Desmometopa sordida

Primary tabs

Desmometopa sordida

(Fallén, 1820)
  • Fallén, 1820
  • (Fallén, 1820)
    • Syntype: Sweden. Esperöd. ST ♂♀ ?ZIL, ?NRS
  • = Meigen, 1830
    • Syntype: Germany. Aachen [not given]. ST 1A MNHNP; ST 2A NMW
  • = Grzegorzek, 1873
  • = Duda, 1935
    • Lectotype: Germany. Sankt Wendel. LT ♀ ZMHU designated by Sabrosky 1983: 471
  • 1. Sabrosky 1983: A Synopsis of the world species of Desmometopa Loew (Diptera, Milichiidae). – Contr. Am. ent. Inst. 19(8): 1-69