Xyris kukenaniana
- <<<<<Scapes>Spikes>Bracts>Empty bracts>Hairs>Colour
- <<<<<Scapes>Spikes>Bracts>Fertile bracts>Shape>Length
- <<<<Habit>Leaves>Blade>Hairs>Colour
- <<<<Scapes>Spikes>Bracts>Empty bracts>Bract number
- <<<<Scapes>Spikes>Bracts>Empty bracts>Hairs
- <<<<Scapes>Spikes>Bracts>Empty bracts>Length
- <<<<Scapes>Spikes>Bracts>Fertile bracts>Shape
- <<<Habit>Leaves>Blade>Hairs
- <<<Habit>Leaves>Blade>Shape
- <<<Habit>Leaves>Blade>Texture
- <<<Habit>Leaves>Blade>Width
- <<<Habit>Leaves>Ligula>Hairs
- <<<Habit>Leaves>Sheaths>Colour
- <<<Habit>Leaves>Sheaths>Hairs
- <<<Habit>Leaves>Sheaths>Texture
- <<<Scapes>Ribs>Hairs>Colour
- <<<Scapes>Spikes>Bracts>Bract number
- <<<Scapes>Spikes>Bracts>Empty bracts
- <<<Scapes>Spikes>Bracts>Fertile bracts
- <<<Scapes>Spikes>Bracts>Papillae
- <<Habit>Leaves>Blade
- <<Habit>Leaves>Growth form
- <<Habit>Leaves>Length
- <<Habit>Leaves>Ligula
- <<Habit>Leaves>Sheaths
- <<Lateral sepals>Anthers>Length
- <<Lateral sepals>Keel>Hairs
- <<Lateral sepals>Petals>Length
- <<Lateral sepals>Petals>Shape
- <<Lateral sepals>Staminodes>Shape
- <<Scapes>Ribs>Hairs
- <<Scapes>Ribs>Rib number
- <<Scapes>Ribs>Shape
- <<Scapes>Spikes>Bracts
- <<Scapes>Spikes>Colour
- <<Scapes>Spikes>Length
- <<Scapes>Spikes>Shape
- <Habit>Height
- <Habit>Leaves
- <Habit>Stems
- <Juvenile fruits>Seeds
- <Lateral sepals>Anthers
- <Lateral sepals>Keel
- <Lateral sepals>Length
- <Lateral sepals>Petals
- <Lateral sepals>Staminodes
- <Scapes>Costa number
- <Scapes>Ribs
- <Scapes>Shape
- <Scapes>Spikes
- <Scapes>Width
- Description
- Distribution
- Habit
- Juvenile fruits
- Lateral sepals
- Scapes
<<<<Scapes>Spikes>Bracts>Fertile bracts>Shape
broadly obovate, , ecarinate, rounded, aging lacerate7
7. 002-005-004-004-001
<<<Scapes>Spikes>Bracts>Empty bracts
empty bracts , , grading to larger fertile ones18
18. 002-005-004-003
Cespitose perennial, 1-2 m high; stem short; leaves in a fan, 6-10 cm, sheath long-ciliate, rugulose, red-brown, eligulate or with short, pilose ligule, blade linear, slightly compressed, 1-1.5 mm wide, white-ciliate or scabrociliate, smooth or papillose. Scapes distally elliptic in cross-section, ca. 1 mm wide, 2-3(-4)-costate, 2 ribs broad, flat, making pale scabro-ciliate edges; spikes ovoid, 7-8 mm, dark red-brown or sooty brown, bracts several, subdecussate, without dorsal area, minutely papillose, empty bracts several2-3.5 mm, white-ciliate at apex, grading to larger fertile ones, these broadly obovate, ca. 5 mm, ecarinate, rounded, aging lacerate. Lateral sepals free, subequilateral, curved, 4.5-5 mm, keel narrow, sparsely long-ciliate; petals obovate, ca. 4 mm; staminodes bearded; anthers 1.5 mm. Immature fruit valves with septa; seeds not seen.