Eichhornia azurea

Primary tabs

Eichhornia azurea


<<<<Sessile leaves>Petiolated leaves>Blade>Shape>Length

7-16 cm long1
1. 003-003-001-001-001

<<<<Sessile leaves>Petiolated leaves>Blade>Shape>Width

2.3-16 cm wide2
2. 003-003-001-001-002


3. 006-002-003-002

<<<Capsules>Seeds>Wings>Wing number

4. 006-002-003-001


sparsely pilose5
5. 005-005-002-002


6. 005-005-002-001


1.2-2.3 mm long7
7. 005-004-003-001

<<<Flowers>Stamens>Lower stamens>Length

15-29 mm long8
8. 005-004-002-001

<<<Flowers>Stamens>Upper stamens>Length

6-20 mm long9
9. 005-004-001-001

<<<Flowers>Tepals>Margins>Margin type

10. 005-003-003-001

<<<Flowers>Tepals>Upper tepals>Colour

dark blue at base with a yellow spot above11
11. 005-003-004-001


12. 004-002-002-001

<<<Sessile leaves>Petiolated leaves>Blade>Shape

round, , , with anobtuse apex and a truncate to obtuse base13
13. 003-003-001-001


1-1.8 mm long14
14. 006-002-001


0.8-1.1 mm wide15
15. 006-002-002


with wings16
16. 006-002-003


2-5 mm long17
17. 005-005-001


stigma , ;18
18. 005-005-002


anthers ;19
19. 005-004-003

<<Flowers>Stamens>Lower stamens

lower stamens20
20. 005-004-002

<<Flowers>Stamens>Upper stamens

upper stamens21
21. 005-004-001


13-25 mm long22
22. 005-003-002


with margins23
23. 005-003-003


obtuse to acute at apex24
24. 005-003-001

<<Flowers>Tepals>Upper tepals

the central upper tepal25
25. 005-003-004


15-20 mm long26
26. 005-002-001


pubescent with hairs27
27. 004-002-002


1.9-15 cm long28
28. 004-002-001


3-6 cm long29
29. 004-003-002


30. 004-003-001

<<Sessile leaves>Petiolated leaves>Blade

the blade ;31
31. 003-003-001

<<Sessile leaves>Petiole>Length

11-25 cm long32
32. 003-004-001

<<Vegetative stems>Flowering stems>Hairs

33. 002-002-001

<<Vegetative stems>Flowering stems>Length

8-12 cm long34
34. 002-002-002


about 9 mm long35
35. 006-001


seeds , .36
36. 006-002


blue or white37
37. 005-001


ovary ,38
38. 005-005


, ,39
39. 005-004


40. 005-006


tepals , , , ;41
41. 005-003


tube ,42
42. 005-002

<Inflorescences>Flower number

43. 004-001


peduncle , ;44
44. 004-002


spathe , .45
45. 004-003

<Sessile leaves>Length

6-11 cm long46
46. 003-002

<Sessile leaves>Petiolated leaves

petiolate leaves emersed,47
47. 003-003

<Sessile leaves>Petiole

petiole .48
48. 003-004

<Sessile leaves>Shape

linear, acuminate at apex49
49. 003-001

<Vegetative stems>Flowering stems

flowering stem , .50
50. 002-002

<Vegetative stems>Shape

51. 002-001


Capsule ;52
52. 006

Common Name

English (French Guiana): duaBan


Perennial, rooted in mud. Vegetative stem elongate, developing to and growing at the water surface; flowering stem glabrous, 8-12 cm long. Sessile leaves alternate, linear, acuminate at apex, 6-11 cm long; petiolate leaves emersed, the blade round, 7-16 cm long, 2.3-16 cm wide, with anobtuse apex and a truncate to obtuse base; petiole 11-25 cm long. Inflorescence a spike with 7-50 flowers, the inflorescence developing over several days; peduncle 1.9-15 cm long, pubescent with orange hairs; spathe obovate, 3-6 cm long. Flowers blue or white, tube 15-20 mm long, tepals obtuse to acute at apex, 13-25 mm long, with erose margins, the central upper tepal dark blue at base with a yellow spot above; upper stamens 6-20 mm long, lower stamens 15-29 mm long, anthers 1.2-2.3 mm long; ovary 2-5 mm long, stigma capitate, sparsely pilose; tristylous. Capsule about 9 mm long; seeds 1-1.8 mm long, 0.8-1.1 mm widewith 10-13longitudinal wings.


Central and South America present, Guianas present
Central and South America; over 100 collecions studied, 16 from the Guianas (GU: 13; SU: 1; FG: 2).


Flowers ,53
53. 005


Perennial, rooted in mud.54
54. 001

Individuals Association

Suriname, Kappler 1842 Guyana, jct. of Yarikita and Amakura Rs., A. S. Hitchcock 17648 Guyana, Guyana, Rupununi R., Smith 2233 Cayenne, Richard s.n. Martin s.n.


Inflorescence a spike with flowers, the inflorescence developing over several days;55
55. 004

Sessile leaves

Sessile leaves alternate, , ;56
56. 003

Vegetative stems

Vegetative stem , developing to and growing at the water surface;57
57. 002