1Leaves persistently velutinous or tomentose all over the undersurface, soft to the touch (cf. also 5. G. papuana).
1'Leaves covered with scattered hairs underneath, ± glabrescent with age, or glabrous from the beginning.
2Nerves 2(-3) pairs.
2'Nerves 6-7(-8) pairs.
3Ovary in ♀ flowers laxly to densely hairy. (Rudiment of ovary in ♂ flowers whether or not hairy).
3'Ovary (and rudiment of ovary in the ♂ flowers) glabrous or practically so.
4Inflorescence conspicuously head-like, its branches (especially in the ♂ specimens) very short.
4'Inflorescence (especially in the ♂ specimens) generally more loose, its branches distinct and divergent
5Leaves elliptic or oblong-, rarely ovate-elliptic, 12-20 by 4-8 cm, nerves 5-6(-7) pairs. Drupe (1.8-)2-2.4 by (0.6-)0.7-0.8 cm.
5'Leaves oblong, rarely ovate-lanceolate, 5-8(-9) by 1.5-3 cm, nerves 3-4(-5) pairs. Drupe 1-1.3 by 0.5-0.7 cm.
6Petals hairy in their upper part, 5-7(-10) mm. Rudiment of ovary in the ♂ flowers hairy on top. Drupe 3.5-4 by c. 1.5 cm.
6'Petals glabrous or practically so, rarely up to 5 mm. Drupe much smaller.
7Both ♂ and ♀ inflorescences many-flowered, cymes together on top of a peduncle, 1.5-2 cm (Rudiment of ovary in the ♂ flowers glabrous). Leaves coriaceous.
7'♂ Inflorescences rather many-, ♀ ones few-flowered, cymes together on top of a generally rather short peduncle. Leaves chartaceous to coriaceous.
8Leaves ± laxly covered underneath for a long time with appressed weak hairs, nerves 5-7 pairs.
8'Leaves practically glabrous from the beginning. (Rudiment of ovary in the ♂ flowers glabrous).
9Rudiment of ovary in the ♂ flowers with a tuft of hairs on top. Very base of drupe not swollen.
9'Rudiment of ovary in the ♂ flowers glabrous or practically so. Base of drupe swollen to almost apophysate for c. 1 mm.
10Leaves with (5-)6-8 pairs of nerves. Base of drupe not swollen.
10'Leaves with 8-10 pairs of nerves. Base of drupe distinctly swollen.
11Filaments glabrous or practically so.
11'Filaments ventrally and/or dorsally hairy.
12Filaments widened upwards and relatively short, i.e. c. 2 times as long as are the anther cells.
12'Filaments elongate-linear, at least 3 times as long as are the anther cells.
13Filaments with short-clavate or papillose hairs, these never surpassing the anther cell.
13'Filaments with elongate-clavate ('glandular') or penicillate hairs (those from the connective often surpassing the anther cell).
14Drupe (1.6-)1.8-2(-2.2) by 0.8-1 cm.
14'Drupe as far as known 1.3-1.6 by 0.5-0.6 cm.
15Leaves practically glabrous. Calyx ± obconical, entire, glabrous.
15'Leaves ± densely short-pubescent all over the undersurface, especially at midrib and nerves. Calyx cup-shaped, dented, hairy.
16Inflorescence very lax, peduncle and branches elongate, slender and rather few-flowered both in ♂ and ♀ specimens.
16'Inflorescence lax to dense, peduncle and branches relatively short at least in the ♂ specimens, generally many-, rarely few-flowered.
17Petals ± densely appressedly hairy outside.
17'Petals sparsely hairy on top (in bud), or glabrous.
18Drupe (2-)2.5-3(-4) cm long.
18'Drupe as far as known 1-2 (rarely -2.2) cm long.
19Inflorescence rather compact, umbelliform. Drupe fusiform, 3.5-4 cm by 0.5-0.6 mm Ø.
19'Inflorescence rather lax. Drupe obovoid-oblongoid-ellipsoid, at least 0.8 cm ø.
20Leaves narrow-lanceolate, chartaceous to subcoriaceous, nerves 3(-4) pairs.
20'Leaves (obovate-) elliptoc to oblong or lanceolate-oblong, ± coriaceous, nerves 4 or more pairs.
21Leaves elliptic to obovate-elliptic.
21'Leaves elliptic- to lanceolate-oblong.
22Inflorescence (at least in the g specimens) rather compact, ± umbelliform, on peduncle up to 5 mm. Leaves ± chartaceous, nerves (8-)10-12(-14) pairs. Very base of drupe swollen and smooth.
22'Inflorescence (at least in the ♂ specimens) with more laxly arranged and diverging branches, generally on peduncle longer than 5 mm.
23Drupe ovoid- to oblong-ellipsoid, base generally swollen. Inflorescences (at least in the ♂ specimens) much-branched, generally many-flowered and distinctly scorpioid (i.e. flowers arranged on one side), rarely with fewer flowers and rather obscurely scorpioid then.
23'Drupe as far as known in mature state, oblongoid-ellipsoid, base broadly attenuate and not swollen. Inflorescences never scorpioid.
24Leaves dark to blackish brown in dry state, and rufous- to rusty-tomentellous on midrib and nerves beneath, as are the branchlets.
24'Leaves green to greenish-brownish in dry state, and practically glabrous beneath, as are the branchlets.
25Leaves brittle and blackish in dry specimens, nerves and veins ± obscure on both faces. Inflorescence with red-brown hairs.
25'Leaves greenish-brownish and generally not brittle in dry specimens, with a finely impressed reticulation above in fully mature state.