Chelonanthus pterocaulis

Primary tabs

Chelonanthus pterocaulis



1. 005-002-005-001


3-5 x 3-5 mm2
2. 005-002-003-002


3. 005-002-003-001


4. 005-002-004-001


5. 005-003-006-001


3-6 x 3-7 mm6
6. 005-003-005-002


7. 005-003-005-001


5.7-6.6 x 2.2-4.3 mm8
8. 005-006-002-001

<<<Flowers>Pistil>Stigma lobes>Dimensions

2.5-5.1 x 1.8-2.0 mm9
9. 005-006-004-002

<<<Flowers>Pistil>Stigma lobes>Shape

ovate, obovate, oblong10
10. 005-006-004-001


ca. 14 mm long11
11. 005-006-003-001


12. 005-004-002-001


1.6-3 mm long13
13. 005-004-002-003


elliptic to slightly ovate14
14. 005-004-002-002


8-15 mm long15
15. 005-004-001-001


16. 004-002-003-001


acute to obtuse17
17. 003-001-005-001


cuneate or attenuate (often 2 most apical leaf pairs connate to fully perfoliate)18
18. 003-001-006-001


not thickened, flat19
19. 003-001-004-001


apex ;20
20. 005-002-005


21. 005-002-001


6-10 x 4-7 mm22
22. 005-002-002


lobes , ,23
23. 005-002-003


margin ,24
24. 005-002-004


apex ;25
25. 005-003-006


greenish white, cream, to pale yellow, with dark green spot on apex of each corolla lobe26
26. 005-003-001


19-40 mm long27
27. 005-003-003


lobes , ,28
28. 005-003-005


tubular to salver-shaped29
29. 005-003-002


8-20 mm wide at mouth30
30. 005-003-004


17-26 mm long31
31. 005-006-001


ovary ,32
32. 005-006-002

<<Flowers>Pistil>Stigma lobes

stigma lobes , .33
33. 005-006-004


style ,34
34. 005-006-003


anthers , , , straight or curved after anthesis;35
35. 005-004-002


filaments , straight,36
36. 005-004-001


37. 006-005-001


0.1-0.4 mm in diam.38
38. 006-005-002


apex ;39
39. 004-002-003


1.6-6.5 mm long40
40. 004-002-002


41. 004-002-001

<<Inflorescences>Flower number per inflorescence>Flower number

42. 004-001-001


2-7 mm long43
43. 004-003-001


apex ,44
44. 003-001-005


base .45
45. 003-001-006


1.3-13.8(-20.2) x 0.5-4.7(-8.5) cm46
46. 003-001-003


margin ,47
47. 003-001-004


ovate to elliptic, obovate48
48. 003-001-002


49. 003-001-001

<<Stems and branches>Internodes>Length

0.7-15 cm long50
50. 002-004-001

<<Stems and branches>Wings>Width

0.6-3.7 mm wide51
51. 002-003-001


calyx , ,52
52. 005-002


corolla , , , ,53
53. 005-003

<Flowers>Growth form

54. 005-001


pistil ,55
55. 005-006


pollen exine differentially reticulated;56
56. 005-005


stamens not exserted, positioned deep within corolla tube,57
57. 005-004


58. 006-002


11-20 x 4-10 mm59
59. 006-004

<Fruits>Growth form

erect to horizontal60
60. 006-001


seeds ,61
61. 006-005


62. 006-003


up to 1.5 m high63
63. 001-001


bracts , ,64
64. 004-002


pedicel .65
65. 004-003


blade , , ,66
66. 003-001

<Stems and branches>Diameter

up to 0.6(-1) cm in diam.67
67. 002-001

<Stems and branches>Internodes

internodes .68
68. 002-004

<Stems and branches>Shape

quadrangular, winged69
69. 002-002

<Stems and branches>Wings

wings ;70
70. 002-003

Common Name

English (Guyana): wild tobacco


Herb, up to 1.5 m high, unbranched to sparsley branched. Stems and branches up to 0.6(-1) cm in diam., quadrangular, winged, wings 0.6-3.7 mm wide; internodes 0.7-15 cm long. Leaves sessile, cauline evenly; blade membranaceous, ovate to elliptic, obovate, 1.3-13.8(-20.2) x 0.5-4.7(-8.5) cm, margin not thickened, flat, apex acute to obtuse, base cuneate or attenuate (often 2 most apical leaf pairs connate to fully perfoliate). Inflorescence 2-33-flowered; bracts ovate, 1.6-6.5 mm long, apex acute; pedicel 2-7 mm long. Flowers erect; calyx green, 6-10 x 4-7 mm, lobes orbicular, 3-5 x 3-5 mm, margin membranaceous, apex obtuse; corolla greenish white, cream, to pale yellow, with dark green spot on apex of each corolla lobe, tubular to salver-shaped, 19-40 mm long, 8-20 mm wide at mouth, lobes ovate, 3-6 x 3-7 mm, apex obtuse; stamens not exserted, positioned deep within corolla tube, filaments 8-15 mm long, straight, anthers white, elliptic to slightly ovate, 1.6-3 mm long, straight or curved after anthesis; pollen exine differentially reticulated; pistil 17-26 mm long, ovary 5.7-6.6 x 2.2-4.3 mm, style ca. 14 mm long, stigma lobes ovate, obovate, oblong, 2.5-5.1 x 1.8-2.0 mm. Fruit erect to horizontal, brown, ellipsoid, 11-20 x 4-10 mm; seeds brown, 0.1-0.4 mm in diam.


Herba caule valde quadrangulato vel quadrialato, foliis sessilibus ovatis ellipticis obovatisve apice acutis vel obtusis, corolla viridi-alba vel pallide lutea hypocrateriformi cum structuris sexualibus in fauce profunde confertis post anthesin decidua, capsulis maturis horizontaliter patentibus vel erectis.


Brazilian Amazon present, French Guiana present, Guianas present, Guyana present, Southern America: Colombia (Colombia present); Costa Rica (Costa Rica present); Venezuela (Venezuela present), Trinidad present
Costa Rica, Colombia, Venezuela and Trinidad, Guyana, French Guiana, Brazilian Amazon; 84 collections studied, of which 8 from the Guianas (GU: 7; FG: 1).


Flowers ;71
71. 005


Fruit , , , ;72
72. 006


Herb, , unbranched to sparsley branched.73
73. 001

Individuals Association

Verger IFAC, RĂ©gion littorale, Sastre 6424 Guyana, Rupununi Distr., Manari, Maas & Westra 3759


Inflorescence ;74
74. 004


Leaves sessile, cauline evenly;75
75. 003


It is common for this species to have the 2 most apical leaf pairs slightly connate or truly perfoliate, while the rest of the leaf pairs are unfused.


Flowering and fruiting .

Stems and branches

Stems and branches , ,76
76. 002


This species has been listed in Guyana for "for removing worms and 'dirt' in the body" (Riley 8).