Ruellia geminiflora
- <<<Calyx lobes>Corolla>Lobes>Length
- <<<Calyx lobes>Corolla>Tube>Dimensions
- <<<Calyx lobes>Corolla>Tube>Shape
- <<<Calyx lobes>Corolla>Tube>Width
- <<<Leaves>Blade>Shape>Length
- <<<Leaves>Blade>Shape>Width
- <<Calyx lobes>Corolla>Colour
- <<Calyx lobes>Corolla>Hairs
- <<Calyx lobes>Corolla>Length
- <<Calyx lobes>Corolla>Lobes
- <<Calyx lobes>Corolla>Tube
- <<Capsules>Shape>Dimensions
- <<Capsules>Shape>Hairs
- <<Capsules>Stipes>Length
- <<Inflorescences>Bracteoles>Hairs
- <<Inflorescences>Bracteoles>Length
- <<Inflorescences>Bracteoles>Shape
- <<Inflorescences>Bracteoles>Width
- <<Inflorescences>Leaves>Flower number per axil
- <<Inflorescences>Leaves>Position
- <<Leaves>Blade>Hairs
- <<Leaves>Blade>Shape
- <<Leaves>Primary and secondary veins>Secondary vein pair number
- <Calyx lobes>Corolla
- <Calyx lobes>Dimensions
- <Calyx lobes>Hairs
- <Calyx lobes>Shape
- <Capsules>Shape
- <Capsules>Stipes
- <Habit>Height
- <Inflorescences>Bracteoles
- <Inflorescences>Bracts
- <Inflorescences>Leaves
- <Leaves>Blade
- <Leaves>Cystoliths
- <Leaves>Primary and secondary veins
- <Stems>Cystoliths
- <Stems>Hairs
- <Stems>Shape
- Calyx lobes
- Capsules
- Description
- Distribution
- Habit
- Inflorescences
- Leaves
- Notes
- Stems
linear to narrowly lanceolate, and , acute to obtusish (tip itself blunt), narrowed at base23
23. 003-001-001
<Leaves>Primary and secondary veins
primary vein and secondary veins () usually prominent on lower surface;37
37. 003-002
Herb to 40 cm high. Stem subquadrangular, sulcate, densely to sparsely hirsute to glabrescent, cystoliths inconspicuous. Leaves sessile to subsessile; blade linear to narrowly lanceolate, to 6.5 cm long and 1.2(-1.5) cm wide, acute to obtusish (tip itself blunt), narrowed at base, both surfaces densely to sparsely hirsute; primary vein and secondary veins (5-8 pairs) usually prominent on lower surface; cystoliths obscure. Inflorescence of sessile, solitary or paired flowers in axils of terminal leaves, often opposite; bracts 0; bracteoles linearto 6.5 mm long and 0.8 mm wide, hirsute. Calyx lobes linear-lanceolate, ca. 15 x 1 mm, densely hirsute; corolla blue, pink, whitish, violet or blue-violet, 45-50 mm long, pubescent, tube funnelform, ca. 20 mm broad at throat, narrow basal part ca. 10 x 2 mm, lobes ca. 15 mm long. Capsule ovoid, 10 x 5 mm, pubescent, apically apiculate, stipe ca. 3 mm long.