Kingiodendron novoguineense

Primary tabs

Kingiodendron novoguineense


Tree 13-30 m high, 25-80(-180) cm in diam., without buttresses. Leaves 1-4-folio- late, petiolules 4-8 mm. Inflorescences elongate, 8-16 cm long, the branchlets up to 8 cm long; rachises and branchlets puberulous; pedicels 1.8 mm. Sepals white or greenish, rounded ovate, 2 by 1.5 mm, more or less ciliate. Stamens with filaments 3.5 mm, hairy. Ovary 1.2 mm long, densely hairy; style obsolete.


?Jayapura; Papua New Guinea: Madang present, Asia-Tropical, Central Provinces present, Irian Jaya: ?Vogelkop present, New Britain present, Western present
Malesia: New Guinea (Irian Jaya: ?Vogelkop, ?Jayapura; Papua New Guinea: Madang, Western, Central Provinces), New Britain.


Verdc. 1979 – In: Manual New Guinea Leg., Lae Bot. Bull.: 97.