KEY TO THE SPECIES (not including two insufficiently known species)

1Leaves paripinnate, without pseudogemmula or its scar
1'Leaves imparipinnate or pseudogemmulate
2Inflorescences borne on leaves. — New Guinea
2'Inflorescences axillary, supra-axillary, ramiflorous or borne on bosses on bole.
3Leaves ± densely pubescent, petiolules 3–6 mm long
3'Leaves sparsely hairy to glabrous, petiolules (5–)10–23 mm long
4Inflorescences borne on long-lived bosses on bole. — Borneo
4'Inflorescences otherwise
5Leaflets strongly asymmetric, petals 5 or 6, red, anthers 8–10 (limestone)
5'Leaflets not so, petals (3) 4 (5), white, anthers 6–9 (mountains)
6Pseudopedicel c. 10 mm long, calyx with conspicuous annular thickening, petals 6-10 in 2 whorls — Malay Peninsula
6'Pseudopedicel, if present, much smaller
7Calyx (10–)13–20(–23) mm long. — Borneo, Philippines
7'Calyx smaller 9
8Leaflets ± densely fulvescent abaxially, inflorescence to 30 cm, petals 9–14, anthers 15–20, stylehead discoid, seeds sarcotestal
8'Leaflets not so, inflorescence to 220 cm, petals 6–10, anthers 16–30, stylehead capitate, seeds arillate
9Leaves imparipinnate
9'Leaves pseudogemmulate
10Leaflets subglabrous abaxially — Sumatra, ?Java
10'Leaflets golden- to brown-pubescent, pilose or strigose adaxially
11Anthers 3–5, corolla clavate in bud. — Malay Peninsula, Riau Arch
11'Anthers 6 or more
12Petals 16 mm long. — Borneo
12'Petals 20 mm or longer
13Leaflets rugose, surface strongly reticulate-areolate abaxially, shiny and glabrous adaxially save brown-tomentose midrib; seed sarcotestal. — Malay Peninsula
13'Leaflets smooth, abaxial surface not strongly reticulate-areolate; seeds arillate or unknown. — Borneo
14Leaves strigose with ‘tinkling’ hairs, petals glabrous
14'Leaves appressed hirsute abaxially, glabrous or sparsely pubescent on veins adaxially, petals densely pubescent without.
15Petals 26–37 mm long, pachycaul treelets with irritant fruit hairs
15'Petals smaller, fruit unarmed
16Anther connective glabrous, seeds sarcotestal. — Malay Peninsula
16'Anther connective hairy, seeds arillate. — Borneo
17One or more petals narrower than and enclosed by the others
17'Petals ± the same width or, at least, none completely enclosed by the others
18Petals c. 8 mm long. — Sumatra
18'Petals 14 mm or longer
19Costae c. 5–8 on each side of midrib, leaves to 38 cm. — Malay Peninsula
19'Costae c. 15 on each side of midrib, leaves to 150 cm. — Borneo, Celebes
20Tube not conspicuously lobed or strongly crenulate (if unclear, follow the alternative)
20'Tube conspicuously lobed
21Calyx 5–6.5 mm. — Celebes, New Guinea
21'Calyx up to 4 mm tall
22Calyx 5–6.5 mm, shallowly cupulate. — Papua New Guinea
22'Calyx 5 mm, cylindrical-cupulate. — Celebes
23Tube villous or sericeous without
23'Tube ± glabrous or at most sparsely hairy in middle or distal half without
24Anthers 8. — Philippines
24'Anthers (3) 4–6
25Petals 5. — Sumatra
25'Petals (3) 4
26Petals glabrous, leaflets tomentose abaxially. — Celebes
26'Petals ± hirsute without 27
27Petals (3) 4, 7 mm long, ovary 4-locular. — New Guinea
27'Petals 4, much longer 28
28Ovary bilocular, seeds 2, arillate
28'Ovary 5-locular, seeds exarillate
29Inflorescence villous, to 80 cm, calyx 1.5–2 mm long, anthers 8 or 9, petiolules c. 12 mm. — New Britain
29'Not this combination of characters
30Flowerbuds less than 1.5 mm diam. — New Guinea
30'Flowers larger
31Leaves with conspicuous venation on both sides (dry), coriaceous, glabrescent; petals c. 13.5 mm long, fruit rostrate
31'Leaves different, fruit not rostrate
32Petals c. 12 mm long, flowers crowded towards distal end of inflorescence, fruit spherical
32'Petals up to 10 mm long, or, if slightly longer, then the tube villous within and the leaves pilose abaxially
33Flowerbuds 9–10 mm, anthers 4–6 (7), style to 0.15 mm
33'Flowerbuds c. 11.5 mm, anthers 6–8, style 0.25 mm diam..
34Inflorescence borne on supra-axillary branch resembling supra-axillary inflorescence; petiolules fulvous tomentose, disk 1 mm
34'Inflorescences different; disk absent .
35Inflorescences borne on supra-axillary branch resembling supra-axillary inflorescence; petiolules fulvous tomentose .
35'Inflorescences different.
36Hairs simple.
36'Hairs stellate, disk present, seeds sarcotestal. — Borneo eastwards.
37Corolla aestivation imbricate.
37'Corolla aestivation valvate, seeds sarcotestal
38Costae 15–22 on each side of leaflet midrib, flowerbuds clavate, anthers 3–5, pachycaul treelet. — Malay Peninsula, Riau
38'Not this combination of characters
39Ovary 4-locular, seeds (3) 4.
39'Ovary 2-locular, seeds 2.
40Disk obscure.
40'Disk prominent, subtubular to 1 mm.
41Calyx 4-5-lobed, petals 5 or 6, anthers scarcely locellate .
41'Calyx margin entire, petals (3) 4 (5), anthers locellate
42Disk present.
42'Disk absent
43Venation very prominent on both sides (dried), seeds 3 cm diam. — Borneo
43'Venation and seeds different
44Petals 18 mm long. — Philippines
44'Petals shorter .
45Tube crenate, anthers hairy .
45'Tube lobes long-triangular, anthers glabrous .
46Disk present
46'Disk absent
47Twigs subglabrous 48
47'Twigs fawn pubescent.
48Petals 13–19 by 2 mm, tube lobes ± truncate, flowers in panicles, fruit 4.5 cm or more .
48'Petals 8–12(–19) mm, tube lobes ± laciniate, flowers in panicles only if flowers small; fruit to 2.1 cm diam .
49Petals 16 mm long. — Philippines .
49'Petals 9–13 mm long
50Flowers 11–12 mm long. — Borneo, Celebes
50'Flowers less than 8 mm long .
51Inflorescence velutinous, style glabrous. — New Guinea
51'Inflorescence subglabrous, style densely hairy