Genista melia Boiss.

Genista melia Boiss.

Placement status: name or taxon excluded (unspecific) (A vanished, enigmatic taxon described by Boissier (1849: 2), disregarded according to Halácsy (1900: 330) and Rechinger (1944: 382).)




    Only collected once, described from the Cycladean island of Milos and conspecific with the W Mediterranean G. scorpius (L.) DC. The type specimen (in G-BOISS) may have been erroneously labelled “in insula Melos Archipelagi, ann. 1840, herb. Fauché” (Tan & Zieliński 2017). Disregarded according to Halácsy (1900: 330) and Rechinger (1944: 382).

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