Piper humistratum

Primary tabs

Piper humistratum

<<<Petiole>Blade>Base>Differential distance

0.2-0.5 cm1
1. 003-002-005-001


1.5-2.5 cm long2
2. 004-002-001


2-4 cm long3
3. 004-003-001


stigmas 4, sessile.4
4. 005-001-001


apex obtuse or acutish,5
5. 003-002-004


base unequally attached to petiole difference , obliquely rounded, glabrous above, veins brown-villous below;6
6. 003-002-005


9-15(-18) x 5-7(-8.5) cm7
7. 003-002-003


elliptic to broadly elliptic8
8. 003-002-002


not scabrous9
9. 003-002-001


0.35 m tall10
10. 001-001

<Inflorescences>Floral bracts

floral bracts glabrous, slightly cucullate.11
11. 004-004

<Inflorescences>Growth form

12. 004-001


peduncle , villous;13
13. 004-002


spike , green or yellow or "rosish", not apiculate;14
14. 004-003


fruits oblongoid, sunken, glabrous,15
15. 005-001


blade discolourous, , not conspicuously glandular-dotted, , ,16
16. 003-002


1-2(-5.5) cm long17
17. 003-001


pinnately veined, secondary veins 3-5 per side, originating from lower 3/4 or more of primary vein, anastomosing, impressed above, prominent below like tertiary veins, those loosely reticulate.18
18. 003-003

Common Name

English (French Guiana): zaõ saapatu


Creeping herb or subshrub to 0.35 m tall. Stem villous often with white hairs. Petiole 1-2(-5.5) cm long, villous; blade discolourous, not scabrous, not conspicuously glandular-dotted, elliptic to broadly elliptic, 9-15(-18) x 5-7(-8.5) cm, apex obtuse or acutish, base unequally attached to petiole difference 0.2-0.5 cm, obliquely rounded, glabrous above, veins brown-villous below; pinnately veined, secondary veins 3-5 per side, originating from lower 3/4 or more of primary vein, anastomosing, impressed above, prominent below like tertiary veins, those loosely reticulate. Inflorescence erect; peduncle 1.5-2.5 cm long, villous; spike 2-4 cm long, green or yellow or "rosish", not apiculate; floral bracts glabrous, slightly cucullate. Infructescence occasionally pendent; fruits oblongoid, sunken, glabrous, stigmas 4, sessile.


Guianas present, Southern America: Brazil North (Amapá present), Terr. Roraima present
The Guianas and Brazil (Terr. Roraima, Amapá); 51 collections studied (GU: 1; SU: 12; FG: 38).


Creeping herb or subshrub to .19
19. 001

Individuals Association

Saül area, Freiberg 216 de Granville et al. 11026 Suriname, Tumac Humac Mts., Mt. Telouakem, Acevedo 5939 Suriname, SE Suriname near Tapoc, Plotkin 610 Mori et al. 14909 Guyana, NW Distr., Morucca R., Kabura Backdam, van Andel 2430


Inflorescence ;20
20. 004


Infructescence occasionally pendent;21
21. 005


I agree with Steyermark and Howard (in ) that Quebitea guianensis, nicely depicted in Aublet, belongs to Piper humistratum.


Petiole , villous;22
22. 003


Stem villous often with white hairs.23
23. 002