
Primary tabs



1. 005-003-001-001


cotyledons .2
2. 005-003-001


± fleshy3
3. 005-002-001


with or without interfloral bracts4
4. 003-001-002


5. 003-001-001


6. 004-002-002

<<Perianth>Stamens>Stamen number

1, 2 or 37
7. 004-002-001


penicillate to subpeltate8
8. 004-003-001


endosperm present,9
9. 005-003


1-2 mm long10
10. 005-001


enclosed by the enlarged, perianth11
11. 005-002


internodes solid.12
12. 001-001


with flowers in (sub)globose heads,13
13. 003-001


14. 004-001


stamens , ;15
15. 004-002


stigma .16
16. 004-003

<Stipule scars>Blade

blade basally attached, entire, pinnately veined (to subtrinerved).17
17. 002-002

<Stipule scars>Shape

usually oblique18
18. 002-001


Trees or shrubs, mostly hemi-epiphytic with aerial roots; internodes solid. Scars of the stipules usually oblique; blade basally attached, entire, pinnately veined (to subtrinerved). Inflorescences branched or unbranched (and unicapitate), with flowers in terminal (sub)globose heads, with or without interfloral bracts. Perianth tubular; stamens 1, 2 or 3, connate; stigma penicillate to subpeltate. Fruit small (1-2 mm long), achene-like (or drupaceous in C. asperifolia), enclosed by the enlarged, ± fleshy perianth; endosperm present, cotyledons flat.


Guianas present, Neotropics present
Neotropics 46 species; in the Guianas 7 (or 9) species.


Fruit small (), achene-like (or drupaceous in C. asperifolia), ;19
19. 005


Trees or shrubs, mostly hemi-epiphytic with aerial roots;20
20. 001


Inflorescences branched or unbranched (and unicapitate), .21
21. 003


Perianth ;22
22. 004

Stipule scars

Scars of the stipules ;23
23. 002


Vessels diffuse, solitary (25-80%) and in radial multiples and irregular clusters of 2-8, round to oval, 1-6 per sq. mm, diameter 220-300 μm. Vessel-member length: 475-600 μm. Perforations simple. Intervascular pits alternate, round or polygonal, 10-15 μm. Vessel-ray and vessel- parenchyma pits larger, often elongated, half-bordered. Thin-walled tyloses common.
Rays uniseriate and 3-6-seriate, 4-7 per mm, up to 700-1100 μm high. Heterogeneous, composed of procumbent, square and upright cells, with uniseriate margins of 1-2 rows, occasionally vertically compound. Radial latex tubes observed in C. latifolia.
Parenchyma paratracheal, banded, irregular, wavy, 1-2 bands per mm. Strands of 5-8 cells. Rhombic crystals scarce to abundant.
Fibres non-septate, lumen 18-25 μm, walls 2-4 μm. Pits simple, small, 1100-1800 μm. F/V ratio: 2.5-3.7.

Wood observation species

C. angustifolia, C. asperifolia, C. latifolia