Blutapharon vermiculare

Primary tabs

Blutapharon vermiculare


1.8-2.3 mm long1
1. 003-005-002-001


to 6.7 x 0.7 cm2
2. 002-001-001-001


3. 004-006-001-002


0.4 mm long4
4. 004-006-001-001


5. 001-003-001


glabrous except for tufts of hairs in leaf-axils6
6. 001-003-002


1.2-3 mm long7
7. 003-006-001


deltate to lanceolate, , acute8
8. 003-005-002


9. 003-005-001


10. 002-001-002


linear to linear-spathulate, , rounded (sometimes acute) at apex11
11. 002-001-001


anthers , ;12
12. 004-006-001

<<Tepals>Lower half>Vein number

13. 004-005-001


3-3.5 mm long14
14. 004-001-001

<Habit>Growth form

15. 001-001


to ca. 90 cm long16
16. 001-002


stems nodose, , .17
17. 001-003


bracteoles , exceeding bracts but shorter than tepals.18
18. 003-006


bracts , ;19
19. 003-005


to 20 x 8 mm20
20. 003-003


to 2.5 cm long21
21. 003-004


terminal or axillary22
22. 003-001


conical, ovoid or cylindrical (rarely clavate)23
23. 003-002


blade , .24
24. 002-001


white or pink25
25. 004-003


filaments included,26
26. 004-006


minutely ciliolate on sides at base (this hidden by enclosing bases of bracteoles)27
27. 004-004

<Tepals>Lower half

prominently in lower half28
28. 004-005


ovary included.29
29. 004-007


ovate-lanceolate, , apiculate30
30. 004-001


31. 004-002


Perennial herb, diffuse with creeping prostrate branches to ca. 90 cm long, rooting at nodes; stems nodose, pinkish, glabrous except for tufts of hairs in leaf-axils. Petioles of a pair joined and clasping stem at base; blade linear to linear-spathulate, to 6.7 x 0.7 cm, rounded (sometimes acute) at apex, glabrous. Inflorescence a terminal or axillary, solitary, conical, ovoid or cylindrical (rarely clavate) head to 20 x 8 mm, sessile or peduncle to 2.5 cm long; bracts scarious, deltate to lanceolate, 1.8-2.3 mm long, acute; bracteoles 1.2-3 mm long, exceeding bracts but shorter than tepals. Tepals ovate-lanceolate, 3-3.5 mm long, apiculate, scarious, white or pink, minutely ciliolate on sides at base (this hidden by enclosing bases of bracteoles), prominently 3-veined in lower half; filaments included, anthers 0.4 mm long, yellow; ovary included.


Perennial herb, diffuse with prostrate branches , rooting at nodes;32
32. 001


Inflorescence a , solitary, head , sessile or peduncle ;33
33. 003


In the Guianas only: var. vermiculare.


Petioles of a pair joined and clasping stem at base;34
34. 002


Tepals , , , , ;35
35. 004