1 | Fruit 6 cm long or more. Inflorescence densely hairy, densely set with many-flowered cymules |
1' | Fruit less than 2 cm long. Inflorescence sparsely hairy with scattered, few-flowered cymules to solitary flowers |
2 | Fruit faintly didymous or subglobular to ellipsoid, outside scurfy, pericarp dry, mealy when fresh, rather fibrous when dry. Leaves 2- or 3-jugate, often partly decussate. Bracts minute, inconspicuous |
2' | Fruit pear-shaped, smooth, pericarp fleshy. Leaves usually 4-6-jugate, always spirally arranged. Bracts 2-2.5 mm long, longer than the buds in the young inflorescence |