Ruellia inflata

Primary tabs

Ruellia inflata



9-10 x 6 mm1
1. 005-004-007-001-001


2. 004-002-002-003-001

<<<<Inflorescences>Secondary peduncles>Lowest node>Bracts>Dimensions

15-20 x 35 mm3
3. 004-003-003-001-002

<<<<Inflorescences>Secondary peduncles>Lowest node>Bracts>Shape

4. 004-003-003-001-001


to 30 mm wide5
5. 005-004-006-001


oblong-ovate, , obtuse6
6. 005-004-007-001


gradually enlarged to 12-15 mm at mouth7
7. 005-004-005-002


3 mm wide at base8
8. 005-004-005-001


ca. 5 mm long9
9. 005-005-003-001


10. 005-005-002-001


about 5 mm long11
11. 006-001-003-001


12. 004-002-002-003


13-17 cm long13
13. 004-002-002-001


14. 004-002-002-002

<<<Inflorescences>Secondary peduncles>Lowest node>Bracts

pair of , leaflike bracts15
15. 004-003-003-001


9-16 x 3-5 cm16
16. 003-003-001-001


17. 003-003-001-002


scarlet or bright red18
18. 005-004-003


minutely pubescent19
19. 005-004-004


60-70 mm long20
20. 005-004-002


limb ,21
21. 005-004-006


lobes ;22
22. 005-004-007


23. 005-004-001


tube slightly curved and ventricose, ,,24
24. 005-004-005


18-20 x 1.25 mm25
25. 005-003-002


26. 005-003-001


anthers curved, .27
27. 005-005-003


filaments ,28
28. 005-005-002

<<Calyx>Stamens>Relative distance

exserted about 20 mm beyond mouth of corolla tube29
29. 005-005-001


30. 006-002-001


about 4.5 x 3.5 mm31
31. 006-002-002


32. 006-002-003


19 x 5.5 mm33
33. 006-001-001


puberulous, gland-dotted34
34. 006-001-002


stipe of35
35. 006-001-003


ca. 10 x 2 mm36
36. 004-004-002


37. 004-004-003


38. 004-004-001

<<Inflorescences>Flowers>Flower number

39. 004-002-001


slender, peduncles, these , , both branches and flowers produced at nodes40
40. 004-002-002


41. 004-005-002


2.5-5 mm long42
42. 004-005-001

<<Inflorescences>Secondary peduncles>Hairs

43. 004-003-002

<<Inflorescences>Secondary peduncles>Length

2-4 cm long44
44. 004-003-001

<<Inflorescences>Secondary peduncles>Lowest node

lowest node subtended by a45
45. 004-003-003


margin and primary vein of upper surface bearing a few, small trichomes.46
46. 003-003-003

<<Petiole>Blade>Margin type

47. 003-003-002


asymmetrical, lanceolate to elliptic-oblong, , , acuminate at apex, narrowed and unequally subcordate at base48
48. 003-003-001


corolla , , , ,49
49. 005-004


pubescent with both eglandular and glandular, unicellular and multicellular trichomes50
50. 005-002


17-33 mm long51
51. 005-001


lobes , ;52
52. 005-003


stamens ,53
53. 005-005


seeds , , .54
54. 006-002


clavate, , , rather bluntly pointed, narrowed to a55
55. 006-001


to 4 m tall56
56. 001-001


bracts subtending secondary peduncles , , ;57
57. 004-004


flowers , secund on axillary, sometimes dichotomously branched peduncles or on short, bifurcate branches terminating in ;58
58. 004-002


pedicels short, , .59
59. 004-005


60. 004-001

<Inflorescences>Secondary peduncles

secondary peduncles , , ;61
61. 004-003


blade , ,62
62. 003-003


glabrous or puberulous63
63. 003-002


0.5-2 cm long64
64. 003-001


glabrous or puberulous toward tip65
65. 002-002


obscurely quadrangular66
66. 002-001


Calyx , ,67
67. 005


Capsule ;68
68. 006

Common Name

English (French Guiana): yawalemo


Scandent herb or subshrub to 4 m tall. Stem obscurely quadrangular, glabrous or puberulous toward tip. Petiole 0.5-2 cm long, glabrous or puberulous; blade asymmetrical, lanceolate to elliptic-oblong, 9-16 x 3-5 cm, glabrous, acuminate at apex, narrowed and unequally subcordate at base, repand-crenate, margin and primary vein of upper surface bearing a few, small trichomes. Inflorescence pendulous, flowers few, secund on axillary, sometimes dichotomously branched peduncles or on short, bifurcate branches terminating in slender, 13-17 cm long peduncles, these quadrangular, grayish-white pubescent, both branches and flowers produced at nodes; secondary peduncles 2-4 cm long, pubescent, lowest node subtended by a pair of oblanceolate, leaflike bracts 15-20 x 35 mm; bracts subtending secondary peduncles oblong, ca. 10 x 2 mm, glabrous; pedicels short, 2.5-5 mm long, glandular-pilose. Calyx 17-33 mm long, pubescent with both eglandular and glandular, unicellular and multicellular trichomes, lobes linear, 18-20 x 1.25 mm; corolla salverform, 60-70 mm long, scarlet or bright red, minutely pubescent, tube slightly curved and ventricose, 3 mm wide at base, gradually enlarged to 12-15 mm at mouth, limb to 30 mm wide, lobes oblong-ovate, 9-10 x 6 mm, obtuse; stamens exserted about 20 mm beyond mouth of corolla tube, filaments glabrous, anthers curved, ca. 5 mm long. Capsule clavate, 19 x 5.5 mm, puberulous, gland-dotted, rather bluntly pointed, narrowed to a stipe of about 5 mm long; seeds brown, about 4.5 x 3.5 mm, appressed-puberulous.


Amazonian Brazil present, French Guiana present, Southern America: Bolivia (Bolivia present); Brazil North (Acre present); Brazil Northeast (Maranhao present); Peru (Peru present)
French Guiana, Amazonian Brazil (Acre to Maranhão), Peru and Bolivia; occasional; 87 collections studied (FG: 14).


Scandent herb or subshrub .69
69. 001

Individuals Association

Cayenne, Martin s.n. Oyapock R., Saut Maripa, de Granville 3485


Inflorescence ,70
70. 004


Petiole , ;71
71. 003


Flowering .


Stem , .72
72. 002