1Stamens 8, in 2 whorls of 4. Inflorescence branches 4-angular (at least when young). Calyx subtruncate with minute, acute teeth. Bracts caducous. Pedicels of lateral flowers of terminal cymes over 5 mm, slender. Septum of endocarp swollen to at least V3 of the diameter of the fruit. Branchlets subterete. Domatia occasional, suborbicular. SUBG. MANGLESIA
1'Stamens 4-5(-6), in one whorl. Inflorescence branches terete. Calyx distinctly lobed. Bracts subpersistent. Septum of endocarp wedge-shaped. SUBG. MASTIXIA.
2Inflorescence branches of the first order (sub)opposite or decussate. Branchlets and leaves generally (sub)opposite or decussate; nodes flattened. Fruits generally ovoid. Ser. Oppositae.
2'Inflorescence branches of the first order scattered. Branchlets and leaves scattered; nodes terete. Fruit generally ellipsoid or oblong. Ser. Alternae.
3Flowers basically 5-merous.
3'Flowers basically 4-merous.
4Sepals less than half as long as wide. Inflorescence subglabrous to puberulous. Fruit ovoid to oblong, with inconspicuous persistent sepals
4'Sepals almost as long as wide. Inflorescence velutinous to woolly. Fruit elongate-ovoid, with conspicuous persistent sepals
5Sepals almost as long as wide. Inflorescence puberulous to woolly. Corolla puberulous to villous outside. Leaves acute or shortly acuminate, 5-24 by 2-12 cm. Fruit with conspicuous persistent sepals
5'Sepals less than half as long as wide. Inflorescence (sub)glabrous. Corolla glabrous outside. Leaves abruptly caudate to cuspidate, 4-12 by 2-5½ cm- Fruit with obscure calyx teeth.
6Leaves strictly opposite; petioles stout. Leaves thick-coriaceous; nervation prominent, with intermediary nerves. Inflorescence stout with lower bracts up to 5 mm. Fruit 1½ cm ø
6'Leaves (sub)opposite or alternate; petioles slender. Leaves chartaceous to subcoriaceous; nervation rather weak, without intermediary nerves. Inflorescence slender with bracts all under 3 mm. Fruit up to 1 cm ø
7Branchlets woolly. Leaves 13-30 by 5½-15 cm, with midrib and nerves (even veinlets) woolly to villous; petioles stout, 4 cm or longer, woolly. Fruit over 4 by 2 cm. Flowers 5-merous
7'Branchlets not woolly. Petioles up to 4 cm. Fruit up to 4 cm long.
8Flowers basically 4-merous.
8'Flowers basically 5-merous.
9Leaves glaucous and waxy below, thick-coriaceous, with intermediary nerves; apex apiculate. Sepals as long as wide
9'Leaves not glaucous and waxy below, without intermediary nerves; apex other than apiculate. Calyx teeth at most half as long as wide.
10Leaves crowded at apices of branchlets, thick-coriaceous; acute to acuminate. Inflorescence branches stout, compact. Fruit ellipsoid, 1½ cm ø
10'Leaves evenly spread, chartaceous to subcoriaceous; apex caudate (over 1 cm). Inflorescence branches rather slender
11Leaves abruptly cuspidate (over 1 cm); nerves arcuate, clearly impressed above. Inflorescence raceme-like, seldom branched more than twice. Petals densely silky outside. Branchlets slender. Fruit oblong, l½ -2 by 0.8-1 cm
11'Leaves other than abruptly cuspidate; nerves not arcuate but mostly sharply prominent, veins mostly distinct. Inflorescence usually branched twice or more, not terminating into a dichasium. Petals glabrous to appressed hairy. Fruit ovoid to oblong, 2¼-3½ by 1-1¼ cm