Ruellia tuberosa

Primary tabs

Ruellia tuberosa


<<<Calyx lobes>Cleistogamous flower corolla>Lobes>Growth form

1. 005-005-003-002

<<<Calyx lobes>Cleistogamous flower corolla>Lobes>Hairs

2. 005-005-003-001

<<<Calyx lobes>Filaments>Anthers>Colour

3. 005-006-002-001

<<<Calyx lobes>Filaments>Anthers>Hairs

pubescent on their dorsal surface4
4. 005-006-002-002

<<<Calyx lobes>Open flower corolla>Lobes>Dimensions

16-17 x 13-15 mm5
5. 005-004-004-001

<<<Calyx lobes>Open flower corolla>Lobes>Growth form

6. 005-004-004-002

<<<Calyx lobes>Open flower corolla>Throat>Hairs

7. 005-004-003-003

<<<Calyx lobes>Open flower corolla>Throat>Length

22-25 mm long8
8. 005-004-003-002

<<<Calyx lobes>Open flower corolla>Throat>Shape

slightly oblique to tube9
9. 005-004-003-001

<<<Calyx lobes>Open flower corolla>Tube>Hairs

pubescent towards apex10
10. 005-004-002-002

<<<Calyx lobes>Open flower corolla>Tube>Length

10-12 mm long11
11. 005-004-002-001

<<<Calyx lobes>Ovary>Ovules>Ovule number per locule

ca. 1312
12. 005-007-002-001

<<<Calyx lobes>Ovary>Ovules>Row number per locule

13. 005-007-002-002

<<<Calyx lobes>Ovary>Stigma>Length

ca. 1.9 mm long14
14. 005-007-004-001

<<<Calyx lobes>Ovary>Style>Colour

pale blue15
15. 005-007-003-001

<<<Calyx lobes>Ovary>Style>Hairs

sparsely pubescent16
16. 005-007-003-003

<<<Calyx lobes>Ovary>Style>Length

ca. 21 mm long17
17. 005-007-003-002

<<Branches>Hairs>Side number

18. 002-002-001

<<Calyx lobes>Cleistogamous flower corolla>Length

4-5 mm long19
19. 005-005-001

<<Calyx lobes>Cleistogamous flower corolla>Lobes

lobes , not ;20
20. 005-005-003

<<Calyx lobes>Cleistogamous flower corolla>Shape

terete, constricted just above base21
21. 005-005-002

<<Calyx lobes>Cleistogamous flowers>Dimensions

10 x 0.6 mm22
22. 005-002-001

<<Calyx lobes>Filaments>Anthers

anthers , ;23
23. 005-006-002

<<Calyx lobes>Filaments>Length

ca. 8.5 mm and 4.3 mm long24
24. 005-006-001

<<Calyx lobes>Lobes>Hairs

glabrous to sparingly puberulous25
25. 005-003-001

<<Calyx lobes>Open flower corolla>Colour

blue to mauve, darker in throat26
26. 005-004-001

<<Calyx lobes>Open flower corolla>Lobes

lobes , ,27
27. 005-004-004

<<Calyx lobes>Open flower corolla>Throat

throat , , ,28
28. 005-004-003

<<Calyx lobes>Open flower corolla>Tube

tube , externally ,29
29. 005-004-002

<<Calyx lobes>Ovary>Hairs

glabrous except for a few glandular trichomes at apex30
30. 005-007-001

<<Calyx lobes>Ovary>Ovules

ovules , in rows in each locule,31
31. 005-007-002

<<Calyx lobes>Ovary>Stigma

stigma .32
32. 005-007-004

<<Calyx lobes>Ovary>Style

style , , ,33
33. 005-007-003


2-2.5 mm in diam.34
34. 006-004-002

<<Capsules>Seeds>Seed number

ca. 20-2635
35. 006-004-001

<<Inflorescences>Bracteoles>Relative dimensions

shorter than or equal to pedicels, sometimes in cleistogamous flowers equal to one half as long as calyx36
36. 004-005-002


narrowly linear37
37. 004-005-001


38. 004-004-002


1-6 mm long39
39. 004-004-001


40. 004-003-002


ca. 18-34 mm long41
41. 004-003-001


3.7-6 x 2.7-3.5 cm42
42. 003-002-002


glabrous or very sparingly pubescent43
43. 003-002-004


ovate to oblong44
44. 003-002-001


rather thick45
45. 003-002-003


covered with numerous minute cystoliths46
46. 003-003-002

<<Petiole>Margins>Margin type

47. 003-003-001

<Branches>Angle number

4-angled, often grooved48
48. 002-001


± glabrous, or with trichomes on opposite sides49
49. 002-002

<Calyx lobes>Cleistogamous flower corolla

corolla of cleistogamous flowers , , fugacious,50
50. 005-005

<Calyx lobes>Cleistogamous flowers

smaller, in cleistogamous flowers51
51. 005-002

<Calyx lobes>Dimensions

14.5 x 0.5-1 mm at maturity52
52. 005-001

<Calyx lobes>Filaments

filaments, ,53
53. 005-006

<Calyx lobes>Lobes

lobes ;54
54. 005-003

<Calyx lobes>Open flower corolla

corolla of open flowers ,55
55. 005-004

<Calyx lobes>Ovary

ovary in open flowers ,56
56. 005-007


17-23.5 x 3 mm57
57. 006-002


glabrous except for a few glandular trichomes on light-colored, arrow-shaped area near apex, exploding on contact with water58
58. 006-003


seeds , each59
59. 006-004


60. 006-001

<Habit>Growth form

61. 001-002


40-60 cm tall62
62. 001-001

<Habit>Main branch number

63. 001-003


roots long, thin, tuberous.64
64. 001-004


bracteoles , .65
65. 004-005


dichasium with sometimes cleistogamous lateral flowers66
66. 004-002


pedicels , ;67
67. 004-004


peduncle , ;68
68. 004-003


69. 004-001


blade , , , ;70
70. 003-002


ca. 15 mm long71
71. 003-001


margin , .72
72. 003-003


Branches , .73
73. 002

Calyx lobes

Calyx lobes , ,74
74. 005


Capsule , , ;75
75. 006

Common Name

English (Suriname): waterkanon, watrakanoe


Annual herb, 40-60 cm tall, erect, usually with 1-2 main branches; roots long, thin, tuberous. Branches 4-angled, often grooved, ± glabrous, or with trichomes on 2 opposite sides. Petiole ca. 15 mm long; blade ovate to oblong, 3.7-6 x 2.7-3.5 cm, rather thick, glabrous or very sparingly pubescent; margin crenulate, covered with numerous minute cystoliths. Inflorescence axillary, dichasium with sometimes cleistogamous lateral flowers; peduncle ca. 18-34 mm long, glabrous; pedicels 1-6 mm long, glabrous; bracteoles narrowly linear, shorter than or equal to pedicels, sometimes in cleistogamous flowers equal to one half as long as calyx. Calyx lobes 14.5 x 0.5-1 mm at maturity, smaller, 10 x 0.6 mm in cleistogamous flowers, lobes glabrous to sparingly puberulous; corolla of open flowers blue to mauve, darker in throat, tube 10-12 mm long, externally pubescent towards apex, throat slightly oblique to tube, 22-25 mm long, pubescent, lobes 16-17 x 13-15 mm, spreading, corolla of cleistogamous flowers 4-5 mm long, terete, constricted just above base, fugacious, lobes ciliate, not spreading; filaments, ca. 8.5 mm and 4.3 mm long, anthers white, pubescent on their dorsal surface; ovary in open flowers glabrous except for a few glandular trichomes at apex, ovules ca. 13, in 2 rows in each locule, style pale blue, ca. 21 mm long, sparsely pubescent, stigma ca. 1.9 mm long. Capsule cylindric, 17-23.5 x 3 mm, glabrous except for a few glandular trichomes on light-colored, arrow-shaped area near apex, exploding on contact with water; seeds ca. 20-26, each 2-2.5 mm in diam.


Guianas present, Southern America, northern S America present
West Indies and northern S America; 130 collections studied of which 29 from the Guianas (GU: 11; SU: 13; FG: 5).


Annual herb, , , usually with main branches;76
76. 001

Individuals Association

Cayenne, Alexandre 103 Guyana, Georgetown, Hitchcock 16681 Suriname, Paramaribo, Samuels 62 Cayenne, Alexandre 268 Guyana, Jenman 4801


Inflorescence , ;77
77. 004


Petiole ;78
78. 003


Flowering and fruiting .