
Primary tabs



<<<Calyx>Corolla>Limbs>Lip number

1. 005-003-003-001


cylindrical or funnelform2
2. 005-003-002-001

<<<Calyx>Corolla>Upper lip>Lobe number

2-lobed3 3-lobed4
3. 005-003-004-001, 4. 005-003-004-002

<<<Calyx>Ovary>Stigma>Lobe number

2- or 3-lobed5
5. 005-006-003-001


6. 005-006-002-001

<<<Calyx>Posterior lobes>Shape>Vein number

7. 005-002-001-001

<<<Calyx>Stamens>Anthers>Theca number

8. 005-004-003-001


9. 005-004-004-001


usually white, red, purple or yellow10
10. 005-003-001


limb subregular or ,11
11. 005-003-003

<<Calyx>Corolla>Lower lip

latter curved inward in bud and overlapped by upper lip;12
12. 005-003-005


with a tube13
13. 005-003-002

<<Calyx>Corolla>Upper lip

upper lip and much shorter than lower lip,14
14. 005-003-004


lobes unequal.15
15. 005-006-004

<<Calyx>Ovary>Ovule number per locule

16. 005-006-001


stigma ,17
17. 005-006-003


style ,18
18. 005-006-002

<<Calyx>Posterior lobes>Shape

oblong, usually conspicuously longer and broader than others, , hygroscopic in fruiting stage, recurved in a dry atmosphere, anterior pair usually linear, wider than setaceous lateral pair19
19. 005-002-001


anther ,20
20. 005-004-003

<<Calyx>Stamens>Stamen number

21. 005-004-001


staminode usually present between posterior pair,22
22. 005-004-002


theca , subequal, muticous;23
23. 005-004-004


with mucilaginous trichomes, when moistened, flung away by incurving margin of valve at dispersal24
24. 006-003-003

<<Capsules>Seeds>Seed number

25. 006-003-001


26. 006-003-002

<<Capsules>Valves>Seed number

27. 006-002-001

<<Leaves>Margins>Margin type

28. 003-001-001


corolla , ,29
29. 005-003


disk inconspicuous;30
30. 005-005

<Calyx>Lobe number

31. 005-001


ovary with ovules in each locule,32
32. 005-006

<Calyx>Posterior lobes

posterior lobe ;33
33. 005-002


stamens , usually included,34
34. 005-004


seeds , minute, , areolate, .35
35. 006-003


oblong, obtuse36
36. 006-001


valves with seeds, without retinacula;37
37. 006-002

<Flowers>Bracteole number

38. 004-003


bracteoles about as long as bracts but much narrower.39
39. 004-004

<Flowers>Flower number

few or numerous40
40. 004-001


terminal or axillary41
41. 004-002


42. 001-001


without cystoliths.43
43. 003-002


margins ;44
44. 003-001

<Stems>Growth form

erect, ascending, or repent45
45. 002-001


glabrous or pubescent46
46. 002-003


terete or subquadrangular (sometimes winged)47
47. 002-002


Calyx deeply ,48
48. 005


Capsule , nonstipitate, seedbearing nearly its entire length,49
49. 006


Glabrous or pubescent herbs. Stems (plants rarely acaulescent) erect, ascending, or repent, simple or branched, terete or subquadrangular (sometimes winged), glabrous or pubescent. Leaves opposite, usually petiolate; margins entire; without cystoliths. Flowers sessile or short-pedicellate, few or numerous, in terminal or axillary, loose or compact spikes or capitula, spikes sometimes branched at base, lower bracts leaf-like and always opposite, upper ones usually alternate, each bract subtending a single flower with 2 bracteoles; bracteoles about as long as bracts but much narrower. Calyx deeply 5-lobed, posterior lobe oblong, usually conspicuously longer and broader than others, 3-veined, hygroscopic in fruiting stage, recurved in a dry atmosphere, anterior pair usually linear, wider than setaceous lateral pair; corolla usually white, red, purple or yellow, with a cylindrical or funnelform tube, limb subregular or 2-lipped, upper lip 2-lobed and much shorter than 3-lobed lower lip, latter curved inward in bud and overlapped by upper lip; stamens 4, usually included, staminode usually present between posterior pair, anther 2-thecous,theca ovate, subequal, muticous; disk inconspicuous; ovary with numerous ovules in each locule, style filiform, stigma 2- or 3-lobed, lobes unequal. Capsule oblong, obtuse, nonstipitate, seedbearing nearly its entire length, valves with 25-30 seeds, without retinacula; seeds numerous, minute, subglobose, areolate, with mucilaginous trichomes, when moistened, flung away by incurving margin of valve at dispersal.


Africa present, Asia present, Asia-Tropical: Borneo present; Malaya (Peninsular Malaysia present); Sumatera (Sumatera present), Guianas present, Neotropics present, tropical areas of America present
About 80 species in tropical areas of America, Africa and Asia, most abundant in Sumatra, Borneo and the Malay Peninsula; about 26 species in the Neotropics; 6 species occur in the Guianas.


Flowers sessile or short-pedicellate, , in , loose or compact spikes or capitula, spikes sometimes branched at base, lower bracts leaf-like and always opposite, upper ones usually alternate, each bract subtending a single flower with bracteoles;50
50. 004


Glabrous or herbs.51
51. 001


Leaves opposite, usually petiolate;52
52. 003


Stems (plants rarely acaulescent) , simple or branched, , .53
53. 002