- <<Leaves>Stipules>Shape
- <<Pistillate flowers>Stigma>Shape
- <<Pistillate flowers>Tepals>Shape
- <<Pistillate flowers>Tepals>Tepal number
- <<Staminate flowers>Stamens>Stamen number
- <<Staminate flowers>Tepals>Shape
- <<Staminate flowers>Tepals>Tepal number
- <Inflorescences>Flowers
- <Leaves>Blade
- <Leaves>Shape
- <Leaves>Stipules
- <Pistillate flowers>Stigma
- <Pistillate flowers>Tepals
- <Staminate flowers>Stamens
- <Staminate flowers>Tepals
- Akenes
- Description
- Distribution
- Habit
- Inflorescences
- Leaves
- Notes
- Pistillate flowers
- Staminate flowers
- Wood
Herbs, dioecious or monoecious. Leaves opposite, those of a pair often unequal in size and shape; stipules connate; blade with pinnate, sub-triplinerved or single-nerved venation. Inflorescences unisexual or bisexual, branched or unbranched; flowers pedicellate or sessile. Staminate flowers with (3 or) 4, connate tepals; stamens (3 or) 4. Pistillate flowers with 3, basally connate, unequal tepals, the middle one the largest; stigma capitate-penicillate, persistent or caducous. Achene subtended by the hardly enlarged tepals.
Guianas present, Neotropics present, Pantropical present
Pantropical with more than 600 species; in the Neotropics more than 300 species; in the Guianas 4 species.
No material available from the Guianas. Based on Bonsen & ter Welle (1984): P. spec . (Equador).
Growth rings faint or absent. Vessels diffuse, solitary and in radial multiples and irregular clusters of 2-4, round to oval, 24-40 per sq. mm, diameter 40-85 μm. Vessel-member length: 205-250 μm. Perforations simple. Intervascular pits alternate, round or polygonal, 6-9 μm, sometimes scalariform. Vessel-ray and vessel-parenchyma pits as the intervascular pits. Thin-walled tyloses present or absent.
Rays only multiseriate, 1-2 per mm, entirely composed of upright cells, up to several mm high. All rays to be classified as medullary rays. Parenchyma paratracheal, as vasicentric rings.
Fibres non-septate, lumen 9-15 μm, walls 3-5 μm. Pits simple, on radial and tangential walls. Length: 370-435 μm.
Rays only multiseriate, 1-2 per mm, entirely composed of upright cells, up to several mm high. All rays to be classified as medullary rays. Parenchyma paratracheal, as vasicentric rings.
Fibres non-septate, lumen 9-15 μm, walls 3-5 μm. Pits simple, on radial and tangential walls. Length: 370-435 μm.