truncate to subcordate
<<Blade>Shape>Part number
white-puberulous or yellow-velutinous, often with dense, white
ovate (only in subjuvenile material to )
2-3 mm in diam.
sparsely , arachnoid hairs
Blade entire and ovate (only in subjuvenile material to 3-parted), base truncate to subcordate. Heads of the staminate inflorescence 2-3 mm in diam.Perianth of the pistillate flower sparsely white-puberulous or yellow-velutinous, often with dense, white, arachnoid hairs.
French Guiana present, Gansee present, Grote Zwiebelzwamp present, Moengo present, Southern America: Brazil North (Amapá present, Amazonas present), Surinam present
Surinam (Gansee, Moengo, Grote Zwiebelzwamp), French Guiana (common), and Brazil (Amapa, Amazonas).
Heads of the staminate inflorescence
Perianth of the pistillate flower .