Ruellia saülensis
- <<<Calyx>Corolla>Lobes>Dimensions
- <<<Calyx>Corolla>Lobes>Shape
- <<<Calyx>Lobes>Hairs>Colour
- <<<Calyx>Stamens>Anthers>Length
- <<<Capsules>Seeds>Margins>Hairs
- <<<Inflorescences>Bracts>Basal bracts>Length
- <<<Inflorescences>Bracts>Basal bracts>Shape
- <<<Petiole>Blade>Lower surfaces>Colour
- <<<Petiole>Blade>Lower surfaces>Hairs
- <<<Petiole>Blade>Margins>Margin type
- <<<Petiole>Blade>Shape>Dimensions
- <<<Petiole>Blade>Upper surfaces>Colour
- <<<Petiole>Blade>Upper surfaces>Hairs
- <<<Petiole>Blade>Upper surfaces>Texture
- <<<Petiole>Primary veins>Secondary veins>Secondary vein pair number
- <<Calyx>Corolla>Colour
- <<Calyx>Corolla>Hairs
- <<Calyx>Corolla>Length
- <<Calyx>Corolla>Limbs
- <<Calyx>Corolla>Lobes
- <<Calyx>Lobes>Dimensions
- <<Calyx>Lobes>Hairs
- <<Calyx>Lobes>Shape
- <<Calyx>Ovary>Hairs
- <<Calyx>Stamens>Anthers
- <<Capsules>Seeds>Colour
- <<Capsules>Seeds>Dimensions
- <<Capsules>Seeds>Hairs
- <<Capsules>Seeds>Margins
- <<Capsules>Shape>Dimensions
- <<Capsules>Shape>Hairs
- <<Capsules>Stipes>Length
- <<Inflorescences>Bracteoles>Dimensions
- <<Inflorescences>Bracteoles>Hairs
- <<Inflorescences>Bracteoles>Shape
- <<Inflorescences>Bracts>Basal bracts
- <<Inflorescences>Bracts>Hairs
- <<Inflorescences>Bracts>Other bracts
- <<Inflorescences>Pedicels>Hairs
- <<Inflorescences>Pedicels>Length
- <<Inflorescences>Peduncle>Colour
- <<Inflorescences>Peduncle>Hairs
- <<Inflorescences>Peduncle>Length
- <<Petiole>Blade>Lower surfaces
- <<Petiole>Blade>Margins
- <<Petiole>Blade>Shape
- <<Petiole>Blade>Upper surfaces
- <<Petiole>Primary veins>Secondary veins
- <Calyx>Corolla
- <Calyx>Lobe number
- <Calyx>Lobes
- <Calyx>Ovary
- <Calyx>Stamens
- <Capsules>Colour
- <Capsules>Seeds
- <Capsules>Shape
- <Capsules>Stipes
- <Habit>Height
- <Inflorescences>Bracteoles
- <Inflorescences>Bracts
- <Inflorescences>Pedicels
- <Inflorescences>Peduncle
- <Inflorescences>Position
- <Petiole>Blade
- <Petiole>Hairs
- <Petiole>Length
- <Petiole>Primary veins
- <Petiole>Shape
- <Stems>Growth form
- <Stems>Hairs
- <Stems>Shape
- Calyx
- Capsules
- Description
- Distribution
- Habit
- Inflorescences
- Petiole
- Phenology
- Stems
<<<Petiole>Primary veins>Secondary veins>Secondary vein pair number
ca. 8 pairs or more15
15. 003-005-001-001
<<Petiole>Primary veins>Secondary veins
secondary veins , convex on both surfaces.48
48. 003-005-001
<Petiole>Primary veins
primary vein sulcate on upper surface, convex on lower surface,67
67. 003-005
Shrub, 1 m tall, branched from a subligneous base. Stem erect, quadrangular, branching, glabrous. Petioles 5-15 mm long, canaliculate, puberulous; blade elliptic, 15-16 x 4.5-5 cm, firm, acuminate at apex, attenuate at base, margin faintly and irregularly crenate, upper surface smooth, glabrous, drying olive green, lower surface densely pilose and purplish; primary vein sulcate on upper surface, convex on lower surface, secondary veins ca. 8 pairs or more, convex on both surfaces. Inflorescence cymose, terminal and axillary, once or twice dichasially branched; peduncle 1.5-6 cm long, conspicuously glandular pilose, trichomesyellowish; basal bracts linear, to 10 mm long, others smaller, glandular pilose; pedicel of central flower 3 mm long, glandular pilose; bracteoles subulate, 2.5-3 x 0.4-0.5 mm, glandular pilose. Calyx deeply 5-lobed, lobes linear, 10-14 x 0.5 mm, conspicuously glandular pilose, trichomes yellowish; corolla white, 35-45 mm long, glabrous except upper part of tube minutely pilose, limb suberect, lobes obovate, 7-8 x 6-8 mm, retuse apically; stamens included, anthers 3 mm long; ovary and style puberulent. Capsule narrowly ovoid, 15 x 4 x 3 mm, pubescent, apiculate and tinged with red apically, stipe 5 mm long; seeds 2.5 x 2 mm, dark brown, glabrous, margin fringed by hygroscopic trichomes.