- <<<Flowers>Tepals>Shape>Texture
- <<Flowers>Stamens>Anthers
- <<Flowers>Stamens>Filaments
- <<Flowers>Stamens>Stamen number
- <<Flowers>Style>Style number
- <<Flowers>Tepals>Colour
- <<Flowers>Tepals>Shape
- <<Flowers>Tepals>Tepal number
- <<Fruits>Seeds>Shape
- <<Inflorescences>Bracteoles>Bracteole number
- <<Inflorescences>Rachises>Texture
- <Flowers>Stamens
- <Flowers>Style
- <Flowers>Tepals
- <Fruits>Colour
- <Fruits>Seeds
- <Fruits>Texture
- <Habit>Rhizome
- <Habit>Stems
- <Inflorescences>Bracteoles
- <Inflorescences>Flowers
- <Inflorescences>Growth form
- <Inflorescences>Position
- <Inflorescences>Rachises
- Description
- Distribution
- Flowers
- Fruits
- Habit
- Inflorescences
- Leaves
basally connate, imbricate, urceolate, and enlarging in fruit7
7. 004-001-003
Glabrous vines or herbs; stems sometimes succulent; rhizomes without tubers. Leaves sessile or shortly petiolate, succulent. Inflorescences terminal or axillary, erect spikes or panicles; rachis often thick, fleshy; flowers sessile; bracteoles 4, unequal. Flowers almost always cleistogamous; tepals 5, pink, red or white, basally connate, imbricate, urceolate, fleshy and enlarging in fruit; stamens 5, filaments straight in bud, anthers dorsifixed, extrorse; styles 3. Fruit baccate, fleshy, maroon or black; seed subglobose.