Combretum laxum

Primary tabs

Combretum laxum


<<<<Flowers>Petals>Apex>Basal claw>Length

0.1-0.5 mm long1
1. 004-007-004-002-001

<<<Broad-winged fruits>Base>Body>Texture

thin and flexible2
2. 006-005-002-002

<<<Broad-winged fruits>Base>Body>Width

0.5-1.3 cm wide3
3. 006-005-002-003

<<<Broad-winged fruits>Base>Body>Wing number

4. 006-005-002-001

<<<Broad-winged fruits>Base>Pseudostipe>Length

0.2-1 cm long5
5. 006-005-001-001

<<<Flowers>Calyx lobes>Apex>Shape

subacute to obtuse6
6. 004-006-003-001


up to 0.15 mm long7
7. 004-009-002-001

<<<Flowers>Petals>Apex>Basal claw

basal claw8
8. 004-007-004-002


9. 004-007-004-003


rounded, truncate or irregular10
10. 004-007-004-001


3-4.7(-6.4) mm long11
11. 004-008-002-001

<<<Leaves>Veins>Secondary veins>Secondary vein pair number

6-10(-14) pairs12
12. 002-006-001-001

<<<Narrow-winged fruits>Base>Body>Shape

sometimes spirally twisted and/or markedly crispate13
13. 007-005-003-004

<<<Narrow-winged fruits>Base>Body>Texture

14. 007-005-003-002

<<<Narrow-winged fruits>Base>Body>Width

0.05-0.25 cm wide15
15. 007-005-003-003

<<<Narrow-winged fruits>Base>Body>Wing or ridge number

16. 007-005-003-001

<<<Narrow-winged fruits>Base>Pseudostipe>Length

0-0.6 cm long17
17. 007-005-002-001

<<Broad-winged fruits>Base>Body

body without spongy tissue, wings , ,18
18. 006-005-002

<<Broad-winged fruits>Base>Pseudostipe

slender pseudostipe19
19. 006-005-001

<<Flowers>Calyx lobes>Apex

apex ;20
20. 004-006-003

<<Flowers>Calyx lobes>Growth form

21. 004-006-001

<<Flowers>Calyx lobes>Length

0.1-0.4 mm long22
22. 004-006-002


usually sparsely pubescent at margin23
23. 004-009-001


without or with narrow free margin24
24. 004-009-002

<<Flowers>Lower hypanthium>Hairs

more densely pubescent and lepidote than upper hypanthium but sometimes hairless25
25. 004-004-003

<<Flowers>Lower hypanthium>Length

0.8-1.8(-2.3) mm long26
26. 004-004-001

without or with very short pedicel-like region27
27. 004-004-002


apex , , ;28
28. 004-007-004


0.8-1.8 x 1-1.5(-2) mm29
29. 004-007-003

<<Flowers>Petals>Petal number

30. 004-007-001


broadly spathulate with limb transversely oblong-elliptic31
31. 004-007-002


filaments ;32
32. 004-008-002

<<Flowers>Stamens>Stamen number

33. 004-008-001


(3.1-)4-5.3(-6.6) mm long34
34. 004-010-001

<<Flowers>Upper hypanthium>Dimensions

1.4-2(-2.8) x 1.5-3(-3.5) mm35
35. 004-005-002

<<Flowers>Upper hypanthium>Hairs

subglabrous to pubescent inside (degree not correlated to pubescence outside)36
36. 004-005-003

<<Flowers>Upper hypanthium>Shape

deeply cupuliform37
37. 004-005-001


glabrous to densely pubescent or rarely tomentose, inconspicuously lepidote38
38. 003-002-004


up to 33 cm long39
39. 003-002-002


at lower nodes in axils of normal leaves (often fallen by fruiting), at upper nodes without subtending leaves40 terminal41
40. 003-002-003, 41. 003-002-001


mostly gradually or abruptly shortly to long acuminate, less often acute or obtuse to rounded42
42. 002-004-001


dark or whitish43
43. 002-005-004


mostly hairless or almost so, less often pubescent or even densely so below and sparsely so above, moderately to rather densely lepidote below, sparsely or very sparsely so above44
44. 002-005-002


scales usually inconspicuous to naked eye45
45. 002-005-003


mostly broadly cuneate to rounded, less often acutely cuneate or subcordate to cordate46
46. 002-005-001


glabrous to moderately pubescent, inconspicuously lepidote47
47. 002-007-002


0.3-1.1 cm long48
48. 002-007-001

<<Leaves>Veins>Higher order veins

higher order veins distinct, slightly prominent;49
49. 002-006-003

<<Leaves>Veins>Secondary veins

secondary veins , moderately prominent,50
50. 002-006-001

<<Leaves>Veins>Tertiary veins

tertiary veins irregularly to regularly percurrent, slightly prominent,51
51. 002-006-002

<<Narrow-winged fruits>Apex>Shape

acute or acuminate to rounded or truncate, sometimes minutely apiculate52
52. 007-004-001

<<Narrow-winged fruits>Base>Body

body much thickened with spongy tissue, wings or ridges , , ,53
53. 007-005-003

<<Narrow-winged fruits>Base>Pseudostipe

thick to narrow pseudostipe54
54. 007-005-002

<<Narrow-winged fruits>Base>Shape

rounded to narrowly cuneate55
55. 007-005-001

<<Perianth>Marginal cells>Marginal cell number

56. 008-003-001

<Broad-winged fruits>Apex

apex retuse,57
57. 006-004

<Broad-winged fruits>Base

base retuse (often very strongly), , .58
58. 006-005

<Broad-winged fruits>Dimensions

1.4-3.8 x 1.3-3.1 cm59
59. 006-002

<Broad-winged fruits>Hairs

densely but minutely lepidote on body, more sparsely so on wings, glabrous to fairly densely pubescent, especially on body60
60. 006-001

<Broad-winged fruits>Shape

broadly elliptic to orbicular in side view61
61. 006-003

<Flowers>Calyx lobes

calyx lobes , ,62
62. 004-006


disk , ;63
63. 004-009


glabrous to rather densely pubescent and moderately to densely but usually very inconspicuously lepidote outside64
64. 004-003


2.3-3.8(-5) mm long65
65. 004-002

<Flowers>Lower hypanthium

lower hypanthium , , ,66
66. 004-004


67. 004-001


petals , patent to reflexed at full anthesis, , , well exceeding calyx lobes,68
68. 004-007


stamens , well exserted,69
69. 004-008


style , usually exserted about as far as stamens.70
70. 004-010

<Flowers>Upper hypanthium

upper hypanthium , , ;71
71. 004-005


up to 14 cm diam.72
72. 001-002


‘combretaceous hairs’ often very scarce) and peltate scales present.73
73. 001-004


to 3 m74
74. 001-003


to 35 m (often much less)75
75. 001-001


flowers borne densely, less often spaced out, on rhachis.76
76. 003-003


3-9.5 cm long77
77. 003-001


usually aggregated into panicles , ,78
78. 003-002


79. 002-004


base , , , ;80
80. 002-005


(2-)4-24.5 x 1.4-13 cm81
81. 002-003


petiole , .82
82. 002-007


mostly elliptic to elliptic-oblong, less often narrowly or broadly so, or sometimes ovate-elliptic to narrowly so83
83. 002-002


chartaceous or subcoriaceous84
84. 002-001


venation usually eucamptodromous-brochidodromous, sometimes eucamptodromous or brochidodromous,85
85. 002-006

<Narrow-winged fruits>Apex

apex ,86
86. 007-004

<Narrow-winged fruits>Base

base , , .87
87. 007-005

<Narrow-winged fruits>Dimensions

1.4-3(-4) x 0.6-1.2 cm88
88. 007-002

<Narrow-winged fruits>Hairs

hairless to tomentose with hairs denser on body, moderately to densely but minutely lepidote especially on body89
89. 007-001

<Narrow-winged fruits>Shape

ovate to narrowly to broadly elliptic or oblong-elliptic in side view90
90. 007-003


usually whitish91
91. 008-002


ca. 40-60 (-70) µm diam.92
92. 008-001

<Perianth>Marginal cells

marginal cells .93
93. 008-003

Broad-winged fruits

Broad-winged fruit: , , ,94
94. 006

Common Name

English (Guyana): camooraballi, supple jack English (Suriname): koepirisi


Woody liana to 35 m (often much less), stems up to 14 cm diam., in the absence of support a shrub with scandent or decumbent long branches or a shrub to 3 m; ‘combretaceous hairs’ often very scarce) and peltate scales present. Leaves opposite, chartaceous or subcoriaceous, mostly elliptic to elliptic-oblong, less often narrowly or broadly so, or sometimes ovate-elliptic to narrowly so, (2-)4-24.5 x 1.4-13 cm,
apex mostly gradually or abruptly shortly to long acuminate, less often acute or obtuse to rounded, base mostly broadly cuneate to rounded, less often acutely cuneate or subcordate to cordate, mostly hairless or almost so, less often pubescent or even densely so below and sparsely so above, moderately to rather densely lepidote below, sparsely or very sparsely so above, scales usually inconspicuous to naked eye, dark or whitish; venation usually eucamptodromous-brochidodromous, sometimes eucamptodromous or brochidodromous, secondary veins 6-10(-14) pairs, moderately prominent, tertiary veins irregularly to regularly percurrent, slightly prominent, higher order veins distinct, slightly prominent; petiole 0.3-1.1 cm long, glabrous to moderately pubescent, inconspicuously lepidote. Inflorescence sparsely to extensively branched, slender, in opposite pairs in leaf-axils, 3-9.5 cm long, usually aggregated into terminal panicles up to 33 cm long, at lower nodes in axils of normal leaves (often fallen by fruiting), at upper nodes without subtending leaves, glabrous to densely pubescent or rarely tomentose, inconspicuously lepidote; flowers borne densely, less often spaced out, on rhachis. Flowers 4-merous, 2.3-3.8(-5) mm long, glabrous to rather densely pubescent and moderately to densely but usually very inconspicuously lepidote outside; lower hypanthium 0.8-1.8(-2.3) mm long, without or with very short pedicel-like region, more densely pubescent and lepidote than upper hypanthium but sometimes hairless,upper hypanthium deeply cupuliform, 1.4-2(-2.8) x 1.5-3(-3.5) mm, subglabrous to pubescent inside (degree not correlated to pubescence outside); calyx lobes erect, 0.1-0.4 mm long, apex subacute to obtuse; petals 4, patent to reflexed at full anthesis, broadly spathulate with limb transversely oblong-elliptic, 0.8-1.8 x 1-1.5(-2) mm, well exceeding calyx lobes, apex rounded, truncate or irregular, basal claw 0.1-0.5 mm long, glabrous; stamens 8, well exserted, filaments 3-4.7(-6.4) mm long; disk usually sparsely pubescent at margin, without or with narrow free margin up to 0.15 mm long; style (3.1-)4-5.3(-6.6) mm long, usually exserted about as far as stamens. Fruit very variable. Broad-winged fruit: densely but minutely lepidote on body, more sparsely so on wings, glabrous to fairly densely pubescent, especially on body, 1.4-3.8 x 1.3-3.1 cm, broadly elliptic to orbicular in side view, apex retuse, base retuse (often very strongly), slender pseudostipe 0.2-1 cm long, body without spongy tissue, wings 4, thin and flexible, 0.5-1.3 cm wide.Narrow-winged fruit: hairless to tomentose with hairs denser on body, moderately to densely but minutely lepidote especially on body, 1.4-3(-4) x 0.6-1.2 cm, ovate to narrowly to broadly elliptic or oblong-elliptic in side view, apex acute or acuminate to rounded or truncate, sometimes minutely apiculate, base rounded to narrowly cuneate, thick to narrow pseudostipe 0-0.6 cm long, body much thickened with spongy tissue, wings or ridges 4, stiff, 0.05-0.25 cm wide, sometimes spirally twisted and/or markedly crispate. Scales ca. 40-60 (-70) µm diam., usually whitish, marginal cells 8-11.


America present, Argentina present, Guianas present, Northern America
Most abundant species of the family in America but slightly less widely distributed than C. fruticosum, extending from Mexico to ca. 28° S in Argentina; several hundreds of specimens from the Guianas (many in GU, SU and FG).


Flowers , , ;95
95. 004


Fruit very variable.96
96. 005


Woody liana , stems , in the absence of support a shrub with scandent or decumbent long branches or a shrub ;97
97. 001

Individuals Association

Suriname, Upper Coppename R., Kodji Cr., Mennega 532 Guyana, Lower Waini R., bank of Potaro R., Tumatumari, Gleason 338 Suriname, Zuid R., 2 km above confluence with Lucie R., Irwin et al. 55789 margin of Comté R., Roche Fendée, 60 km SSW of Cayenne, Mori & Veyret 8948 future barrage of Petit Saut, Billiet & Jadin 4496 Guyana, along Soesdyke to Linden Highway, from Timehri Airport to Kuru-Kuru Cr., Hahn et al. 3895 Guyana, Upper Takutu-Upper Essequibo Region, Kuyuwini R., W of end of trail from Karaudanau and Parabara Savanna, Clarke 5074 Guyana, Upper Takutu-Upper Essequibo Region, Rupununi area, Surama village, Acevedo et al. 3302 Suriname, Upper Suriname R., near Goddo, Stahel 155 Guyana, Upper Demerara-Berbice Region, Berbice R., Melissa Falls to the Gate, Mutchnick & Harmon 1295 near Petit Saut on Sinnamary R., Prévost 1781 Cr. Plomb, basin of Sinamary R., Bordenave 784 St. Laurent region, along Route D9 to Mana, Skog et al. 7456 Suriname, below confluence of Oost R. with Lucie R., Irwin et al. 55359 Guyana, Lower Waini R., bank of Potaro R., Tumatumari, Gleason 397


Inflorescence sparsely to extensively branched, slender, in opposite pairs in leaf-axils, , ;98
98. 003


Leaves opposite, , , ,
99. 002

Narrow-winged fruits

Narrow-winged fruit: , , ,100
100. 007


Extremely variable species, particularly in pubescence of leaves and inflorecences (from densely pubescent to glabrous), leaf shape, and notably fruit morphology, but these three lines of variation are not correlated. The fruits vary from having four wide papery wings and a slim body to having four narrow ridges and a thick spongy body, with all intermediates. The development of a spongy mesocarp is associated with water rather than wind dispersal. Galled fruits are very common, where they occur often all the fruits on a specimen are galled. The commonest type of gall is a 4-lobed body less than 1 cm long taking the place of each fruit, and easily mistaken for the latter. In sterile material the very small scales on the lower leaf surface separate this species from sections Thiloa and Combretum.
See note under C. fusiforme.
See also under C. pyramidatum.


Scales , ,101
101. 008


Flowering ; fruiting .