1Veins in pinnae less than 10 pairs, or if more than 10, sori indusiate; yellow spherical glands often present, at least on sporangia
1'Veins in pinnae 10 pairs or more, or if fewer, excurrent veinlets all free; sori exindusiate; spherical glands never present
2Apical lamina pinna-like or much larger than pinnae; pinnae not auricled on acroscopic base; fronds of young plants simple, in P. beccarianum all fronds simple
2'Apical lamina not pinna-like, or if so pinnae auricled on acroscopic base; fronds of young plants rarely simple
3No hooked hairs on any part of plant; sori rarely coalescent
3'Hooked hairs present on sporangia or on some other part of plant; sori often elongate or coalescent