Desmometopa tarsalis

Primary tabs

Desmometopa tarsalis

Loew, 1866
  • (Loew, 1866)
    • Lectotype (designated by Sabrosky 1983: 561): Cuba. LT ♂ MCZ
  • 1. Sabrosky 1983: A Synopsis of the world species of Desmometopa Loew (Diptera, Milichiidae). – Contr. Am. ent. Inst. 19(8): 1-69
  • = Williston, 1896
    • Holotype: St. Vincent and the Grendadines. St. Vincent. HT ? BMNH
  • dorsalis, nom. nud.
  • "Desmometopa m-nigrum" sensu Sakimura & Linford 19403; sensu van Zwaluwenburg 19434, non (Zetterstedt, 1848), err. sec. Brake, Irina52
  • 2. bred from decaying mollusks, Canton Island [species identity not checked!], 3. Sakimura & Linford 1940: An annotated list of insects from Lanai. – Proc. Hawaii. ent. Soc. 10: 451-454, 4. van Zwaluwenburg &R. H. 1943: The insects of Canton Island. – Proc. Hawaii. ent. Soc. 11: 300-312, 5. Brake, Irina: Milichiidae