- <<<Flowers>Stamens>Filaments>Hairs
- <<<Inflorescences>Thyrses>Position>Shape
- <<Flowers>Ovary>Locule number
- <<Flowers>Ovary>Ovule number per locule
- <<Flowers>Petals>Appendages
- <<Flowers>Petals>Growth form
- <<Flowers>Petals>Petal number
- <<Flowers>Sepals>Sepal number
- <<Flowers>Stamens>Anthers
- <<Flowers>Stamens>Filaments
- <<Flowers>Stamens>Stamen number
- <<Fruits>Pericarp>Texture
- <<Inflorescences>Thyrses>Position
- <<Leaves>Leaflets>Margins
- <<Seeds>Testa>Texture
- <Flowers>Disk
- <Flowers>Ovary
- <Flowers>Petals
- <Flowers>Sepals
- <Flowers>Stamens
- <Fruits>Pericarp
- <Fruits>Shape
- <Inflorescences>Dichasia
- <Leaves>Leaflets
- <Leaves>Petiolule
- <Leaves>Rudimentary leaflets
- <Seeds>Seed number per fruit
- <Seeds>Testa
- Description
- Distribution
- Flowers
- Fruits
- Habit
- Inflorescences
- Leaves
- Seeds
- Stipules
axillary, distal or seldom cauliflorous, or racemiform thyrses13
13. 004-001-001
Understory treelets or medium to large trees. Stipules wanting. Leaves alternate, pinnately compound, with a rudimentary distal leaflet; leaflets opposite or alternate, with entire margins; petiolules usually swollen. Inflorescences axillary, distal or seldom cauliflorous, paniculate or racemiform thyrses, with flowers in lateral, simple or compound dichasia. Flowers actinomorphic, functionally staminate or pistillate (plants dichogamous); sepals 5, connate at base, usually shorter than the petals; petals 5, distinct, erect or reflexedwith a simple or bifid petaloid appendage; disc annular; stamens 5-8, the filaments of unequal length, free, villose or glabrous, the anthers basifixed; ovary 3-locular, each locule with a single ovule. Fruits ellipsoid or globose, with leathery to woody pericarp. Seed usually one or less often two or three per fruit, with a fleshy, usually edible testa.