Ruellia microcalyx

Primary tabs

Ruellia microcalyx


<<<<Calyx>Corolla>Tube>Basal parts>Relative dimensions

similar in length to infundibular upper part1
1. 006-004-003-003-002

<<<<Calyx>Corolla>Tube>Basal parts>Shape

2. 006-004-003-003-001

<<<<Calyx>Corolla>Tube>Basal parts>Width

apically 3.5-4 mm wide3
3. 006-004-003-003-003

<<<<Calyx>Ovary>Style>Lower stigma lobes>Length

0.6 m long4
4. 006-006-003-003-001


5-8 mm long5
5. 006-004-004-002


6. 006-004-004-001

<<<Calyx>Corolla>Tube>Basal parts

basal part , ,7
7. 006-004-003-003


sparingly puberulous without8
8. 006-004-003-002


14-18 mm long9
9. 006-004-003-001


hirtellous at base10
10. 006-006-003-002


15 mm long11
11. 006-006-003-001

<<<Calyx>Ovary>Style>Lower stigma lobes

lower stigma lobe12
12. 006-006-003-003


2 mm long13
13. 006-005-002-001


4 and 6 mm long respectively14
14. 006-005-001-001


30-55 x 15-25 mm15
15. 004-003-002-001


16. 004-003-002-002


blue or blue-violet17
17. 006-004-001


18-25 mm long18
18. 006-004-002


lobes , ;19
19. 006-004-004


tube , , ,20
20. 006-004-003


4-5 mm long21
21. 006-003-002


narrowly triangular22
22. 006-003-001


sparingly pubescent towards top23
23. 006-006-002


1.5 mm high24
24. 006-006-001


style , , .25
25. 006-006-003


anthers ,26
26. 006-005-002


filaments ,27
27. 006-005-001


thecae subequal at base;28
28. 006-005-003


29. 005-002-003


2-3 mm long30
30. 005-002-002


31. 005-002-001


32. 005-001-002


about 1 mm long33
33. 005-001-001


ovate or ovate-oblong, , , acuminate at apex34
34. 004-003-002


membranous or chartaceous35
35. 004-003-001

<<Petiole>Primary and secondary veins>Hairs

shortly and sparingly adpressed pubescent36
36. 004-004-002

<<Petiole>Primary and secondary veins>Secondary vein pair number

4-5 pairs37
37. 004-004-001


corolla , ,38
38. 006-004


39. 006-002


6-7 mm long40
40. 006-001


lobes , ;41
41. 006-003


ovary , ,42
42. 006-006


stamens attached to base of expanding part of corolla tube,43
43. 006-005


bract and bracteoles , , .44
44. 005-002


pedicels , ;45
45. 005-001


20-30 cm tall46
46. 001-001


blade , , abruptly contracted into petiole;47
47. 004-003


48. 004-002


4-5 mm long49
49. 004-001

<Petiole>Primary and secondary veins

primary vein and secondary veins () .50
50. 004-004


puberulous to glabrescent51
51. 002-002


subquadrangular, grooved and rounded on angles52
52. 002-001


Branches decumbent, rooting at lower nodes.53
53. 003


Calyx , ,54
54. 006


Capsule unknown.55
55. 007


Erect herbs, 20-30 cm tall. Stem subquadrangular, grooved and rounded on angles, puberulous to glabrescent. Branches decumbent, rooting at lower nodes. Petiole 4-5 mm long, puberulous; blade membranous or chartaceous, ovate or ovate-oblong, 30-55 x 15-25 mm, glabrous, acuminate at apex, abruptly contracted into petiole; primary vein and secondary veins (4-5 pairs) shortly and sparingly adpressed pubescent. Flowers clustered in axils of upper leaves, several in each fascicle; pedicels about 1 mm long, glabrous; bract and bracteoles subulate, 2-3 mm long, puberulous. Calyx 6-7 mm long, puberulous, lobes narrowly triangular, 4-5 mm long; corolla blue or blue-violet, 18-25 mm long, tube 14-18 mm long, sparingly puberulous without, basal part cylindrical, similar in length to infundibular upper part, apically 3.5-4 mm wide, lobes suborbicular, 5-8 mm long; stamens attached to base of expanding part of corolla tube, filaments 4 and 6 mm long respectively, anthers 2 mm long, thecae subequal at base; ovary 1.5 mm high, sparingly pubescent towards top, style 15 mm long, hirtellous at base, lower stigma lobe 0.6 m long. Capsule unknown.


Guyana present, Suriname present
Guyana and Suriname; 3 collections studied (GU: 2; SU: 1).


Flowers clustered in axils of upper leaves, several in each fascicle;56
56. 005


Erect herbs, .57
57. 001

Individuals Association

Guyana, Irwin 757


Petiole , ;58
58. 004


Stem , .59
59. 002