1 | Inflorescence a sessile or to 3(-5) mm peduncled, short, tubercle- or worm-like protuberance, usually woody, with scars of fallen pedicels and bracts. Bracteole present |
1' | Inflorescence branched, panicle-like, short- or long-peduncled, the distal parts of the branches woody and with scars, or not. Bracteole present or absent |
2 | Androecium a stalked disc with the anthers sessile, contiguous or largely free, stellately attached by their bases. Bracteole mostly small, at the base of the perianth or lower, to median on the pedicel |
2' | Androecium a stalked elongate column with the anthers completely fused dorsally, apex of the column often a sterile protuberance, or ± flat, very rarely shallowly hollowed (M. markgraviana, M. hooglandii). Bracteole embracing the perianth, at or near the apex of the pedicel |
3 | Bracteole present, at or towards the apex of the pedicel. [Inflorescences with scar-covered perennial distal parts present or not.] |
3' | Bracteole absent |
4 | Synandrium variable, with the central column solid or excavated, usually considerably broader than the androphore. Perianth inside glabrous, lobes not reflexed at anthesis |
4' | Synandrium elongate or ± globose, central column at apex not excavated, narrow, about as wide as or narrower than the androphore. Perianth inside hairy or papillary hairy, lobes erect or reflexed at anthesis. [Inflorescences panicle-like, usually branched from near the base and with some basal cataphyll scars present.] |
5 | Male perianth small, less than 4 mm long (6-7 mm in H. superba); androphore much shorter than synandrium, glabrous. Inflorescence with peduncle with basal cataphyll scars, not branched from base; apical vegetative bud absent |
5' | Male perianth 5-6 mm long; androphore nearly as long as synandrium, with minute hairs at base. Inflorescence a brachyblast composed of partial inflorescences of the Myristica sect. Myristica-type (see also p. 360), ending in a vegetative bud |
6 | Synandrium elongate, anthers free in the apical part. Perianth lobes erect at anthesis |
6' | Synandrium short, (depressed) globose, anthers completely sessile, without apically free part. Perianth lobes spreading or reflexed at anthesis |