
Primary tabs


<<<Flowers>Ovary>Ovules>Ovule number

1-ca. 20 (usually 1)1
1. 004-003-002-001

<<<Flowers>Ovary>Stigma>Stigma number

2. 004-003-005-001

<<<Flowers>Ovary>Style>Style number

3. 004-003-004-001

<<<Flowers>Stamens>Anthers>Locule number

2- or 4-locular4
4. 004-002-002-001


horseshoe-shaped or circular5
5. 005-001-002-001

<<Flowers>Ovary>Locule number

6. 004-003-001


ovules ,7
7. 004-003-002


placentation basal,8
8. 004-003-003


stigmas .9
9. 004-003-005


style ,10
10. 004-003-004


anthers , dehiscent by longitudinal slits,11
11. 004-002-002


filaments united below in a cup,12
12. 004-002-003


pseudostaminodia present or absent;13
13. 004-002-004

<<Flowers>Stamens>Stamen number

14. 004-002-001

<<Flowers>Tepals>Tepal number

(1)3-5 (0 in female Amaranthus australis)15
15. 004-001-001


embryo , surrounding starchy, copious perisperm,16
16. 005-001-002


endosperm scanty.17
17. 005-001-003


testa shining,18
18. 005-001-001

<<Inflorescences>Flowers>Bract number

19. 003-002-001

<<Inflorescences>Flowers>Bracteole number

20. 003-002-002

<<Inflorescences>Lateral flowers>Flower number per cymule

21. 003-003-001

<<Inflorescences>Lateral flowers>Hairs

bristles or hairs22
22. 003-003-002


ovary superior, ,23
23. 004-003


stamens , opposite tepals,24
24. 004-002


tepals , free or shortly united below, often persistent, scarious, imbricate in bud;25
25. 004-001


seeds small,26
26. 005-001

<Habit>Growth form

27. 001-001

<Inflorescences>Flower number per cymule

28. 003-001


flowers subtended by bract and bracteoles;29
29. 003-002

<Inflorescences>Lateral flowers

lateral flowers of cymules sometimes sterile and modified into scales, spines, .30
30. 003-003


sessile to petiolate;31
31. 002-001


32. 002-002


Annual or perennial herbs, subshrubs or shrubs, or clambering lianas, or trees. Leaves opposite or alternate, simple, entire or nearly so; sessile to petiolate; exstipulate. Inflorescence of cymules, spikes, racemes, thyrses, heads or panicles, often of ultimate 3-flowered cymules; flowers subtended by 1 bract and 2 bracteoles; lateral flowers of 3-flowered cymules sometimes sterile and modified into scales, spines, bristles or hairs. Flowers bisexual or unisexual, monoecious, dioecious or polygamous when unisexual, regular, hypogynous; tepals (1)3-5 (0 in female Amaranthus australis), free or shortly united below, often persistent, scarious, imbricate in bud; stamens (2-3)5, opposite tepals, anthers 2- or 4-locular, dehiscent by longitudinal slits, filaments united below in a cup, pseudostaminodia present or absent; ovary superior, 1-locular, ovules 1-ca. 20 (usually 1), placentation basal, style 1, stigmas 1-3. Fruit a dry, irregularly dehiscent capsule or utricle, rarely berry-like; seeds small, testa shining, embryo horseshoe-shaped or circular, surrounding starchy, copious perisperm, endosperm scanty.


Guianas present
A mostly tropical and subtropical family of approximately 1000 species in 69 genera; some weedy or cultivated as ornamental or edible plants; in the Guianas 24 species in 10 genera.


Flowers bisexual or unisexual, monoecious, dioecious or polygamous when unisexual, regular, hypogynous;33
33. 004


Fruit a dry, irregularly dehiscent capsule or utricle, rarely berry-like;34
34. 005


Annual or perennial herbs, subshrubs or shrubs, or lianas, or trees.35
35. 001

Individuals Association

Oldeman, R.A.A. B-3804 Guyana, Cruz, J.S. de la 1515 Suriname, Herb. Schweinitz s.n. Guyana, Pipoly, J.J. et al. 8348 Guyana, Henkel, T.W. et al. 2944 Oldeman, R.A.A. T-389 Suriname, Everaarts, A.P. 547 Suriname, Soeprato 216 Broadway, W.E. 1 Cremers, G. et al. 12908 Garnier, F.A. 198 Garnier, F.A. 40 Suriname, Samuels, J.A. 340 Suriname, Jonker-Verhoef, A.M.E. & F.P. Jonker 345 Fleury, M. 266 Guyana, Hitchcock, A.S. 16772 Suriname, Lanjouw, J. 12 Suriname, Tulleken, J.E. 20 Suriname, Lanjouw, J. & J.C. Lindeman 1653a Guyana, Cruz, J.S. de la 1078 Guyana, Cook, C.D.K. 252 Guyana, Irwin, H.S. 289 Dauchez, B. 13 Guyana, Jansen-Jacobs, M.J. et al. 4358 Suriname, Dirven, J.G.P. LP736 Leeuwenberg, A.J.M. 11696 Suriname, BW 260 Oldeman, R.A.A. B-466 Garnier, F.A. 159 Suriname, Florschütz, P.A. et al. 2337 Suriname, Everaarts, A.P. 792 Guyana, Jansen-Jacobs, M.J. et al. 313 Descoings, B. et al. 20461 Suriname, Kalpoe, C.D. 16617 Rossignol, - 4 Guyana, Hitchcock, A.S. 16609 Cremers, G. et al. 8504 Gely, A. 74 Suriname, Reijenga, Th.W. 27 Guyana, Schomburgk, Ro. ser. I, 702 Oldeman, R.A.A. B-443 Broadway, W.E. 96 Cremers, G. et al. 12840 Guyana, Jenman, G.S. 5338 Guyana, Stoffers, A.L., A.R.A. Görts van Rijn et al. 338 Guyana, Jenman, G.S. 5339 Suriname, Soeprato 32H Suriname, Doesburg, P.H. van 24 Hoff, M. et al. 5497 Fournet, A. 203 Jacquemin, H. 2831 Guyana, Cruz, J.S. de la 4030 Suriname, Lanjouw, J. 614 Alexandre, D.Y. 289 Suriname, Reijenga, Th.W. 18 Suriname, Sterringa, J.T. 12448 Suriname, Kramer, K.U. & W.H.A. Hekking 2110 Oldeman, R.A.A. B-2558 Suriname, Irwin, H.S. et al. 57687 Sagot, P.A. 1321 Mori, S.A. et al. 22346 Guyana, Smith, A.C. 2504 Suriname, Maguire, B. et al. 23879 Suriname, Soeprato 371 Suriname, Lanjouw, J. & J.C. Lindeman 1102 Feuillet, C. 2175 Alexandre, D.Y. 239 Suriname, Geijskes, D.C. 10 without coll. 215 Guyana, Leng, H. 420 Hoff, M. et al. 5107 Gely, A. 38 Suriname, Focke, H.C. 268 Grenand, P. 408 Suriname, Hostmann, F.W.R. et al. 98 Suriname, Lanjouw, J. 1092 Fournet, A. 103 Guyana, Jansen-Jacobs, M.J. et al. 3805 Hoff, M. et al. 6509 Suriname, Tresling, J.H.A.T. 92 Guyana, Jansen-Jacobs, M.J. et al. 1178 Suriname, Pulle, A.A. 454 Suriname, Soeprato 197 Suriname, Dirven, J.G.P. LP541 Skog, L. & C. Feuillet 7542 Merlier, - GY 222 Suriname, Florschütz, P.A. et al. 1914 Alexandre, D.Y. 290 Suriname, Pons, T.L. 12665 Oldeman, R.A.A. 3170 Kodjoed, J.F. 85 Suriname, Reijenga, Th.W. 31 Suriname, Hekking, W.H.A. 1139 Cremers, G. et al. 8430 Suriname, Pulle, A.A. 3 Suriname, Pons, T.L. LBB 12648 Cremers, G. et al. 7787 Cremers, G. et al. 8740 Suriname, Rombouts, H.E. 733 Suriname, Tawjoeran, J. LBB 12346 Suriname, Hostmann, F.W.R. et al. s.n.(?) Suriname, Tresling, J.H.A.T. 345 Suriname, Teunissen, P.A. et al. LBB 12611 Mori, S.A. et al. 22074 Suriname, Kramer, K.U. & W.H.A. Hekking 2756 Suriname, LBB 609 Cremers, G. et al. 8495 Guyana, Schomburgk, Ro. ser. II, 951 Guyana, Cruz, J.S. de la 3698 Suriname, Donselaar, J. van 3460 Guyana, Schomburgk, Ro. ser. I, 934 Skog, L. & C. Feuillet 7315 Suriname, Archer, W.A. 2683 Suriname, Maguire, B. et al. 22724 Suriname, collector indigenus 27(?) Suriname, Soeprato 370 Guyana, Jansen-Jacobs, M.J. et al. 2768 Suriname, Hekking, W.H.A. 936 Sastre, C. et al. 8174 Suriname, Rombouts, H.E. 675 Suriname, Lanjouw, J. & J.C. Lindeman 1860 Suriname, Soeprato 180 Suriname, Versteeg, G.M. 288 Guyana, Jenman, G.S. 5337 Suriname, Went, F.A.F.C. 499 Guyana, Jansen-Jacobs, M.J. et al. 588 Suriname, Dirven, J.G.P. LP393 Suriname, Mennega, A.M.W. 173 Guyana, Maas, P.J.M. et al. 7273 Suriname, collector indigenus 182 Suriname, Geijskes, D.C. 11 Guyana, Jansen-Jacobs, M.J. et al. 2506 Guyana, Gleason, H.A. 788 Guyana, Harris, S.A. TP 280 Goff, A. le 75 Skog, L. & C. Feuillet 7318 Hoff, M. et al. 6096 Suriname, Soeprato 37G Goff, A. le 186 Guyana, Leng, H. 58 Suriname, Lanjouw, J. 280 Granville, J.J. de et al. 5776 Suriname, Wullschlägel, H.R. 934 Leng, H. 420 Guyana, Maas, P.J.M. et al. 4119 Leclerc, A. 46 without coll. 912 Cremers, G. et al. 8563 Suriname, Berthoud-Coulon, M. 534 Guyana, Jenman, G.S. 4789 Suriname, Lanjouw, J. 278 Guyana, Hitchcock, A.S. 16829 Guyana, Hitchcock, A.S. 16697 Guyana, Jenman, G.S. 5341 Suriname, Sauvain, M. 389 Suriname, Stahel, G. s.n. Granville, J.J. de et al. C-168 Suriname, Wessels Boer, J.G. 419 Suriname, Florschütz, P.A. et al. 988 Suriname, Reijenga, Th.W. 19 Leclerc, A. 15 Suriname, Lanjouw, J. & J.C. Lindeman 1349 Granville, J.J. de et al. 6644 Suriname, Soeprato 379 Wittingthon, V. 101 Cremers, G. et al. 8678 Cremers, G. et al. 7786 Suriname, Irwin, H.S. et al. 55423 Guyana, Hitchcock, A.S. 16610 Suriname, Tresling, J.H.A.T. 325 Guyana, Jansen-Jacobs, M.J. et al. 590 Suriname, Hekking, W.H.A. 839 Suriname, Soeprato 46F Guyana, Goodland, R. 822 Guyana, Jenman, G.S. 5063 Guyana, Bartlett, A.W. 8024 Guyana, Irwin, H.S. 769 Oldeman, R.A.A. BC-25 Guyana, Cowan, R.S. 39400 Hoff, M. et al. 6084 Cremers, G. et al. 681 Suriname, Dirven, J.G.P. LP468 Broadway, W.E. 114 Cremers, G. et al. 7780 Suriname, Maguire, B. et al. 22715a Guyana, Jansen-Jacobs et al. 1178 Mori, S.A. et al. 23368 Suriname, Lindeman, J.C., A.R.A. Görts-van Rijn et al. 650 Suriname, Maguire, B. et al. 55423 Cremers, G. et al. 8562 Suriname, Versteeg, G.M. 271 Kodjoed, J.F. 61 Guyana, Cruz, J.S. de la 3785 Suriname, Irwin, H.S. et al. 55615 Suriname, Reijenga, Th.W. 23 Suriname, collector indigenus 142 Granville, J.J. de et al. 3177 Guyana, Jansen-Jacobs, M.J. et al. 636 Skog, L. & C. Feuillet 7291 Mori, S.A. et al. 856 Broadway, W.E. 688 Suriname, Geijskes, D.C. s.n. Suriname, Reijenga, Th.W. 22 Suriname, Rombouts, H.E. 763 Guyana, Stockdale, F.A. 8827 Suriname, Lanjouw, J. & J.C. Lindeman 1510 Suriname, Hostmann, F.W.R. et al. 602a Burgot, S-J. 1 Suriname, Donselaar, J. van 2578 Suriname, Focke, H.C. 419 Alexandre, D.Y. 91 Suriname, Archer, W.A. 2677a Guyana, Forest Bur. Suriname BW G 224 Descoings, B. et al. 20290 Suriname, Florschütz, P.A. et al. 940 Suriname, Reijenga, Th.W. 30 Suriname, Lanjouw, J. & J.C. Lindeman 1443 Hoff, M. et al. 6281 Ducatillon, C. et al. 60 Guyana, Rothery, H.C. 62 (?) Suriname, Schulz, J.P. LBB 11088 Suriname, Reijenga, Th.W. 26a Billiet, F.P. & B. Jadin 4518 Hoff, M. et al. 5074 Mori, S.A. et al. 18780 Guyana, Schomburgk, Ro. ser. I, 586 Suriname, Reijenga, Th.W. 20 Guyana, Grewal, M.S. & H. Lall 305 Broadway, W.E. 371 Raynal-Roques, A. 19973 Feuillet, C. 232 Suriname, Florschütz, P.A. et al. 986 Suriname, Lindeman, J.C. 5120 Suriname, without coll. s.n. Suriname, Florschütz, P.A. et al. 2675 Leclerc, A. 18 Cremers, G. et al. 8457 Hoff, M. et al. 6214 Broadway, W.E. 158 Guyana, Irwin, H.S. 643 Suriname, Lanjouw, J. & J.C. Lindeman 535 Suriname, Tulleken, J.E. 302 Guyana, Schomburgk, Ri. 1527 Guyana, Cruz, J.S. de la 973 Suriname, Essed, E. 124 Guyana, Boom, B.M. 7174 Guyana, Stoffers, A.L., A.R.A. Görts van Rijn et al. 190 Oldeman, R.A.A. B-2677 Suriname, Reijenga, Th.W. 29 Suriname, Kramer, K.U. & W.H.A. Hekking 2348 Suriname, Went, F.A.F.C. 171 Broadway, W.E. 94 Guyana, Jenman, G.S. 2151 Suriname, Kalpoe, C.D. UVS 16591 Guyana, Jenman, G.S. 7085 Guyana, Cruz, J.S. de la 1688 Grenand, P. 1695 Guyana, Cruz, J.S. de la 1245 Suriname, Florschütz, P.A. et al. 553 Guyana, Schomburgk, Ro. ser. I, 832 Guyana, Cruz, J.S. de la 4078 Suriname, Wessels Boer, J.G. 566 Suriname, Hostmann, F.W.R. et al. 1109 Billiet, F.P. & B. Jadin 4745 Suriname, Mennega, A.M.W. 535 Suriname, Sastre, C. et al. 8211 Suriname, without coll. 8562 Suriname, Stahel, G. s.n. Suriname, collector indigenus 47 Guyana, Lall, H. & M.S. Grewal 347 Guyana, Harrison, S.G. 879 Feuillet, C. 16 Guyana, Hitchcock, A.S. 16771 Ducatillon, C. et al. 78 Guyana, McDowell, T. et al. 2396 Fleury, M. 692 Suriname, without coll. 4 Leclerc, A. 49 Guyana, Cruz, J.S. de la 1672 Jacquemin, H. 2216 Haxaire, C. 631 Suriname, Teunissen, P.A. et al. 14957 Fleury, M. 684 Guyana, Robertson, K.R. & D.F. Austin 317 Guyana, Henkel, T.W. et al. 622 Leclerc, A. 16 Alexandre, D.Y. 315 Suriname, Lanjouw, J. & J.C. Lindeman 1523 Oldeman, R.A.A. B-2875 Suriname, Florschütz, P.A. et al. 1038 Guyana, Jenman, G.S. 3875 Suriname, Jonker-Verhoef, A.M.E. & F.P. Jonker 15 Guyana, Clarke, D. 382 Merlier, - GY 246 Cremers, G. et al. 8429 Leclerc, A. 47 Suriname, Soeprato 397 Suriname, Everaarts, A.P. 794 Roubik, D. 128 Suriname, Hekking, W.H.A. 843 without coll. 96 SA(?) Oldeman, R.A.A. B-3265 Guyana, Jenman, G.S. 6247 Suriname, Reijenga, Th.W. 29a Guyana, Leechman, A. XVI Suriname, Lunnan, - 476 Suriname, Kramer, K.U. & W.H.A. Hekking 2618 Sauvain, M. 64 Guyana, Cruz, J.S. de la 964 Guyana, Jansen-Jacobs et al. 960 Suriname, Lanjouw, J. 1051 Guyana, Gleason, H.A. 280 Suriname, Lanjouw, J. 1101 Suriname, Lanjouw, J. & J.C. Lindeman 1483 Guyana, Grewal, M.S. & H. Lall 306 Suriname, Florschütz, P.A. et al. 2665 Guyana, Harris, S.A. M9 Suriname, Irwin, H.S. et al. 55940 Suriname, Pulle, A.A. 376 Teunissen, P.A. et al. LBB 12944 Guyana, Schomburgk, Ro. s.n. Suriname, Irwin, H.S. et al. 57511 Suriname, Kappler, A. 1980 Suriname, Samuels, J.A. 98 Suriname, Reijenga, Th.W. 16 Hoff, M. et al. 5506 without coll. AR. 19941 Suriname, Everaarts, A.P. 467 Fournet, A. 100 Feuillet, C. 521 Suriname, Focke, H.C. 474 Grenand, P. 149 Suriname, Lindeman, J.C. 5259 Suriname, Oldenburger, F.H.F. et al. 1356 Granville, J.J. de et al. 1956 Suriname, Jonker-Verhoef, A.M.E. & F.P. Jonker 243 Suriname, Wessels Boer, J.G. 497 Hoff, M. et al. 5085 Guyana, Jenman, G.S. 5336 Granville, J.J. de et al. B-5067 Guyana, Schomburgk, Ro. ser. I, 46 Suriname, without coll. s.n. Suriname, Stahel, G. 88 Suriname, Irwin, H.S. et al. 55231 Suriname, Wessels Boer, J.G. 495 Guyana, Jansen-Jacobs, M.J. et al. 129 Cremers, G. et al. 11343 Suriname, Kramer, K.U. & W.H.A. Hekking 2250 Granville, J.J. de et al. 6621 Guyana, McDowell, T. et al. 4096 Guyana, Stoffers, A.L., A.R.A. Görts van Rijn et al. 497 Cremers, G. et al. 4744 Prévost, M.F. 789 Suriname, Dirven, J.G.P. LP447 Broadway, W.E. 570 Goff, A. le 180 Suriname, Geijskes, D.C. 40 Lescure, J.P. 91 Guyana, Leng, H. 30 Suriname, Samuels, J.A. s.n. Guyana, Jansen-Jacobs, M.J. et al. 974 Suriname, Tulleken, J.E. 584 Guyana, Steege, H. ter, et al. 307 Prévost, M.F. 788 Suriname, Jonker-Verhoef, A.M.E. & F.P. Jonker 605 Broadway, W.E. 471 Suriname, Reijenga, Th.W. 28 Guyana, Irwin, H.S. 621 Guyana, Irwin, H.S. 758 Suriname, Lanjouw, J. & J.C. Lindeman 3090 Guyana, Jansen-Jacobs, M.J. et al. 4851 Suriname, Moretti, C. 105 Guyana, Cruz, J.S. de la 2126 Guyana, Jansen-Jacobs, M.J. et al. 1817 Guyana, Schomburgk, Ro. ser. I, 697 Suriname, Kramer, K.U. & W.H.A. Hekking 2645 Guyana, Cruz, J.S. de la 3997 Guyana, Irwin, H.S. 269 Grenand, P. 1619 Guyana, Harrison, S.G. 1334 Roubik, D. 114 Suriname, Versteeg, G.M. 543 Suriname, without coll. 4359 Cremers, G. et al. 12855 Granville, J.J. de et al. BC-64 Guyana, Hitchcock, A.S. 17360 Suriname, Hulk, J.F. 38 Mori, S.A. et al. 18658 Leclerc, A. 48 Suriname, Lanjouw, J. 612 Suriname, Lanjouw, J. 633 without coll. AR. 19724 Sagot, P.A. 483 Oldeman, R.A.A. B-735 Suriname, Jonker-Verhoef, A.M.E. & F.P. Jonker 97 Cremers, G. et al. 8454 Suriname, Everaarts, A.P. 682 Suriname, Sterringa, J.T. LBB 12390 Suriname, LBB Guyana, Clarke, D. 1998 Suriname, Lanjouw, J. & J.C. Lindeman 3138 Leclerc, A. 17 Oldeman, R.A.A. 2173 Oldeman, R.A.A. B-3894 Guyana, Cruz, J.S. de la 3579 Prévost, M.F. 1197 Suriname, Lanjouw, J. & J.C. Lindeman 3068 Bordenave, B. 153 Hoff, M. et al. 6223 Service Forestier 4074 Guyana, Cruz, J.S. de la 982 Suriname, Rombouts, H.E. 28 Suriname, Mennega, A.M.W. 394 Cremers, G. et al. 8717 Rothery, H.C. 61 Alexandre, D.Y. 490 Suriname, Dirven, J.G.P. LP488 Suriname, Berthoud-Coulon, M. 537 Guyana, Robertson, K.R. & D.F. Austin 325 Suriname, Stahel, G. s.n. Guyana, Stoffers, A.L., A.R.A. Görts van Rijn et al. 199 Lindeman, J.C. 6778 Cremers, G. et al. 7702 Suriname, Reijenga, Th.W. 24 Suriname, Went, F.A.F.C. 299 Guyana, Smith, A.C. 2393 Suriname, Soeprato 2F Suriname, Reijenga, Th.W. 26 Guyana, Kvist, L.P., et al. 287 Suriname, Doesburg, P.H. van 57 Granville, J.J. de et al. 1971 Suriname, Stahel, G. 24 Guyana, Hitchcock, A.S. 16591 Guyana, Hiepko, P. 2775 Suriname, Kramer, K.U. & W.H.A. Hekking 2376 Capus, F. 77 Moretti, C. 108 Feuillet, C. 2142 Suriname, Kappler, A. 1591 Suriname, Berthoud-Coulon, M. 536 Guyana, Acevedo, P., et al. 3462 Alexandre, D.Y. 380 Guyana, Pipoly, J.J. et al. 11249 Skog, L. & C. Feuillet 7294 Broadway, W.E. 223 Guyana, Jenman, G.S. 4807 Suriname, Wullschlägel, H.R. 442 Granville, J.J. de et al. B-4957 Suriname, collector indigenus 208 Suriname, Florschütz, P.A. et al. 1920 Suriname, UVS Guyana, Hitchcock, A.S. 16611 Guyana, Jenman, G.S. 5626 Guyana, Cruz, J.S. de la 3970 Suriname, Dirven, J.G.P. LP546 Suriname, Wessels Boer, J.G. 563 Mori, S.A. et al. 18261 Guyana, Omawale & R.N. Persaud 96 Guyana, Hoffman, B., et al. 730 Grenand, P. 2144 Suriname, Samuels, J.A. 48 Guyana, Forest Bur. Suriname 423 Suriname, Jonker-Verhoef, A.M.E. & F.P. Jonker 12 Cremers, G. et al. 8561 Suriname, Doesburg, P.H. van 108 Suriname, Weigelt, C s.n. Guyana, Cruz, J.S. de la 2774 Suriname, Reijenga, Th.W. 25 Guyana, Stoffers, A.L., A.R.A. Görts van Rijn et al. 247 Guyana, Forest Dept. British Guiana WB 445 Alexandre, D.Y. 115 Sagot, P.A. 481 Hoff, M. et al. 5495 Suriname, Lanjouw, J. 1046 without coll. 189 Hoff, M. et al. 6282 Guyana, Acevedo, P., et al. 3497 Suriname, Gonggrijp, J.W. 1040 Mori, S.A. et al. 18456 Sagot, P.A. 5506 Suriname, Dirven, J.G.P. LP486 Merlier, - GY 202 Guyana, Cruz, J.S. de la 3751 Suriname, Jonker-Verhoef, A.M.E. & F.P. Jonker 661 Suriname, Sterringa, J.T. 12421 Guyana, Jansen-Jacobs, M.J. et al. 960 Guyana, Jenman, G.S. s.n. Suriname, Doesburg, P.H. van 38 Guyana, Gleason, H.A. 378 Guyana, Omawale & R.N. Persaud 79 Leclerc, A. 19 Fleury, M. 720 Sagot, P.A. 482 Guyana, Boom, B.M. 7166 Toriola-Marbot, D. & M. Hoff 249 Sastre, C. et al. 119 Guyana, Hahn, W. 4840 Suriname, Focke, H.C. 21 Lescure, J.P. 306 Suriname, Lanjouw, J. 20 Guyana, Jansen-Jacobs, M.J. et al. 2662 Cremers, G. et al. 9796 Guyana, Grewal, M.S. & H. Lall 303 Goff, A. le 88 Broadway, W.E. 568 Suriname, Kramer, K.U. & W.H.A. Hekking 3141 Guyana, Jansen-Jacobs, M.J. et al. 1787


Inflorescence of cymules, spikes, racemes, thyrses, heads or panicles, often of ultimate cymules;36
36. 003


Leaves opposite or alternate, simple, entire or nearly so;37
37. 002


Included phloem included in tangential bands of conjunctive tissue which form a reticulate pattern with the unlignified rays.
Vessels diffuse, solitary or in small multiples, round to oval, diameter 40-150 μm, 10-30 per mm², the variation mainly due to the unlignified vesselless zones.
Perforations simple. Intervascular pits alternate, round, 7-8 μm. Vessel-ray pits simple, oval to elongated, slightly irregular. Vessel member length 300-400 μm.
Ray-like zones of mainly unlignified parenchymatic cells linking the successive layers of conjunctive tissue.
Crystal sand present in radial and tangential conjunctive tissue.
Parenchyma scantily diffuse and as narrow vasicentric sheaths; fusiform cells and strands of 1-2 cells, 200-300 μm high.
Fibres thin-walled, walls 2-4 μm, lumina up to 25 μm wide. Pits minute, simple, numerous on both tangential and radial walls.
The only species occurring in the Guianas and represented in the Utrecht wood collection is the climbing liana Chamissoa altissima. The xylem body is divided in small parts by a network, formed by unlignified ray-like zones and wide tangential bands of unlignified conjunctive tissue ().
As far as known the wood is of no commercial value.
A. Carlquist, S. 1988 – In: Comparative Wood Anatomy. Systematic, Ecological, and Evolutionary Aspects of Dicotyledon Wood. – Berlin-Heidelberg: Springer-Verlag, B. Lindeman, J.C., A.M.W. Mennega and W.J.A. Hekking. 1963 – In: Bomenboek voor Suriname. Herkenning van Surinaamse houtsoorten aan hout en vegetatieve kenmerken. – Paramaribo: Uitgave Dienst ‘s Lands Bosbeheer Suriname, C. Metcalfe, C.R. & L. Chalk. 1983: Wood structure and conclusion of the general introduction. – Anatomy of the Dicotyledons vol. II, D. Record, S.J. & R.W. Hess. 1943 – In: Timbers of the New World. – New Haven, CT: Yale University Press