?Lithocarpus menadoensis

Primary tabs

?Lithocarpus menadoensis



KOORDERS 16632 from Minahassa (NE. Celebes), the type, now preserved in the Rijksherbarium, Leyden, has glabrous leaves, 10-12 by 3-4½ cm, with 6-7 pairs of nerves, irregular reticulation, and a cupule 1 cm long and 1.7 cm ø, with 5-6 obscure denticulate lamellae. The fruit is ovoid, c. 1½ cm through, glabrous and chocolate-brown. There are, at Leyden, several other collections mainly from the vicinity of Malili, Central Celebes, which resemble KOORDERS 16632, but unfortunately most of them are sterile. The species is suggestive of 43. L. caudatifolius (MERR.) REHD. from Borneo and the Philippines, but in the latter the leaves and branchlets are densely velvety tomentose.