
Primary tabs


<<Flowers>Calyx lobes>Lobe number

1. 004-003-001


anthers versatile;3
3. 004-005-002

<<Flowers>Stamens>Stamen number

4. 004-005-001


5. 004-006-001

<<Flowers>Upper hypanthium>Shape

6. 004-002-001


more or less globose7
7. 003-002-001

<Flowers>Calyx lobes

calyx lobes ;8
8. 004-003


9. 004-001


petals ;10
10. 004-004


stamens , exserted,11
11. 004-005


style free, .12
12. 004-006

<Flowers>Upper hypanthium

upper hypanthium ;13
13. 004-002


14. 005-001

<Fruits>Upper hypanthium

upper hypanthium and calyx persistent, densely packed into cone-like heads which shatter to release individual fruits15
15. 005-003

<Fruits>Wing number

16. 005-002


only ‘combretaceous hairs’ present.17
17. 001-001


bracts very small, withered by fruiting.18
18. 003-003


compact, heads19
19. 003-002


axillary or terminal20
20. 003-001


with petiolar glands.21
21. 002-001


Mangrove-like shrubs or trees, without pneumatophores but sometimes with stilt-roots, not spiny; only ‘combretaceous hairs’ present. Leaves alternate, with conspicuous domatia (bowl-shaped pits) in secondary vein-axils; with petiolar glands. Inflorescences axillary or terminal racemes or panicles of compact, more or less globose heads, mainly leafless; bracts very small, withered by fruiting. Flowers possibly functionally dioecious but with a range of development of male and female organs, actinomorphic, sessile, 5-merous; upper hypanthium campanulate; calyx lobes 5; petals 0; stamens (5-)10, exserted, anthers versatile; style free, glabrous. Fruits small, flattened2-winged nuts,
upper hypanthium and calyx persistent, densely packed into cone-like heads which shatter to release individual fruits.


Arabia present, NE Africa present, tropical America present, tropical W Africa present
A genus of 2 species: C. erectus in tropical America and tropical W Africa, and C. lancifolius Engl. & Diels, a non-mangrove shrub or tree of inland wet sandy ground in NE Africa and Arabia.


Flowers possibly functionally dioecious but with a range of development of male and female organs, actinomorphic, sessile, ;22
22. 004


Fruits small, nuts,
23. 005


Mangrove-like shrubs or trees, without pneumatophores but sometimes with stilt-roots, not spiny;24
24. 001

Individuals Association

Kew Bot. Gardens, Humboldt & Bonpland s.n.


Inflorescences racemes or panicles of , mainly leafless;25
25. 003


Leaves alternate, with conspicuous domatia (bowl-shaped pits) in secondary vein-axils;26
26. 002


Growth rings faint to distinct.
Vessels diffuse, round to oval, solitary and in small radial multiples of 2-3(-5), tangential diameter (38-)87-(120) μm, (17-)25(-33) per mm². Perforations simple. Intervessel pits alternate, round to polygonal, 4-5 μm but infrequently elongate up to 10 μm, vestured; vessel-ray pits similar to intervessel pits but half-bordered, sometimes elongate to 15 μm. Sometimes deposits in heartwood.
Rays uniseriate with scanty biseriate parts, (5-)7(-9) per mm, composed of upright to procumbent cells. Large solitary crystals frequent in idioblastic ray cells, these cells in radial arrangement.
Parenchyma paratracheal, vasicentric to confluent and in bands of 3-5 cells wide, embedding the vessels; in marginal or in seemingly marginal bands; strands of (3-)5(-8) cells.
Ground tissue fibres thin- to thick-walled, sometimes very thick-walled; partly septate. Pits simple to minutely bordered, mainly on radial cell walls.