Xyris surinamensis

Primary tabs

Xyris surinamensis


<<<<<Scapes>Spikes>Bracts>Floral bracts>Hairs>Colour

1. 003-004-004-003-002-001

<<<<<Scapes>Spikes>Bracts>Floral bracts>Shape>Length

6-8 mm2
2. 003-004-004-003-001-001


3. 003-003-001-001-001

<<<<Scapes>Spikes>Bracts>Empty bracts>Bract number

4. 003-004-004-002-001

<<<<Scapes>Spikes>Bracts>Floral bracts>Hairs

in lower ones frequently -pilose5
5. 003-004-004-003-002

<<<<Scapes>Spikes>Bracts>Floral bracts>Shape

oblong to obovate, , slightly carinate, obtuse angled or rounded, dorsal area large, often venose6
6. 003-004-004-003-001


7. 003-003-001-001


8. 003-003-001-002

<<<Scapes>Spikes>Bracts>Empty bracts

empty ones , lowest very small grading into the flowering ones9
9. 003-004-004-002

<<<Scapes>Spikes>Bracts>Floral bracts

these ,10
10. 003-004-004-003


11. 003-004-004-001


pale amber12
12. 005-004-004


ca. 1 mm13
13. 005-004-003

<<Capsules>Seeds>Seed number

14. 005-004-001


15. 005-004-002


with strong septa16
16. 005-003-001

<<Lateral sepals>Anthers>Length

ca. 2 mm17
17. 004-005-001

<<Lateral sepals>Keel>Hairs

lacerate, villosulous or ciliolate from middle to tip18
18. 004-002-001

<<Lateral sepals>Petals>Length

5-6 mm19
19. 004-003-002

<<Lateral sepals>Petals>Shape

broadly obovate20
20. 004-003-001

<<Lateral sepals>Staminodes>Shape

21. 004-004-001


22. 002-004-001


2-4 mm wide23
23. 002-004-002


mostly pale24
24. 002-005-001


ciliate or scabro-ciliate25
25. 002-005-002


rarely papillose, surface mostly rugulose26
26. 002-005-003


red to purple or castaneous27
27. 002-003-004

<<Leaves>Sheaths>Growth form

ascending or slightly spreading28
28. 002-003-001


strongly ciliate29
29. 002-003-002


30. 002-003-005


31. 002-003-003


these or32
32. 003-003-001


with many bracts in a spiral, ,33
33. 003-004-004


brown to red-brown34
34. 003-004-003


0.8-1 cm35
35. 003-004-002


ovoid to subglobose, becoming turbinate36
36. 003-004-001


4-5 mm37
37. 005-001


placentation basally axile38
38. 005-002


seeds , , , .39
39. 005-004


valves ;40
40. 005-003


25-40 cm high41
41. 001-001


stem short42
42. 001-002

<Lateral sepals>Anthers

anthers .43
43. 004-005

<Lateral sepals>Keel

keel firm,44
44. 004-002

<Lateral sepals>Length

5-7 mm45
45. 004-001

<Lateral sepals>Petals

petals , ;46
46. 004-003

<Lateral sepals>Staminodes

staminodes ;47
47. 004-004


blade , ,48
48. 002-004


15-30 cm49
49. 002-001


margins , incrassate, , , strongly veined.50
50. 002-005

<Leaves>Relative dimensions

often nearly as long as scapes51
51. 002-002


sheath , firm, , ,52
52. 002-003


with strong ribs forming edges,53
53. 003-003


distally flattened54
54. 003-001


spikes , , , .55
55. 003-004


2-3 mm wide56
56. 003-002


Capsule , ,57
57. 005


Cespitose, hard-based, often bulbous, perennial, 25-40 cm high, stem short. Leaves 15-30 cm, often nearly as long as scapes, ascending or slightly spreading sheath strongly ciliate, firm, rugose, red to purple or castaneous, eligulate, blade flattened, 2-4 mm wide, margins mostly pale, incrassate, ciliate or scabro-ciliate, rarely papillose, surface mostly rugulose, strongly veined. Scapes distally flattened, 2-3 mm wide, with strong ribs forming edges, these pale-pilose-ciliate or scabrid; spikes ovoid to subglobose, becoming turbinate, 0.8-1 cm, brown to red-brown, with many stiff bracts in a spiral, empty ones several, lowest very small grading into the flowering ones, these oblong to obovate, 6-8 mm, slightly carinate, obtuse angled or rounded, dorsal area large, often venose, in lower ones frequently white-pilose. Lateral sepals free, subequilateral to inequilateral, narrow, 5-7 mm, curved, keel firm, lacerate, villosulous or ciliolate from middle to tip; petals broadly obovate, 5-6 mm; staminodes bearded; anthers ca. 2 mm. Capsule 4-5 mm, placentation basally axile, valves with strong septa; seeds few, cylindric-fusiform, ca. 1 mm, pale amber.


S Venezuela present, SE Colombia present, Suriname present, contiguous Amazonian Brazil present
SE Colombia eastward through S Venezuela to Suriname and S into contiguous Amazonian Brazil.


Cespitose, hard-based, often bulbous, perennial, , .58
58. 001

Individuals Association

Suriname, Zanderij Savanna near Matta, Mori et al. 8322 Suriname, Zanderij I, Lan- jouw 135 Suriname, Nat. Res. Brinckheuvel (Saban Pasi Savanne), Wildschut & Teunissen LBB ll602 Guyana, Pakaraima Mts., Mt. Aymatoi, Maas et al. 5691 Guyana, East Coast Water Conservancy, SE of Georgetown, Hoorubia Cr., A.S.Hitchcock 16943 Guyana, Pakaraima Mts., Mt. Membaru, Maas & Westra 4342

Lateral sepals

Lateral sepals free, subequilateral to inequilateral, narrow, , curved, ;59
59. 004


Leaves , , ,60
60. 002


This species is highly variable in indumentum, in some collections scape edges are white-pilose, in others virtually smooth. In the savannas around and west of Mt. Roraima its pale yellow petals, along with those of X. bicephala and X. involucrata do much to decorate the expanses.


Scapes , , ;61
61. 003