Paullinia dasygonia

Primary tabs

Paullinia dasygonia


<<<Calyx>Disk>Lobes>Lobe number

1. 006-004-001-001


2. 006-004-001-002

<<<Calyx>Sepals>Inner sepals>Length

ca. 2 mm long3
3. 006-002-005-001

<<<Calyx>Sepals>Outer sepals>Length

ca. 0.7 mm long4
4. 006-002-004-001

<<<Leaves>Lateral leaflets>Apex>Shape

obtuse or acute5
5. 004-006-003-001

<<<Leaves>Lateral leaflets>Base>Shape

acute or acuminate6
6. 004-006-002-001


7. 006-004-001


ca. 2.5 mm long8
8. 006-003-002


9. 006-003-001


ciliolate on margins10
10. 006-002-003

<<Calyx>Sepals>Inner sepals

inner sepals ;11
11. 006-002-005

<<Calyx>Sepals>Outer sepals

outer sepals ,12
12. 006-002-004

<<Calyx>Sepals>Sepal number

13. 006-002-001


oblong, concave14
14. 006-002-002


minutely velvety pubescent15
15. 007-005-001

<<Capsules>Shape>Wing number

16. 007-004-001

<<Leaves>Distal leaflets>Dimensions

2.8-4 × 1.3-2.2 cm17
17. 004-005-002

<<Leaves>Distal leaflets>Shape

rhombate, attenuate at base, obtuse or acute at apex18
18. 004-005-001

<<Leaves>Lateral leaflets>Apex

the apex .19
19. 004-006-003

<<Leaves>Lateral leaflets>Base

the base ,20
20. 004-006-002

<<Leaves>Lateral leaflets>Shape

elliptic, oblanceolate, subcuneate, slightly asymmetrical21
21. 004-006-001

<<Leaves>Leaflets>Abaxial surfaces

the abaxial surface lighter than the adaxial one;22
22. 004-004-003


glabrous or puberulent along the prominent venation23
23. 004-004-002


24. 004-004-001


25. 004-002-002


3-27 mm long26
26. 004-002-003


marginate to nearly terete27
27. 004-002-001


28. 004-003-001


29. 008-003-002


30. 008-003-001

<<Thyrses>Cincinni>Flower number

31. 005-003-001


disc of .32
32. 006-004


33. 006-001


petals , ;34
34. 006-003


sepals , , ,35
35. 006-002


36. 007-001


endocarp .37
37. 007-005


ciliate on margins38
38. 007-002


trigonous with ellipsoid outline, stipitate, with narrow, dorsal wings when young, sometimes becoming trigonous and wingless when mature39
39. 007-004


40. 007-003

<Leaves>Distal leaflets

distal leaflet , ;41
41. 004-005

<Leaves>Foliole number

7-9-foliolate, lower pair of leaflets trifoliolate42
42. 004-001

<Leaves>Lateral leaflets

lateral leaflets ,43
43. 004-006


leaflets sessile, , , remote repando-dentate,44
44. 004-004


petioles , , ;45
45. 004-002


primary and secondary rachides winged, , primary rachis longer than the petiole;46
46. 004-003


dark brown47
47. 008-002


with a , , bilobed sarcotesta on lower ½48
48. 008-003

<Seeds>Seed number per fruit

one per fruit49
49. 008-001

<Stems>Cross section

cross section with a single vascular cylinder.50
50. 002-005


ca. 5 mm in diameter51
51. 002-004


hirtellous, glabrescent52
52. 002-002


lenticellate when mature53
53. 002-003


54. 002-001


ca. 1 mm long55
55. 003-002


56. 003-001


cincinni , nearly sessile.57
57. 005-003


58. 005-002


59. 005-001


to ca. 5 m long60
60. 001-001


Calyx ;61
61. 006


Capsules , , , ;62
62. 007

Common Name

English (Suriname): ahdetimuh, ahkudeeuruemah, fefi-finga, okoremuh


Woody vine or less often shrub, to ca. 5 m long. Stems terete, hirtellous, glabrescent, lenticellate when mature, ca. 5 mm in diameter; cross section with a single vascular cylinder. Stipules triangular, ca. 1 mm long, persistent. Leaves pinnately 7-9-foliolate, lower pair of leaflets trifoliolate; petioles marginate to nearly terete, hirtellous, 3-27 mm long; primary and secondary rachides winged, hirtellous, primary rachis longer than the petiole; leaflets sessile, chartaceous, glabrous or puberulent along the prominent venation, remote repando-dentate, the abaxial surface lighter than the adaxial one; distal leaflet rhombate, attenuate at base, obtuse or acute at apex, 2.8-4 × 1.3-2.2 cm; lateral leaflets elliptic, oblanceolate, subcuneate, slightly asymmetrical, the base acute or acuminate, the apex obtuse or acute. Thyrses axillary racemiform, solitary, with hirtellous axis; cincinni few-flowered, nearly sessile. Calyx puberulent; sepals 5, oblong, concave, ciliolate on margins, outer sepals ca. 0.7 mm long, inner sepals ca. 2 mm long; petals obovate, ca. 2.5 mm long; disc of 2rounded lobes. Capsules red, ciliate on margins, coriaceous, trigonous with ellipsoid outline, stipitate, with 3 narrow, dorsal wings when young, sometimes becoming trigonous and wingless when mature; endocarp minutely velvety pubescent. Seed one per fruit, dark brown, with a thick, white, bilobed sarcotesta on lower ½.


Guianas present, Northeastern Brazil present, Trinidad present
Known from the Guianas, Trinidad, and northeastern Brazil. Perhaps not distinctive from Paullinia micrantha Cambess., a name that have been applied to some collections of P. dasygonia Radlk. in the Guianas (GU: 1; SU: 3; FG: 4).

Individuals Association

Bassin du Tampoc, 200 m from the confluence with Ouaqui R., de Granville B4824 Bassin de la Mana, Mana R., Fleury 399 Suriname, confluence of Paloemeu and Tapanahoni rivers, Boer 1254 Bassin du Marouini, Monpé Soula, 160 m, de Granville et al. 10073 Suriname, Sipalawini, vic. of airstrip along Ulemari R., Evans et al. 2979 Suriname, Brokopondo, bank of Marowijne Cr., van Donselaar 3803 Guyana, Rupununi, Upper Takutu-Upper Essequibo, Essequibo R., riparian forest, Redden et al. 5108


Leaves pinnately ;63
63. 004


Seed , , .64
64. 008


Stems , , , ;65
65. 002


Stipules , , persistent.66
66. 003


Thyrses racemiform, solitary, with axis;67
67. 005


Woody vine or less often shrub, .68
68. 001