Serjania paucidentata
- <<<Flowers>Appendages>Crests>Colour
- <<<Flowers>Appendages>Crests>Texture
- <<<Flowers>Disk>Central lobes>Height
- <<<Flowers>Disk>Central lobes>Lobe number
- <<<Flowers>Disk>Central lobes>Shape
- <<<Flowers>Disk>Lateral lobes>Lobe number
- <<<Flowers>Disk>Lateral lobes>Shape
- <<<Flowers>Sepals>Inner sepals>Length
- <<<Flowers>Sepals>Inner sepals>Shape
- <<<Flowers>Sepals>Outer sepals>Length
- <<<Flowers>Sepals>Outer sepals>Shape
- <<<Flowers>Stamens>Filaments>Hairs
- <<<Leaves>Leaflets>Apex>Shape
- <<<Leaves>Leaflets>Base>Shape
- <<<Mericarps>Cocci>Hairs>Colour
- <<<Thyrses>Axes>Hairs>Colour
- <<<Thyrses>Cincinni>Hairs>Colour
- <<Flowers>Appendages>Crests
- <<Flowers>Disk>Central lobes
- <<Flowers>Disk>Hairs
- <<Flowers>Disk>Lateral lobes
- <<Flowers>Disk>Texture
- <<Flowers>Pedicels>Hairs
- <<Flowers>Pedicels>Length
- <<Flowers>Petals>Colour
- <<Flowers>Petals>Length
- <<Flowers>Petals>Shape
- <<Flowers>Sepals>Hairs
- <<Flowers>Sepals>Inner sepals
- <<Flowers>Sepals>Outer sepals
- <<Flowers>Sepals>Sepal number
- <<Flowers>Sepals>Shape
- <<Flowers>Stamens>Filaments
- <<Leaves>Leaflets>Apex
- <<Leaves>Leaflets>Base
- <<Leaves>Leaflets>Dimensions
- <<Leaves>Leaflets>Hairs
- <<Leaves>Leaflets>Margins
- <<Leaves>Leaflets>Shape
- <<Leaves>Leaflets>Texture
- <<Leaves>Petiole>Hairs
- <<Mericarps>Cocci>Shape
- <<Mericarps>Wings>Hairs
- <<Stems>Cross section>Peripheral vascular cylinder number
- <<Stems>Ribs>Rib number
- <<Thyrses>Axes>Hairs
- <<Thyrses>Bracts>Length
- <<Thyrses>Bracts>Shape
- <<Thyrses>Cincinni>Hairs
- <<Thyrses>Cincinni>Length
- <<Thyrses>Cincinni>Shape
- <Flowers>Appendages
- <Flowers>Disk
- <Flowers>Flower number per cincinni
- <Flowers>Pedicels
- <Flowers>Petals
- <Flowers>Sepals
- <Flowers>Stamens
- <Leaves>Leaflets
- <Leaves>Petiole
- <Leaves>Rachises
- <Mericarps>Cocci
- <Mericarps>Length
- <Mericarps>Wings
- <Stems>Cross section
- <Stems>Hairs
- <Stems>Ribs
- <Stems>Shape
- <Thyrses>Axes
- <Thyrses>Bracts
- <Thyrses>Cincinni
- <Thyrses>Length
- <Thyrses>Position
- <Thyrses>Shape
- <Wood>Length
- Common Name
- Description
- Distribution
- Flowers
- Individuals Association
- Leaves
- Mericarps
- Stems
- Stipules
- Thyrses
- Uses
- Wood
margins revolute, bidentate below the apex or less often remotely repando-dentate.38
38. 004-003-007
<Stems>Cross section
cross section with a central, larger, trigonous vascular cylinder surrounded by , smaller, equidistant peripheral cylinders.65
65. 002-004
Common Name
English (French Guiana): kutupu, pahaglaime, taitetulea English (Guyana): abaho, kashiri, old man’s bark, white abaho English (Suriname): kutupu
Woody vine 2-10 m long, sometimes producing milky sap. Stems triangular, glabrous, with 5 sharp ribs; cross section with a central, larger, trigonous vascular cylinder surrounded by 3 (5), smaller, equidistant peripheral cylinders. Stipules inconspicuous. Leaves biternate; petioles unwinged, margined or less often narrowly winged, stout, glabrous; rachis winged or marginate; leaflets coriaceous or chartaceous, glabrous, elliptic, oblong, or less often obovate, 3.5-10.6 × 1.5-4.7 cm, the base long- to short-attenuate, the apex obtusely apiculate, margins revolute, bidentate below the apex or less often remotely repando-dentate. Thyrses axillary or distal, racemiform, 10-26 cm long, the axes ferruginous-tomentulose; cincinni alternate, elongated, secund, 5-12 mm long, ferruginous-tomentulose; bracts deltate, ca. 1 mm long, papillate on margins. Flowers numerous per cincinni; pedicels tomentulose or tomentose, ca. 2 mm long, articulate near the base; sepals 5, tomentulose, rounded or obtuse at apex, the outer ones ovate, ca. 2.5 mm long, the inner ones oblong, ca. 3.5 mm long; petals white, spatulate, ca. 5 mm long, adaxially sparsely papillate; appendages with fleshy, yellow crest; disc puberulent, fleshy, of 2 central ovate lobes, ca. 1 mm talland 2 smaller rounded lateral ones; stamens with pilose filaments. Mericarps 2-2.5 cm long, the wing sparsely pilose, the cocci lenticular, ferruginous-hirsutulose.
Northern America, continental tropical America present, south to Bolivia present
In continental tropical America from Mexicosouth to Bolivia (GU: 9; SU: 7; FG: 7).
Individuals Association
Suriname, Brokopondo, Toka Island, high forest, Hoffman & van Troon 5240
Guyana, Corentyne-Berbice region, Corentyne R., Orealla Village, McDowell & Gopaul 2502
Bassin du Maroni, Antecume-Pata, Moretti 805
Guyana, Demerara-Mahaica Region, Loo Cr., S of Timehri, Gillespie 764
Guyana, Essequibo-Demerara Region, near Ants Cr., Hoffman & Patterson 881
Suriname, Nickerie District, Kabalebo dam project, Lindeman & de Roon 819
Bassin de l’Oyapok, Maripa-Oyapok road, Oldeman 1812