Decaisnina congesta

Primary tabs

Decaisnina congesta


Glabrous. Leaves opposite; lamina elliptic, 5-8 by 2-4 cm, cuneate at the base to a distinct petiole 6—10(—15) mm long, obtuse or rounded at the apex with a small blunt mucro, dull on both sides but slightly darker above; venation pinnate with the midrib and the main laterals visible above and prominent below. Inflorescencess at the nodes, a subcapitate raceme of 1-3 opposite pairs of triads with all flowers sessile; axis 8-13 mm long, with the triads crowded near the apex; peduncles of the triads 0-1 mm long, secund.


Asia-Tropical: New Guinea present, Australasia: Queensland (Queensland present)
Queensland; Malesia: New Guinea.


Possibly related to Decaisnina triflora; for distinction as a species see