Crossandra infundibuliformis

Primary tabs

Crossandra infundibuliformis


Evergreen glabrous undershrub, to 1 m tall. Branchlets terete. Leaves in whorls of 4 (decussate pairs inserted close to another); petiole 1.4 cm long; blade ovate-elliptic to lanceolate-oblong, 5-10 x 2.5 cm, apex acute, base attenuate, glabrous, shining, margin undulate-crenate. Flowers numerous, borne in axillary, often long-pedunculate quadrangular spikes of 7-15 cm long; bracts imbricate, elliptic-lanceolate, 12-15 x 4-5 mm, apically mucronate, glandular-pubescent to glabrescent; bracteoles linear-lanceolate, mucronate, pubescent. Calyx lobes pubescent, lanceolate, 7-9 mm long, outer 2 lobes obtuse or bifid, inner smaller; corolla bright orange-scalet with yellow throat, pubescent without, 50 mm long, tube slender, 20-25 mm long, limb 15 mm long and 38 mm wide; stamens didynamous, inserted at middle of corolla tube; ovary 2.5-3 mm long, style filiform, to 20 mm long, glabrous. Capsule oblong, 10-12 mm long, glabrous; seeds densely clothed with fringed scales.


Asia-Tropical: India; Sri Lanka (Sri Lanka), Nepal, tropical America cultivated
Native to India, Sri Lanka and Nepal; introduced into tropical America, where it is cultivated (GU: 1).