Peperomia lancifolia

Primary tabs

Peperomia lancifolia

<<<Inflorescences>Common peduncle>Lateral branches>Length

0.5-1.3 cm long1
1. 004-002-002-001

<<Inflorescences>Common peduncle>Lateral branches

lateral branches , with linear-(ob)lanceolate, cadoucous bracts;2
2. 004-002-002

<<Inflorescences>Common peduncle>Length

2-6 cm long3
3. 004-002-001


4-11 cm long4
4. 004-003-001


apex acuminate,5
5. 003-002-004


base acute, decurrent into petiole, glabrous;6
6. 003-002-005


(3.5-)7-17 x (0.7-)1-3 cm7
7. 003-002-003


narrowly elliptic or narrowly oblanceolate8
8. 003-002-002


fleshy and membranous9
9. 003-002-001


0.5-1 cm long10
10. 003-001-001


apex with short beak and subapical stigma.11
11. 005-001

<Inflorescences>Common peduncle

common peduncle green, not slender, ,12
12. 004-002

<Inflorescences>Floral bracts

floral bracts rounded, glabrous, glandular.13
13. 004-004


terminal or in upper leaf axils14
14. 004-001


spike densely flowered, erect, , whitish or yellowish green;15
15. 004-003


blade , , , somewhat ciliate towards apex,16
16. 003-002


petiole , glabrous, narrowly winged;17
17. 003-001


pinnately 7-11-veined.18
18. 003-003


10-34 cm long19
19. 002-001


Terrestrial, epilithic or epiphytic herb, erect or ascending and rooting at decumbent base. Stem glabrous, 10-34 cm long, green or reddish. Leaves basely attached, alternate; petiole 0.5-1 cm long, glabrous, narrowly winged; blade fleshy and membranous, narrowly elliptic or narrowly oblanceolate, (3.5-)7-17 x (0.7-)1-3 cm, somewhat ciliate towards apex, apex acuminate, base acute, decurrent into petiole, glabrous; pinnately 7-11-veined. Inflorescence terminal or in upper leaf axils, solitary, bifurcate or once-branched; common peduncle green, not slender, 2-6 cm long, lateral branches 0.5-1.3 cm long, with linear-(ob)lanceolate, cadoucous bracts; spike densely flowered, erect, 4-11 cm long, whitish or yellowish green; floral bracts rounded, glabrous, glandular. Fruits basely attached, narrowly cylindrical, brown, apex with short beak and subapical stigma.


C America present, Northern America, from S Venezuela and Guyana toW Brazil and Peru present
Mexico, C America, and from S Venezuela and Guyana toW Brazil and Peru; 12 collections studied (GU: 12).


Fruits basely attached, narrowly cylindrical, brown,20
20. 005


Terrestrial, epilithic or epiphytic herb, erect or ascending and rooting at decumbent base.21
21. 001

Individuals Association

Guyana, Cuyuni-Mazaruni region, Mt. Ayanganna, Pipoly 11083 Guyana, Mt. Kopinang, Hahn 4314 Guyana, Tillett et al. 44973 Guyana, Pakaraima Mts., Mt. Wokomong, Henkel 4455 Guyana, escarpment to foot of Kopinang Falls, Maguire et al. 46076A Guyana, Potaro-Siparuni region, Pakaraima Mts., Henkel 1405


Inflorescence , solitary, bifurcate or once-branched;22
22. 004


Leaves basely attached, alternate;23
23. 003


In the non-Guyanan Peperomia lancifolia Hook. subsp. erasmiiformis (Trel.) Steyerm., the inflorescence is paniculate.
The collection Maguire 46076A had been misidentified as P. pyramidata Sodiro, the specimen fits well within P. lancifolia having a once-branched panicle, not a compound one as in P. pyramidata from Ecuador.
In the Guianas only: subsp. lancifolia.


Stem glabrous, , green or reddish.24
24. 002