1Rhizome bearing hairs and scales; marginal cells of scales bearing papillose outgrowths
1'Rhizome bearing scales only; marginal cells of scales not bearing papillose outgrowths.
2Fronds simple.
2'Fronds pinnately branched.
3Sori elongate along the margin, protected by continuous indusia
3'Sori singly at ends of veins.
4Indusium attached at base only (or slightly above base)
4'Indusium attached along sides as well as base
5Fronds more or less copiously persistently hairy; lamina thin; indusium small, of various shapes.
5'Fronds not hairy when mature.
6Indusium attached along base and whole of sides.
6'Indusium attached at base only, or also a little above the base, not along whole length of both sides.
7Fronds trifoliate or simply pinnate with elongate narrow pinnae.
7'Fronds more copiously branched
8Fronds much-branched, thin
8'Fronds of various form, lamina coriaceous or fleshy.
9Scales with long acicular tips
9'Scales lacking long acicular tips