Paullinia ingifolia

Primary tabs

Paullinia ingifolia


<<<<Leaves>Leaflets>Base>Basal leaflets>Shape

abruptly acuminate on medial ones and obtuse1
1. 004-003-005-002-001

<<<<Leaves>Leaflets>Base>Distal leaflets>Shape

2. 004-003-005-001-001


3. 006-007-002-002


4. 006-007-002-001


5. 006-007-003-001

<<<Calyx>Disk>Lobes>Lateral lobe number

6. 006-008-002-003

<<<Calyx>Disk>Lobes>Posterior lobe number

7. 006-008-002-001


8. 006-008-002-002


acuminate to cuspidate9
9. 004-003-006-001

<<<Leaves>Leaflets>Base>Basal leaflets

on basal ones10
10. 004-003-005-002

<<<Leaves>Leaflets>Base>Distal leaflets

on distal leaflets11
11. 004-003-005-001

<<<Leaves>Leaflets>Margins>Margin type

remotely serrate on upper half of blade or less often subentire12
12. 004-003-007-001


with a , crest at the apex13
13. 006-007-002


14. 006-007-003


15. 006-007-001


16. 006-008-001


large, posterior lobes and obsolete, lateral ones17
17. 006-008-002


entirely appressed-pubescent18
18. 006-009-001

<<Calyx>Inner sepals>Anterior inner sepals

the anterior inner sepal (representing two connate sepals) sometimes notched at apex19
19. 006-005-003

<<Calyx>Inner sepals>Length

4-5 mm long20
20. 006-005-002

<<Calyx>Inner sepals>Shape

oblong, rounded at apex21
21. 006-005-001

<<Calyx>Outer sepals>Length

ca. 2 mm long22
22. 006-004-002

<<Calyx>Outer sepals>Shape

23. 006-004-001


24. 006-006-001


ca. 5 mm long25
25. 006-006-003


adaxially sparsely papillate26
26. 006-006-005


rounded at apex27 oblong28
27. 006-006-004, 28. 006-006-002

<<Calyx>Sepals>Sepal number

29. 006-003-001


30. 006-003-002


1-2 cm long31
31. 007-007-001


32. 007-010-001


ca. 2 mm thick33
33. 007-009-001


with a sarcotesta except for a rounded ventral area34
34. 007-011-002


35. 007-011-001


1-2.2 cm long36
36. 007-008-001


the apex ,37
37. 004-003-006


the base , ,38
38. 004-003-005


4.5-20 × 2.5-7.6 cm39
39. 004-003-004


40. 004-003-002


the margins ;41
41. 004-003-007


oblong, elliptic or oblanceolate42
42. 004-003-003


chartaceous to coriaceous43
43. 004-003-001

<<Leaves>Petiole and rachis>Length

5.5-19 cm long44
44. 004-002-001


45. 002-003-001


to 5 mm wide46
46. 003-003-001

<<Thyrses>Bracts and bracteoles>Hairs

47. 005-003-003

<<Thyrses>Bracts and bracteoles>Length

ca. 1 mm long48
48. 005-003-002

<<Thyrses>Bracts and bracteoles>Shape

49. 005-003-001


50. 005-002-001


appendages , nearly as long as the petals, and ;51
51. 006-007


greenish white52
52. 006-002


disc , of ;53
53. 006-008


filaments .54
54. 006-009


55. 006-001

<Calyx>Inner sepals

inner sepals , , ;56
56. 006-005

<Calyx>Outer sepals

outer sepals , ,57
57. 006-004


petals , , , , ;58
58. 006-006


sepals , ,59
59. 006-003


the coccus60
60. 007-007


61. 007-002


endocarp , pruinose;62
62. 007-010


63. 007-003


pericarp ;64
64. 007-009

<Capsules>Ridge number

(3) 6-9-ridged65
65. 007-005

<Capsules>Seed number

66. 007-004


seed .67
67. 007-011


globose or trigonous-globose68 apiculate at apex69
68. 007-001, 69. 007-006


the stipe ;70
70. 007-008


ca. 2 m tall in juvenile stages71
71. 001-001


5-10 m long when mature72
72. 001-002

<Leaves>Foliole number

7(9)-pinnately compound, the lower pair of pinnae trifoliolate73
73. 004-001


leaflets , , , ,74
74. 004-003

<Leaves>Petiole and rachis

petioles and rachis broadly winged, marginate or less often unwinged, petiole , rachides much shorter than the petiole;75
75. 004-002

<Leaves>Tertiary veins

tertiary veins clathrate or nearly so.76
76. 004-004

<Stems>Cross section

cross section with a single vascular cylinder.77
77. 002-005


-tomentulose to tomentose, glabrescent78
78. 002-003


producing scarce or abundant milky latex79
79. 002-004


80. 002-002


81. 002-001


2-4 cm long82
82. 003-002


leaving a scar83
83. 003-003


oblong, concave, clasping the stem84
84. 003-001

<Thyrses>Bracts and bracteoles

bracts and bracteoles , , ;85
85. 005-003


cincinni sessile or stipitate, distal ones often sessile, while proximal ones stipitate.86
86. 005-004


87. 005-002


paniculate or racemiform88
88. 005-001


Calyx , ,89
89. 006


Capsule , unwinged, , , woody, , , long-stipitate, , ,90
90. 007


Shrub ca. 2 m tall in juvenile stages, or liana 5-10 m long when mature. Stems terete, finely striate, lenticellate, ferruginous-tomentulose to tomentose, glabrescent, producing scarce or abundant milky latex; cross section with a single vascular cylinder. Stipules oblong, concave, clasping the stem, 2-4 cm long, deciduous, leaving a scar to 5 mm wide. Leaves 7(9)-pinnately compound, the lower pair of pinnae trifoliolate; petioles and rachis broadly winged, marginate or less often unwinged, petiole 5.5-19 cm long, rachides much shorter than the petiole; leaflets chartaceous to coriaceous, glabrous, oblong, elliptic or oblanceolate, 4.5-20 × 2.5-7.6 cm, the base attenuate on distal leaflets, abruptly acuminate on medial ones and obtuse on basal ones, the apex acuminate to cuspidate, the margins remotely serrate on upper half of blade or less often subentire; tertiary veins clathrate or nearly so. Thyrses paniculate or racemiform, densely flowered, ferruginous-tomentulose; bracts and bracteoles deltate, ca. 1 mm long, sericeous-pubescent; cincinni sessile or stipitate, distal ones often sessile, while proximal ones stipitate. Calyx flavo-sericeous, greenish white, sepals 4, concave, outer sepals rounded, ca. 2 mm long, inner sepals oblong, rounded at apex, 4-5 mm long, the anterior inner sepal (representing two connate sepals) sometimes notched at apex; petals white, oblong, ca. 5 mm long, rounded at apex, adaxially sparsely papillate; appendages hood-shaped, nearly as long as the petals, with a fleshy, yellow crest at the apex and appressed-pubescent margins; disc glabrous, of 2 large, oblong posterior lobes and 2 obsolete, lateral ones; filaments entirely appressed-pubescent. Capsule globose or trigonous-globose, unwinged, yellow, flavo-velutinous, woody, 1-seeded, (3) 6-9-ridged, long-stipitate, apiculate at apex, the coccus 1-2 cm long, the stipe 1-2.2 cm long; pericarp ca. 2 mm thick; endocarp papery, pruinose; seed subglobosewith a sarcotesta except for a rounded ventral area.


Guianas present, Southern America: Bolivia (Bolivia present); Costa Rica (Costa Rica present), lowlands of the Neotropics present
Widely occurring in the lowlands of the Neotropics from Costa Rica south to Bolivia, including the Guianas (GU: 4; SU: 2; FG: 4).


Shrub , or liana .91
91. 001

Individuals Association

Bassin de l'Approuague, station de l' Arataye, Sabatier 734 Suriname, Saramacca R., Coppename headwaters, Kwatta Camp, Maguire 24152 Bassin du Sinnamary, Roche Genipa, Blanc & Birnbaum BB-93-71 Guyana, Potaro-Siparuni, Iwokrama Reserve, Iwokrama Mts., mixed evergreen forest, Hoffman et al. 4891 Guyana, Rupununi area, Surama Village to Lethem, Acevedo-Rdgz. et al. 3447 Guyana, Mabura Region, West Pibiri, Ek et al. 827 Suriname, Wilhelmina Gebergte, south of Juliana Top, Irwin et al. 54929


Leaves ;92
92. 004


Stems , finely striate, , , ;93
93. 002


Stipules , , deciduous, .94
94. 003


Thyrses , densely flowered, ;95
95. 005