1Leaflets obovate (to elliptic), apex rounded or emarginate. Peat swamp forests. .
1'Leaflets lanceolate, ovate (or elliptic), apex ± acuminate. Other habitats
2Leaflets glabrous, lanceolate (or elliptic), base obtuse to rounded. — Borneo, river banks
2'Leaflets pubescent to subglabrous (or glabrous), ovate, base cuneate to rounded
3Leaflets long acuminate (acumen to 24 mm), base cuneate. — Borneo
3'Leaflets acute to acuminate (acumen never more than 15 mm), base rounded, ob- tuse to acute (or subcuneate) 4\
4Calyx 4–4.5 mm long, dark brown; petals glabrous; staminal tube with 5 erose lobes; petiolule of apical leaflet 4-10 cm. — Borneo
4'Calyx c. 3.5 mm, yellow-green; petals ± pubescent; staminal tube with 10 bifid lobes; petiolule of apical leaflet 3–5.5 cm