1 | Filaments hairy. |
1' | Filaments glabrous. |
2 | Filaments hirsutulous. Style elongate in fruit (up to 12 mm). |
2' | Filaments laxly set with longish hairs. Style a little or hardly elongate in fruit (up to 7 mm). |
3 | Leaves subcoriaceous, practically glabrous in mature state. Inflorescence dilutely rusty-tomentellous in all parts. |
3' | Leaves coriaceous, still densely stellate-hairy along midrib and primary nerves in mature state beneath. Inflorescence rusty-villous in all parts. |
4 | Younger, not yet glabrate leaves (which still show the full quality and quantity of the tomentum) laxly to more densely hairy only on midrib, nerves and veins, and glabrous on the intervenium beneath, mature ones glabrescent, or leaves glabrous from the beginning. |
4' | Younger, not yet glabrate leaves tomentellous to tomentose all over the undersurface, mature ones but slightly or tardily glabrescent. |
5 | Lateral nerves (15-)17-20(-23) pairs, +- approximate to each other. |
5' | Lateral nerves 10-12(-14, rarely up to 15) pairs, more distant from each other. |
6 | Younger leaves ± appressedly tomentellous on the intervenium beneath, i.e. covered there exclusively with minute, ± flattish stellate hairs. |
6' | Younger leaves ± erectly tomentulose or tomentose on the intervenium beneath, i.e. covered there with minute and more coarse stellate (suberect), or with minute stellate and coarse (± erect) fascicled hairs. |
7 | Younger leaves densely covered with minute stellate hairs on the whole undersurface in a coherent layer, and besides more laxly set with stellate-fascicled and darker (generally rusty) hairs on nerves, veins and veinlets. |
7' | Younger leaves on the undersurface set with dense minute stellate hairs, which form a coherent pale layer, other larger and/or darker stellate-fascicled hairs very few, or mostly absent. |
8 | Leaves regularly serrate in the upper ⅔, with (15-)17-20 pairs of lateral nerves. |
8' | Leaves subserrate to entire, with 10-14 (rarely up to 15) pairs of lateral nerves. |
9 | Petals 2-2.2(-2.5) mm. |
9' | Petals (3.5-)4(-5) mm. |
10 | Racemes generally more slender and elongate (flowers ± laxly arranged), and tomentellous by minor stellate, rather flattish hairs. |
10' | Racemes generally more robust and shorter (flowers ± densely arranged) and tomentulose to tomentose by a combination of minor stellate and robust, +- erect fascicled hairs. |
11 | Pedicels 1-2 mm at anthesis. Style 1-1.5 mm at anthesis, hardly 2 mm in fruit. Lateral nerves of leaves ± inarching before the margin. |
11' | Pedicels 2-3(-5) mm at anthesis. Style 2.5-3 mm at anthesis, 3-4 mm in fruit. Lateral nerves of leaves ± excurrent along the margin. |
12 | Ovary tomentose by long erect hairs. |
12' | Ovary tomentulose by short hairs. |