick.
9Sporangia embedded in slender cylindrical appendages attached to surface of frond.
9'Sporangia not so arranged.
10Sori not indusiate (sometimes otherwise protected).
10'Sori indusiate.
11Sporangia not acrostichoid.
11'Sporangia acrostichoid, covering entirely part or whole of a frond.
12Sori superficial (not in pockets or grooves).
12'Sori in pockets or grooves (which are sometimes marginal).
13Fronds simple, pinnatifid or pinnate; if pinnate, pinnae not articulate to rachis.
13'Fronds pinnate, pinnae articulate to rachis.
14Veins much anastomosing
14'Veins not or slightly anastomosing.
15Frond and stipe ± hairy; spores trilete
15'Frond and stipe not hairy; spores monolete
16Pinnae entire
16'Pinnae lobed
17Sori in pockets or depressions, +- circular.
17'Sori elongate, in grooves.
18Veins anastomosing; or, if free, fronds not hairy
18'Veins free, fronds more or less hairy
19Grooves all evenly oblique to costa
19'Grooves marginal or parallel to margin, or uneven in direction, sometimes anastomosing.
20Scales entirely opaque, usually brown
20'Scales nearly black, strongly clathrate, lumina of cells translucent
21Veins much anastomosing; spores without perispore
21'Veins free or slightly anastomosing near edge; perispore present.
22Sori elongate along veins
22'Sori otherwise.
23Sori elongate along edge of lamina.
23'Sori otherwise.
24Pinnae articulate to rachis
24'Pinnae (if any) not articulate to rachis.
25Rhizome protostelic
25'Rhizome with more complex vascular system
26Fronds articulate to rhizome.
26'Fronds not articulate to rhizome
27Sori at ends of veins, near edge of lamina.
27'Sori close to costa of the simple frond
28Pinnae (if present) not jointed to rachis
28'Pinnae jointed to rachis
29High-climbing rhizome starting from the ground.
29'Terrestrial or rock plants
30Rhizome not dorsiventral; veins anastomosing in a narrow series of costal areoles (seen at apex of pinna)
30'Rhizome dorsiventral; veins either free or much anastomosing.
31Caudex massive, erect; stipes succulent, with stipule-like outgrowths at their bases; bases of pinnae swollen
31'Not these characters.
32Lamina one or two cells thick apart from midribs of segments of lamina; no stomata.
32'Lamina throughout more than two cells thick; stomata present.
33Sporangia attached to elongating slender receptacles in funnel-shaped pockets at ends of veins.
33'Sporangia attached to surface of veins
34Caudex or rhizome at apex, and bases of stipes, hairy or bristly (no flat scales) or apparently naked.
34'Caudex or rhizome at apex, and bases of stipes (at least when young) scaly.
35Rootstock massive, erect (in a few cases tree-like) or more or less decumbent, radially or- ganized, its apex above ground, bearing a close group of fronds.
35'Rootstock otherwise, usually entirely below ground.
36Fronds simply pinnate; apex of caudex not densely hairy.
36'Fronds more amply divided; apex of caudex densely hairy.
37Aerophores at bases of stipes (sometimes also at bases of pinnae)
37'Aerophores lacking
38Fertile part of frond not leaf-like, erect and attached to base of leafy part
38'Fertile part of frond leaf-like, sometimes reduced in size as compared with sterile.
39Fronds palmately divided; leaflets 3 or 5; veins anastomosing.
39'Fronds otherwise.
40Veins much anastomosing, with free veins in the areoles.
40'Veins in most cases free; where anastomosing, no free veins in areoles.
41Sori quite superficial, on lower surface of lamina, or in a marginal groove.
41'Sori at ends of veins or on special appendages.
42Sori indusiate; fronds fan-shaped or slender and trailing.
42'Sori not indusiate.
43Fronds repeatedly pseudo-dichotomous, with a dormant apex between each pair of branches
43'Fronds otherwise
44Sporangia on special appendages which are at ends of veins of leaflets or attached near apex of frond or of its branches
44'Sporangia in sori at ends of Single veins or uniting ends of several veins, not on special appendages
45Sporangia acrostichoid.
45'Sporangia not acrostichoid.
46Rhizome dorsiventral, creeping on rocks.
46'Rhizome not dorsiventral, often massive, bearing a tuft of fronds at its apex.
47Veins free, or if anastomosing the free veins almost all pointing outwards; spores with perispore
47'Veins much anastomosing with free veins in areoles pointing all ways; no perispore.
48Only the upper pinnae fertile; veins much anastomosing, no free veins in areoles.
48'Whole frond fertile; in sterile frond veins free or anastomosing otherwise.
49Veins free in sterile fronds, or a single row of costal areoles present.
49'Veins much anastomosing in sterile fronds
50Fertile frond simply pinnate
50'Fertile frond bipinnate
51Sorus along edge of lamina, continuous or nearly so.
51'Sorus otherwise.
52Edge of lamina reflexed, protecting sori.
52'Edge of lamina not reflexed; sorus protected by indusium attached below it, opening towards edge of lamina
53Rachis grooved on upper surface, groove open to admit groove of midrib of pinna.
53'Rachis not so grooved (if grooved, edge of lamina may be decurrent on edge of groove).
54Sorus elongate, continuous along each side of costa of pinna.
54'Sorus otherwise.
55Sporangia on surface of reflexed marginal lobes
55'Sporangia not on such lobes.
56Sorus along veins (at least some of them).
56'Sori not along veins.
57Sorus indusiate.
57'Sorus not indusiate.
58Sorus symmetrically divided by line of vein.
58'Sorus asymmetric, or on one side of vein.
59Rachis grooved, groove open to admit groove of branch; scales lacking superficial hairs
59'Rachis somewhat grooved, groove not open to admit groove of pinna; scales with superficial hairs
60Sori along outer veins of costular or costal areoles.
60'Sori otherwise.
61Two strands in stipe, uniting upwards to form a single X-shaped Strand.
61'Two strands in stipe, uniting upwards to form a single U-shaped Strand.
62Sori spreading along all veins of lower surface.
62'Sori not spreading along all veins.
63Slender unicellular hairs present on frond and on scales.
63'Slender unicellular hairs lacking
64Several vascular bundles in stipe
64'Two vascular bundles at base of stipe, uniting upwards.
65Waxy powder on lower surface of lamina
65'No waxy powder present
66Sori at ends of veins, at or close to edge of lamina, each in the base of a cup, or protected by an indusium attached below it or by the reflexed edge of the lamina.
66'Sori not at ends of veins, or if so not close to edge of lamina.
67Sori each in the base of a cup
67'Sori protected by indusia or by edge of lamina.
68Sori protected by indusia opening outwards.
68'Sori protected by reflexed edge of lamina.
69Pinnae articulate to rachis
69'Pinnae not articulate
70An inner indusium also present; rachis grooved, groove open to admit groove of midrib of pinna
70'An inner indusium lacking; rachis not grooved, or if grooved, edge of pinna decurrent on edge of groove
71Rhizome dorsiventral.
71'Rhizome not dorsiventral.
72Sori without indusium.
72'Sori indusiate.
73Fronds lacking dormant apices
73'Fronds always having some dormant apices
74Fronds simple
74'Fronds pinnately branched
75Fronds simple and jointed at base, or pinnate with pinnae jointed to rachis.
75'Fronds otherwise.
76Tree-ferns; sporangia with complete oblique annulus; many vascular bundles in stipe
76'Not tree-ferns; annulus vertical, interrupted; vascular bundles in a simple ring (except Pleocnemia).
77Rachis grooved, groove open to admit groove of branch-rachis or pinna.
77'Rachis not grooved, or if grooved groove not open to admit groove of branch.
78Several vascular bundles in stipe
78'Two bundles, joining to form one of U-shape.
79Hairs (if present) multicellular; scales lacking superficial hairs or glands.
79'Hairs unicellular; scales bearing superficial hairs or glands
80Several vascular bundles in stipe
80'Two bundles, joining to U-shape