
Primary tabs



villose or glabrous1
1. 005-004-002-001


2. 004-001-001-001

<<Flowers>Ovary>Locule number

3. 005-005-001

<<Flowers>Ovary>Ovule number per locule

single ovule4
4. 005-005-002


with a simple or bifid petaloid appendage5
5. 005-002-003

<<Flowers>Petals>Growth form

erect or reflexed6
6. 005-002-002

<<Flowers>Petals>Petal number

7. 005-002-001

<<Flowers>Sepals>Sepal number

8. 005-001-001


the anthers basifixed;9
9. 005-004-003


the filaments of unequal length, free, ,10
10. 005-004-002

<<Flowers>Stamens>Stamen number

11. 005-004-001


leathery to woody12
12. 006-002-001


axillary, distal or seldom cauliflorous, or racemiform thyrses13
13. 004-001-001


with entire margins14
14. 003-002-001


15. 007-002-001


disc annular;16
16. 005-003


ovary , each locule with a .17
17. 005-005


petals , distinct, ;18
18. 005-002


sepals , connate at base, usually shorter than the petals;19
19. 005-001


stamens ,20
20. 005-004


with pericarp21
21. 006-002


ellipsoid or globose22
22. 006-001


with flowers in lateral, simple or compound dichasia23
23. 004-002


leaflets opposite or alternate, ;24
24. 003-002


petiolules usually swollen.25
25. 003-003

<Leaves>Rudimentary leaflets

with a rudimentary distal leaflet26
26. 003-001

<Seeds>Seed number per fruit

one or less often two or three27
27. 007-001


with a , usually edible testa28
28. 007-002


Understory treelets or medium to large trees. Stipules wanting. Leaves alternate, pinnately compound, with a rudimentary distal leaflet; leaflets opposite or alternate, with entire margins; petiolules usually swollen. Inflorescences axillary, distal or seldom cauliflorous, paniculate or racemiform thyrses, with flowers in lateral, simple or compound dichasia. Flowers actinomorphic, functionally staminate or pistillate (plants dichogamous); sepals 5, connate at base, usually shorter than the petals; petals 5, distinct, erect or reflexedwith a simple or bifid petaloid appendage; disc annular; stamens 5-8, the filaments of unequal length, free, villose or glabrous, the anthers basifixed; ovary 3-locular, each locule with a single ovule. Fruits ellipsoid or globose, with leathery to woody pericarp. Seed usually one or less often two or three per fruit, with a fleshy, usually edible testa.


Amazon present, Guianas present, lowlands from southern Mexico present, northern Argentina present
A Neotropical genus with 59 species distributed in the lowlands from southern Mexico to northern Argentina, most species centered in the Amazon and the Guianas, 20 species in the Guianas.


Flowers actinomorphic, functionally staminate or pistillate (plants dichogamous);29
29. 005


Fruits , .30
30. 006


Understory treelets or medium to large trees.31
31. 001


Inflorescences , .32
32. 004


Leaves alternate, pinnately compound, ;33
33. 003


Seed usually per fruit, .34
34. 007


Stipules wanting.35
35. 002