Paullinia alsmithii

Primary tabs

Paullinia alsmithii


<<<<Leaves>Leaflets>Base>Distal leaflets>Shape

attenuate or cuneate1
1. 004-006-005-001-001

<<<<Leaves>Leaflets>Base>Lateral leaflets>Shape

obtuse or rounded on lateral ones2
2. 004-006-005-002-001


3. 004-006-004-001

<<<Leaves>Leaflets>Base>Distal leaflets

on distal leaflet4
4. 004-006-005-001

<<<Leaves>Leaflets>Lateral leaflets>Shape

ovate, oblong-elliptical or sublanceolate, distal leaflet rhombate5
5. 004-006-003-001

<<<Leaves>Leaflets>Margins>Margin type

remotely serrate6
6. 004-006-006-001


the teeth mucronate7
7. 004-006-006-002

<<<Leaves>Petiolule>Distal petiolule>Length

1-1.5 cm long8
8. 004-005-003-001

<<<Leaves>Petiolule>Lateral petiolule>Length

4-5 mm long9
9. 004-005-002-001


3-5 mm long10
10. 005-006-001-001

<<Calyx>Inner sepals>Length

4.5-5 mm long11
11. 006-004-001

<<Calyx>Outer sepals>Length

ca. 3 mm long12
12. 006-003-001

<<Calyx>Sepals>Sepal number

13. 006-002-001


oblong, slightly concave14
14. 006-002-002


minutely wooly15
15. 007-008-002


16. 007-008-001


17. 007-007-001


3-5 mm long18
18. 007-005-001


the apex ,19
19. 004-006-004


the base , ,20
20. 004-006-005


10-19 × 4.8-10.5 cm (distal leaflet larger)21
21. 004-006-002

<<Leaves>Leaflets>Lateral leaflets

lateral leaflets22
22. 004-006-003


the margins , ;23
23. 004-006-006


chartaceous to coriaceous24
24. 004-006-001

<<Leaves>Petiole and rachis>Hairs

25. 004-002-001


7-18 cm long26
26. 004-003-001

<<Leaves>Petiolule>Distal petiolule

distal one27
27. 004-005-003


28. 004-005-001

<<Leaves>Petiolule>Lateral petiolule

lateral ones29
29. 004-005-002


4-9 cm long30
30. 004-004-001

<<Leaves>Surfaces>Abaxial surfaces

abaxial surface with minute dark papillae;31
31. 004-007-002


sparsely appressed-pubescent32
32. 004-007-001


33. 008-006-002


34. 008-006-001

<<Stems>Cross section>Peripheral vascular cylinder number

(1) 335
35. 002-004-002

<<Stems>Cross section>Shape

36. 002-004-001

<<Thyrses>Bracts and bracteoles>Length

< 1 mm long37
37. 005-007-001

<<Thyrses>Bracts and bracteoles>Shape

38. 005-007-002

<<Thyrses>Cincinni>Flower number

39. 005-006-002


long-stipitate ()40
40. 005-006-001


2-7 cm long41
41. 005-005-001

<<Thyrses>Solitary inflorescences>Length

10-25 cm long42
42. 005-004-003

<<Thyrses>Solitary inflorescences>Position

43. 005-004-001

<<Thyrses>Solitary inflorescences>Shape

44. 005-004-002


45. 006-001

<Calyx>Inner sepals

inner sepals .46
46. 006-004

<Calyx>Outer sepals

outer sepals ,47
47. 006-003


sepals , ,48
48. 006-002


red, orange, or pinkish49
49. 007-001


endocarp , .50
50. 007-008


51. 007-002


1.2-1.5 cm long52
52. 007-004


53. 007-007


with turbinate outline and 3 dorsal wings that taper down on the stipe and slightly project at apex as a round lobe54
54. 007-006


long-stipitate ()55
55. 007-005


56. 007-003

<Leaves>Foliole number

57. 004-001


leaflets , , ,58
58. 004-006


petioles ;59
59. 004-003

<Leaves>Petiole and rachis

petioles and rachis unwinged or marginate, ;60
60. 004-002


petiolules , , ;61
61. 004-005


rachis ;62
62. 004-004


both surfaces along primary and secondary veins,63
63. 004-007

<Leaves>Tertiary veins

tertiary veins subclathrate.64
64. 004-008


dark brown65
65. 008-004


sparsely appressed-pubescent66
66. 008-005


ca. 10 mm long67
67. 008-003


with a , , bilobed sarcotesta on lower ⅓68
68. 008-006

<Seeds>Seed number per fruit

usually one per fruit69
69. 008-001


70. 008-002

<Stems>Costa number

71. 002-002

<Stems>Cross section

cross section with a large central, vascular cylinder, and smaller peripheral cylinders.72
72. 002-004


tomentulose or appressed-pubescent73
73. 002-003


trigonous or pentagonous74
74. 002-001


75. 003-002


12-20 mm long76
76. 003-001

<Thyrses>Bracts and bracteoles

bracts and bracteoles minute (), .77
77. 005-007


cincinni , , secund;78
78. 005-006


or in short fascicles, without tendrils,79
79. 005-005


80. 005-001


2-7 cm long81
81. 005-003


cauliflorous and fascicled82
82. 005-002

<Thyrses>Solitary inflorescences

or , , solitary, and bearing tendrils,83
83. 005-004


8-10 m long84
84. 001-001


Calyx ,85
85. 006


Capsule , , , , , , ;86
86. 007


Woody vine 8-10 m long. Stems trigonous or pentagonous, 5-costate, tomentulose or appressed-pubescent, producing scarce or no milky latex, cross section with a large central, trigonous vascular cylinder, and (1) 3 smaller peripheral cylinders. Stipules ligulate, 12-20 mm long, appressed-pubescent. Leaves pinnately 5-foliolate; petioles and rachis unwinged or marginate, appressed-pubescent; petioles 7-18 cm long; rachis 4-9 cm long; petiolules appressed-pubescent, lateral ones 4-5 mm long, distal one 1-1.5 cm long; leaflets chartaceous to coriaceous, 10-19 × 4.8-10.5 cm (distal leaflet larger), lateral leaflets ovate, oblong-elliptical or sublanceolate, distal leaflet rhombate, the apex acuminate, the base attenuate or cuneate on distal leaflet, obtuse or rounded on lateral ones, the margins remotely serrate, the teeth mucronate; both surfaces sparsely appressed-pubescent along primary and secondary veins, abaxial surface with minute dark papillae; tertiary veins subclathrate. Thyrses pubescent, cauliflorous and fascicled, 2-7 cm long, or axillary, racemiform, solitary, and bearing tendrils, 10-25 cm long, or in short fascicles, without tendrils, 2-7 cm long; cincinni long-stipitate (3-5 mm long), few-flowered, secund; bracts and bracteoles minute (< 1 mm long), deltate. Calyx puberulent, sepals 5, oblong, slightly concave, outer sepals ca. 3 mm long, inner sepals 4.5-5 mm long. Capsule red, orange, or pinkish, puberulent, coriaceous, 1.2-1.5 cm long, long-stipitate (3-5 mm long), with turbinate outline and 3 dorsal wings that taper down on the stipe and slightly project at apex as a round lobe, locule ellipsoid; endocarp papery, minutely wooly. Seed usually one per fruit, ellipsoid, ca. 10 mm long, dark brown, sparsely appressed-pubescent, with a thick, white, bilobed sarcotesta on lower ⅓.


French Guiana present, Southern America: Brazil North (Amazonas present); Colombia (Colombia present); Ecuador (Ecuador present); Venezuela (Venezuela present), Suriname present, lowlands of Peru present
A widespread species occurring in the lowlands of Peru, Ecuador, Brazil (Amazonas), Colombia, Venezuela, Suriname and French Guiana.

Individuals Association

Suriname, Tumuc Humac Mts., Talouakem, Litany R., Acevedo-Rdgz. et al. 5838 Bassin du Maroni, Monts Motika, de Granville et al. 16866 Bassin du Approuague, Magasin rapids, along Mataroni Cr., Oldeman B-2857


Leaves pinnately ;87
87. 004


Seed , , , , , .88
88. 008


Stems , , , producing scarce or no milky latex,89
89. 002


Stipules ligulate, , .90
90. 003


Thyrses , , , , ;91
91. 005


Woody vine .92
92. 001