KEY TO THE SPECIES - Philippines

1Leaves deeply 3-lobed, in shape often resembling the letter 'W'
1'Leaves entire, very rarely remotely minutely toothed (A. philippinensis).
2Leaf base obtuse or rounded, subacute, or cuneate. (Plants erect, up to c. 1 m high).
2'Leaf base distinctly cordate, sometimes slightly or shallowly cordate, very rarely associated with some obtuse ones (A. sericea).
3Perianth with tube and limb bent backward and parallel to the utricle. Utricle 35 mm long, tube 10-15 mm long, limb 45 mm long. Seeds verrucose on both surfaces. Petiole 6-10 mm long
3'Perianth straight. Utricle 6-7 mm long, tube 5-15 mm long, limb 18-25 mm long.
4Leaves glabrous on both surfaces. Petiole 4-8 (-20) mm long. Seeds verrucose beneath and marginal part above
4'Leaves glabrous above, sparsely short-hairy beneath. Petiole (20-) 30-40 mm long. Seeds verrucose only on the marginal part beneath, smooth above
5Erect plants up to 1 m high. Petiole 2-10 mm long.
5'Twiners or climbers. Petiole 20-70 mm long.
6Leaf base deeply cordate; auricles often overlapping or surrounding the stem.
6'Leaf base slightly or shallowly cordate, rarely associated with some obtuse ones; auricles obscure or 0
7Leaf veins and veinlets foveolate-reticulate, prominent beneath. Utricle with 6 (or 2) glandular bodies inside. Seeds not winged
7'Leaf veins and veinlets often loosely, rarely closely, reticulate, or transverse, distinct or rather faint beneath. Utricle with 2 glandular bodies inside. Seeds distinctly winged (not known in A. leytensis).
8Leaf veins and veinlets (closely reticulate) densely covered with minute hairs beneath (handlens or binocular). Seeds (proper) verrucose on both surfaces
8'Leaf veins and veinlets (loosely reticulate) sparsely short-hairy or (nearly) glabrous beneath.
9Perianth tube 20 mm long, limb 50-60 mm long. Mature seeds not known
9'Perianth tube 5-10 (-15) mm long, limb 20-30 (-40) mm long. Seeds verrucose beneath, less so above