1 | Sori exindusiate. |
1' | Sori indusiate. |
2 | Pinnae not more than 3 cm long. |
2' | Pinnae longer on mature plants. |
3 | Upper surface short-appressed-hairy; sori elongate |
3' | Upper surface glabrous; sori not elongate |
4 | Fertile pinnae 2 mm wide |
4' | Fertile pinnae to at least 1 cm wide. |
5 | Surfaces between veins glabrous. |
5' | Surfaces both short-hairy between veins. |
6 | Sporangia setiferous |
6' | Sporangia not setiferous. |
7 | Pinnae 2-3 cm wide |
7' | Pinnae not over 1 cm wide |
8 | Pinnae c. 15 pairs |
8' | Pinnae 2-3 pairs |
9 | Fronds simple, 10-20 cm long with cordate base |
9' | Fronds pinnate or, if simple, smaller and sterile. |
10 | Lower surface between and/or on veins bearing sessile spherical glands. |
10' | Lower surface between and on veins lacking sessile spherical glands. |
11 | Veins free |
11' | Veins anastomosing. |
12 | Free pinnae not over 7 pairs, not over 2.0 cm wide. |
12' | Free pinnae more numerous or wider. |
13 | Hairs on lower surface of costules and on upper surface between veins not appressed |
13' | Hairs on lower surface of costules and on upper surface appressed. |
14 | Indusium bearing glands |
14' | Indusium bearing hairs |
15 | Lower pinnae with stalks 1-2 mm long |
15' | Lower pinnae sessile. |
16 | Hairs on lower surface of costae and costules erect |
16' | Hairs on lower surface of costae and costules slender, appressed. |
17 | Sterile and fertile pinnae both 8-9 cm long |
17' | Sterile and fertile pinnae dimorphous, smaller. |
18 | Sterile pinnae c. 4.5 x 1.4 cm; rachis almost glabrous on abaxial surface |
18' | Sterile pinnae c. 2.0 x0.8 cm; rachis bearing copious erect hairs on abaxial surface |
19 | Glands present on sporangia, in some cases setae also. |
19' | Sporangia lacking glands; setae present in most cases. |
20 | Fertile pinnae 3-4 mm wide; sterile to 10 mm wide |
20' | Fertile pinnae 10 mm or more wide; little dimorphism. |
21 | Pinnae 6-10 pairs; sporangia bearing small glands only. |
21' | Pinnae 3-4 pairs; sporangia often with both glands and setae. |
22 | Pinnae 2-3 cm wide |
22' | Pinnae not over 1 cm wide |
23 | Fertile pinnae less than 1.5 cm long; sori in 1 row on each side of costa. |
23' | Fertile pinnae to at least 2 cm long; sori in several rows. |
24 | Pinnae and/or frond-apex on both young and adult plants ± dilated and irregularly lobed distally |
24' | Pinnae not thus dilated nor irregularly lobed. |
25 | Basal pinnae narrowly cuneate at base both sides, not auricled; fertile pinnae not or little narrower than sterile |
25' | Basal pinnae otherwise, usually auricled; fertile pinnae in most cases narrower than sterile. |
26 | Indusia not very small, bearing many short hairs. |
26' | Indusia small, with dark red cell-walls; marginal hairs few or none. |
27 | Upper surface of pinnae bearing short suberect hairs between veins. |
27' | Upper surface glabrous between veins. |
28 | Pinnae 7 pairs; indusia thin with some superficial hairs. |
28' | Pinnae 15 pairs; indusia firm with stiff marginal hairs |
29 | Sporangia setiferous. |
29' | Sporangia lacking setae. |
30 | Sterile pinnae barely 1 cm wide |
30' | Sterile pinnae commonly 2 cm or more wide. |
31 | Sterile pinnae entire, to 13 x 4 cm |
31' | Sterile pinnae crenate, to 11 x 2.5 cm |
32 | Indusia firm, almost circular, with hairs in the middle |
32' | Indusia thin, shrivelled when dry, hairy throughout. |
33 | Sterile pinnae crenate, at least distally |
33' | Sterile pinnae entire |
34 | Fertile pinnae 1.5 cm or more wide |
34' | Fertile pinnae not more than 1 cm wide. |
35 | Sterile pinnae not or little more than 1 cm wide, fertile 3-6 mm wide. |
35' | Sterile pinnae 1.5 cm or more wide, fertile 5-10 mm wide |
36 | Pinnae thick; lower surface glabrous with thick pale prominent veins |
36' | Pinnae thin; hairs present on lower surface of costae; veins concolorous, not prominent. |
37 | Pinnae to 15 pairs, sterile ones 4-6 cm long, narrowly acuminate. |
37' | Pinnae not over 10 pairs, sterile ones shorter, abruptly pointed. |