Ruellia amapensis

Primary tabs

Ruellia amapensis



8-9 x 6-8 mm1
1. 005-003-006-002


2. 005-003-006-001


12-15 mm long3
3. 005-003-004-002


cylindric, slightly bent near base4
4. 005-003-004-001


3 mm long5
5. 005-004-001-001


hygroscopic trichomes6
6. 006-007-004-001


glabrous or nearly so on both upper and lower surface7
7. 003-003-002-002

<<<Petiole>Blade>Margins>Margin type

crenulate to crenate8
8. 003-003-002-001


10-20 x 4-6 cm9
9. 003-003-001-001

<<<Petiole>Primary veins>Secondary veins>Secondary vein pair number

ca. 6 pairs10
10. 003-004-001-001


pale yellow, sulphur-yellow or white with copper red apex11
11. 005-003-001


glabrous except puberulous tube12
12. 005-003-003


25-32(-38) mm long13
13. 005-003-002


limb suberect,14
14. 005-003-005


lobes , , apically retuse;15
15. 005-003-006


tube , ,16
16. 005-003-004


puberulent and minutely and densely gland-dotted17
17. 005-002-004


5-6 mm long18
18. 005-002-002


19. 005-002-001


0.75-1 mm wide at base20
20. 005-002-003

<<Calyx>Ovary and style>Hairs

21. 005-005-001


anthers ;22
22. 005-004-001


dark brown23
23. 006-007-001


2.75 mm in diam.24
24. 006-007-002


25. 006-007-003


margin fringed by .26
26. 006-007-004


7 mm long27
27. 006-006-001


2-3 x 1 mm28
28. 004-005-002


narrowly triangular29
29. 004-005-001

<<Inflorescences>Flowers>Flower number per axil

30. 004-003-001

<<Inflorescences>Foliose bracts>Dimensions

10-20 x 1-2 mm31
31. 004-004-002

<<Inflorescences>Foliose bracts>Shape

subulate to narrowly oblong32
32. 004-004-001


to 1.5 mm long33
33. 004-002-001


margin , ;34
34. 003-003-002


elliptic to narrowly obovate, , firm, long-acuminate at apex, attenuate at base, partially decurrent on petiole35
35. 003-003-001

<<Petiole>Primary veins>Secondary veins

secondary veins (), convex on both surfaces;36
36. 003-004-001


corolla , infundibular, , ,37
37. 005-003


5-7 mm long38
38. 005-001


lobes , , , ;39
39. 005-002

<Calyx>Ovary and style

ovary and style .40
40. 005-005


stamens slightly exserted from mouth of corolla,41
41. 005-004


tinged purplish-brown apically42 green at base, apiculate43
42. 006-005, 43. 006-004


15 x 4 x 3 mm44
44. 006-002


45. 006-003


seeds , , ,46
46. 006-007


47. 006-001


stipe ;48
48. 006-006


(30-)75-100 cm tall49
49. 001-001


bracteoles , suerulous and gland-dotted.50
50. 004-005


flowers opposite, in axils of distal, foliose bracts;51
51. 004-003

<Inflorescences>Foliose bracts

foliose bracts , ;52
52. 004-004


peduncle ;53
53. 004-002


54. 004-001


blade ,55
55. 003-003


56. 003-002


leaves subtending inflorescence reduced, narrower than cauline leaves.57
57. 003-005


20-40 mm long58
58. 003-001

<Petiole>Primary veins

primary vein sulcate above, convex on lower surface,59
59. 003-004

<Stems>Growth form

60. 002-001


glabrate to pilosulous61
61. 002-003


62. 002-002


Calyx ,63
63. 005


Capsule , , and ,64
64. 006


Herb or shrubby herb (30-)75-100 cm tall, branched from a subligneous base. Stem erect, quadrangular, branching, glabrate to pilosulous, lenticullate. Petiole 20-40 mm long, pilosulous; blade elliptic to narrowly obovate, 10-20 x 4-6 cm, firm, long-acuminate at apex, attenuate at base, partially decurrent on petiole, margin crenulate to crenate, glabrous or nearly so on both upper and lower surface; primary vein sulcate above, convex on lower surface, secondary veins (ca. 6 pairs), convex on both surfaces; leaves subtending inflorescence reduced, narrower than cauline leaves. Inflorescence a terminal spike or thyme, sessile to short-pedunculate; peduncle to 1.5 mm long; flowers opposite, 1-3 in axils of distal, foliose bracts; foliose bracts subulate to narrowly oblong, 10-20 x 1-2 mm; bracteoles narrowly triangular2-3 x 1 mm, suerulous and gland-dotted. Calyx 5-7 mm long, lobes subulate, 5-6 mm long, 0.75-1 mm wide at base, puberulent and minutely and densely gland-dotted; corolla pale yellow, sulphur-yellow or white with copper red apex, infundibular, 25-32(-38) mm long, glabrous except puberulous tube, tube cylindric, slightly bent near base, 12-15 mm long, limb suberect, lobes obovate, 8-9 x 6-8 mm, apically retuse; stamens slightly exserted from mouth of corolla, anthers 3 mm long; ovary and style puberulent. Capsule clavate15 x 4 x 3 mm, puberulent, green at base, apiculate and tinged purplish-brown apically, stipe 7 mm long; seeds dark brown, 2.75 mm in diam., glabrous, margin fringed by hygroscopic trichomes.


French Guiana present, Southern America: Brazil North (Amapá present)
French Guiana and Brazil (Amapá); 5 collections studied of which 2 from French Guiana (FG: 2).


Herb or shrubby herb , branched from a subligneous base.65
65. 001

Individuals Association

Sommet tabulaire, 40 km SE of Saül, de Granville 3644 Aubréville 150


Inflorescence a spike or thyme, sessile to short-pedunculate;66
66. 004


Petiole , ;67
67. 003


Flowering and fruiting .


Stem , , branching, , lenticullate.68
68. 002